Woman trouble (Am I wrong?)

So men what is the lesson learned here ?

For me, I think it is to never live with a woman unless you are married to her. :whistle:

or at least until she's house broken, burping, farting, cussing, hanging on my buds, not the greatest picture
sounds like one big hot mess.. best advice my father gave me.. think about it like a boxing match.. you will be ok once the swelling goes down

Your dad wasn't talking boxing brother. I use that all the time. Great saying.
Dude, if you are to the point that you are posting in here to ask, then yea, it is time to cut your losses & move onward & upward.

If she is grinning with your friends, she may be sinning with your friends :whistle:

Don't take any chances.

Sounds like he might want to do that from a phone! I don't want to be hearing about a member getting stabbed or turning up missing! In her eyes he might be her Beeeeaaachhh!
yea....pack your stuff and have the expensive stuff moved out when she is at work! LOL. She sounds a little crazy.
The flirting makes me wonder....... if she does that in front of you......


what is she doing behind you? I feel for you, relationships can be tough at best sometimes

good luck.
Much as you may like, you cannot change people.

You can try, but it's frustrating.

Best to chalk it up to 'learning experience,' collect your integrity, cut your losses, and stay on the 'high road.'

Good luck, bro. It's never easy.


... If you love her and can look past the things that bother you then try to work it out. If you can't get past it then I would say move on. Only you can make YOU happy.

If you can't look past those things that bother you then it's going to be a very rough rest of your lives together. One or both of you may do something that you'll soon regret. Best to avoid the temptation and aggravation.

I think if you're in a serious relationship, it's disrespectful to behave in that way...the others are right, you can't expect her to just change and why she's that way likely has nothing to do with you, so it may be time to end it and move on with life...

Expecting someone to totally change who they are is futile. The ultimate thing to hope for in a loving relationship that will last is for both parties to understand what chips the other off and to meet some common ground. Pure respect on both sides.
Thanks to all for such great support. I am feeling soooo much better. I am in the process of getting things together and will be leaving real soon. I youngest sister and her daughter is a real bad place in her life also so i have decided it is time to help her as much as i can. She needs me more now then ever and i can always find another woman. My family is all i have and they should come before anything right now. I would never forgive myself if i didn't try to help her out. Anyway great advice from all and i knew most of it i just needed it to be drove through my thick scull.:laugh: Man i feel so much better!!! Thanks again to all. Looking forward to seeing y'all at the bash.

Thanks to all for such great support. I am feeling soooo much better. I am in the process of getting things together and will be leaving real soon. I youngest sister and her daughter is a real bad place in her life also so i have decided it is time to help her as much as i can. She needs me more now then ever and i can always find another woman. My family is all i have and they should come before anything right now. I would never forgive myself if i didn't try to help her out. Anyway great advice from all and i knew most of it i just needed it to be drove through my thick scull.:laugh: Man i feel so much better!!! Thanks again to all. Looking forward to seeing y'all at the bash.

Good man. :beerchug:
Seen as your leaving anyway, you mite as well have a bitta fun ..... wats that your not in the mood ? ha ha > wat you need to do is get yourself a new girlfriend on the side, maybe not so on the side, if ya get my grift ! DONT BOTHER TALKING, actions speak louder than words. Watch how attracted to you she becomes when she discovers your new chick ! You need to get the upper hand, hand Doug .... HAND !
People say its wrong to play games, but if you dont, how the hell do you know who is winning ?? I'm evil I know, ppl tell me all the time.
If anyone else needs any relationship help/advice I would be happy to help.
Hobo :thumbsup:
Man I hate DRAMA!! The bad thing about this whole deal is i am the one that has to move and its not just a few things either.(Tool Boxes, Pool table, and tons of other tools). Now i have everything up for sale to get things together again. We had long long talks about all of this before i ever moved in and i was told everything would be OK and i was the one.. She found a receipt a couple of weeks ago that my brothers girlfriend left here and pretty much accused me of being somewhere i did not tell her about. Its BS like that i have to deal with lately. I don't know maybe she was looking for a reason to get me to leave. Its still for the best. I feel better knowing its over anyway.

based n this and the statement that your trying to "change" her you made the right call sounds like she wanted it over but didn't want to be the bad guy and made you do it your better off man ........if I was in your neighborhood you could always crash at my place but uh I think 2500 miles is a stretch :laugh:
Ah, the classic "Bait and switch" woman. My marriage was like that. She pretended to be who she thought I wanted when we first got together. After a few years she got tired of pretending and her true colors started showing. As soon as she found out she couldn't push me to do all the compromising while she did none, she started bad mouthing me to her kids and her friends.

I'm glad you cut your losses. It would have only gotten more painful to stay and try to work it out. BTDT. :fire:
Never ever do that. I remember an old quote. "Everyone has to sleep sometime." :O :)

Seen as your leaving anyway, you mite as well have a bitta fun ..... wats that your not in the mood ? ha ha > wat you need to do is get yourself a new girlfriend on the side, maybe not so on the side, if ya get my grift ! DONT BOTHER TALKING, actions speak louder than words. Watch how attracted to you she becomes when she discovers your new chick ! You need to get the upper hand, hand Doug .... HAND !
People say its wrong to play games, but if you dont, how the hell do you know who is winning ?? I'm evil I know, ppl tell me all the time.
If anyone else needs any relationship help/advice I would be happy to help.
Hobo :thumbsup: