Atheist Soldier sues DOD

Must be different now
, because in my 30 years I never met anyone who really cared what religious beliefs you had (And NO SPC 4
 would get a personal body guard). Just as long as you did your job, could be counted on and didn't expect anything extra allowed to you over others.

Must be different now
, because in my 30 years I never met anyone who really cared what religious beliefs you had (And NO SPC 4
 would get a personal body guard). Just as long as you did your job, could be counted on and didn't expect anything extra allowed to you over others.

EXACTLY! Why has "politically correct" and lawyers replaced common sense? I wouldn't care if I served in a squad of all atheists as long as we ALL understood we are on the same team and there to get the job done. If my squad was trying to FORCE me to become something I didn't want to be, I would just walk away laughing.

Now everything is about the rediculous lawsuits. EVERYONE wants some kinda money for nothing. It's just DUMB anymore

who started this whole P.C. crap in the first place? ? ? ?
"oh... I'm so worried about offending someone that might cause them to not like me...." You know what? They may not like you just because of a hair style or sock color, without even knowing you. So what? Words DO HURT poeople now? ? ?

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but WORDS will never hurt me"

I really am just "tiptoing" thru this thread!!! I don't want to step on any landmines...LOL! Interesting read though. As a L
come on! Post up any and all thoughts, people. Don't be afraid of offending someone by having a personal opinion! Has THAT been taken away from you? ? ? BE HUMAN and express yourself. None of us really mind. We can take it
Religion was created by man for man...

I will only ask all of you to research and educate yourselves. Research the origin of man, the Sumerians and the tablets they left behind. The massive monuments left on the earth by civilizations that have vanished without a trace. Start with Graham Hancock on youtube and you'll start to see what I mean.
Hard evidence of what I am talking about exist throughout the world... yet no hard evidence can be found to prove what religious folks claim. Nothing but stories that will not make any sense. Nothing that can be proven. Research for yourselves and you will see.

From prehistoric cavemen to all of the sudden creating monuments throughout the world that cannot be duplicated today. The pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx aligned perfectly with true north. The Pyramid created to scale with half the earth 100,000:1 etc etc... Those who built the Pyramids knew the size of the earth and its presession and alignment with the stars.

The Sumerians knew of our Solar System and how many planets by color and size.

LOOK THIS UP... and you will find this is true and you will find more the more you research.
EDUCATE YOURSELVES ON THIS if you want to or remain in the dark.
