An atheist in the woods

I'm a non-theist and I forwarded the joke to friends. You guys need to lighten up just a bit. Funny is funny.
Is this another oil thread?:laugh: I went through two religions before I became Agnostic. I can't call myself athiest just yet but I'm almost there. Just remember being an atheist does'nt make you evil. I'm in Japan and I can leave my bike keys on my bike with my helmet and jacket for an entire hour with out it being stolen. Thats not bad for a nation that does'nt believe in God. Oh by the way that was hilarious!
Unfortunately, the term "atheist" has been hijacked by disbelievers. Having an active disbelief is no better than have an active belief. I find most atheists to be smug intellectual types that like to poke fun at theists. We have billboards on the highway from a local atheist group and it really angers me greatly. The same goes for the religious signs. Religion, or lack thereof, is a personal belief system, please don't try to push it off on me.
So you can't even tell a joke around here without getting into religious debates?? I thought the Hayabusa crowd was more mature than that.. Guess not... ??? :down:
They say there are no atheists in fox holes.

Funny thing, a few years ago I rolled a car end for end three times at high speed and in the middle of the second roll I thought to myself "This accident is gonna kill me and I still don't believe in god."

I don't know if you would consider that accident to be a foxhole moment for yourself but it was for me.

I thought the joke was cute, but considering there are some people on this board who hold very exclusive religious views it will be interpreted as a validating their beliefs while disparaging the beliefs of others, and therefore sow dissension and anger amongst the members.

So you can't even tell a joke around here without getting into religious debates?? I thought the Hayabusa crowd was more mature than that.. Guess not... ??? :down:

Debate is one of the more mature aspects of humanity. It's when anger plays a role that it becomes less savory.

Funny thing, a few years ago I rolled a car end for end three times at high speed and in the middle of the second roll I thought to myself "This accident is gonna kill me and I still don't believe in god."

I don't know if you would consider that accident to be a foxhole moment for yourself but it was for me.


I often wonder if I won't have a deathbed repentance. I would love to be comforted with the absolute and undeniabl truth of an afterlife. But sadly I cannot bring myself to believe it. I say "sadly" because I do envy the peace that many Christians retain in their daily lives.
Takes courage to bring your Faith to the table in any arena. Thanks for sharing Blanca!
Seriously funny!

And for the record I'm non-religious and still have my sense of ha-ha intact.

It's a bleak world indeed when nuances in simple humor are lost... lighten up kiddies.

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ha ha ha...that's funny man :laugh:

By the way, I call myself situational believer of God. :) I believe when I'm in shid and need help to get out...and when things dont go in my way i me hypocrite? fine by me... so far there's nothing that has proven absolutely the existance of God, nor it has proven the non-existance of God. So it basically boils down to individual choice...if the choice makes the person happy, that's all that matters. :)

if there's nothing called God, then there's nothing to worry about making 'him' upset by not believing...and if there is one, then that's how 'he' made then also 'he' has no reason to get pissed off on me for my choice of I dont see the problem the way I believe in God so far :whistle:
Amen! :beerchug:

ha ha ha...that's funny man :laugh:

By the way, I call myself situational believer of God. :) I believe when I'm in shid and need help to get out...and when things dont go in my way i me hypocrite? fine by me... so far there's nothing that has proven absolutely the existance of God, nor it has proven the non-existance of God. So it basically boils down to individual choice...if the choice makes the person happy, that's all that matters. :)

if there's nothing called God, then there's nothing to worry about making 'him' upset by not believing...and if there is one, then that's how 'he' made then also 'he' has no reason to get pissed off on me for my choice of I dont see the problem the way I believe in God so far :whistle: