Another beheading, Armstrong

There is no other way -   Kill 'em all, let God sort them out.  
(Old Testament style)    
what if you an yer "Old Testacles" are wrong thou....

 what if its all ALLAH.

   what if its all Pagonism.

     what if its all Wiccanism.

       what if its all Buddism.

         what if its all Hinduism. Taoism. Rastafarianism.


    who's right ?

 personally,myself, I'd like to go with......   common sense.
I don't give a shiite if it's poodlism. GET IT??? They want you dead as much as me, even though you're in the great white north and I'm in the swampy south. Rather than toss in religious references which would just further twist your mind, lets just say there is a war going on that's all about Islamic nazism.

Have a common sense non-sectarian 1 ***

There is no other way -   Kill 'em all, let God sort them out.  
(Old Testament style)    
what if you an yer "Old Testacles" are wrong thou....

 what if its all ALLAH.

   what if its all Pagonism.

     what if its all Wiccanism.

       what if its all Buddism.

         what if its all Hinduism. Taoism. Rastafarianism.


    who's right ?

 personally,myself, I'd like to go with......   common sense.
I don't give a shiite if it's poodlism. GET IT???  They want you dead as much as me, even though you're in the great white north and I'm in the swampy south.  Rather than toss in religious references which would just further twist your mind, lets just say there is a war going on that's all about Islamic nazism.  

Have a common sense non-sectarian 1    ***  

RF, it appears he's getting to you.
There is no other way -   Kill 'em all, let God sort them out.  
(Old Testament style)    
what if you an yer "Old Testacles" are wrong thou....

 what if its all ALLAH.

   what if its all Pagonism.

     what if its all Wiccanism.

       what if its all Buddism.

         what if its all Hinduism. Taoism. Rastafarianism.


    who's right ?

 personally,myself, I'd like to go with......   common sense.
I don't give a shiite if it's poodlism. GET IT???  They want you dead as much as me, even though you're in the great white north and I'm in the swampy south.  Rather than toss in religious references which would just further twist your mind, lets just say there is a war going on that's all about Islamic nazism.  

Have a common sense non-sectarian 1    ***  

I think you missed the point Fish....

I also shouln't have hi-lited "You fuggin Get it"

that was not intented towards you so much, as it was intended for the unthinking masses....

its still all about religion thou....rite? or is it right?


Something fuels these people....that was my thought....

you can still .... "go get fugged if you want to thou"
No sweat RSD, yeah they're fueled alRight. And their interpretation says that all of us non-believers must die. Men, women, even our pet dogs and goldfish too.
Yes, I'm weak today.
I think he's in a mood, he's picking on my family vacation video on my website from last year.
no mood.....its hilarious....

to understand how humorous it is, you have to have been raised on a non-yankee way of thinking. You've been brainwashed. You'll never get it,never understand,because you refuse to think or even allow the outside idea that something NON-AMERICAN just might be something.

Unlike some....(hint hint) I refuse to get upset or angry.

I just feel sorry. What if you were born in another country ? There would be a different song playing in the background....dont you get it....dont you see....

you wont even try for one second to give some other thought a chance.

Kevin....Fish.... you guys could have been born in one of the desert countries....Kuwait,Afgan....,Iran,etc etc

dont you see it, dont you get it....

your train of thought is just as dangerous as theirs. You are unwilling to to believe , even for one second, that there may be other viable ideas.

You cant, you wont. You've been assimilated. Brainwashed.

what if another culture/race is living' yer wrong....

Its just too much for cant even consider it....

I hope you're right. For you're sake. Not for mine.
Yes, I'm weak today.
I think he's in a mood, he's picking on my family vacation video on my website from last year.
no mood.....its hilarious....

to understand how humorous it is, you have to have been raised on a non-yankee way of thinking.  You've been brainwashed. You'll never get it,never understand,because you refuse to think or even allow the outside idea that something NON-AMERICAN just might be something.

  Unlike some....(hint hint)  I refuse to get upset or angry.

      I just feel sorry.   What if you were born in another country ?   There would be a different song playing in the background....dont you get it....dont you see....

    you wont even try for one second to give some other thought a chance.

    Kevin....Fish....   you guys could have been born in one of the desert countries....Kuwait,Afgan....,Iran,etc etc

    dont you see it, dont you get it....

   your train of thought is just as dangerous as theirs. You are unwilling to to believe , even for one second, that there may be other viable ideas.

You cant, you wont. You've been assimilated. Brainwashed.

 what if another culture/race is living' yer wrong....

 Its just too much for cant even consider it....

  I hope you're right.    For you're sake.  Not for mine.
No sweat RSD,  yeah they're fueled alRight. And their interpretation says that all of us non-believers must die. Men, women, even our pet dogs and goldfish too.
an we must go over there an' kill them for what WE BELIEVE.

Fish....I think yer "Smarter than the average bear"
(cartoon quote,Yogi bear)

I think you might be able to rise above....

yer sidekick.....I dunno.

Its all about GEOGRAPHY. where a person is born has a huge deciding factor.

It doesn't make it RIGHT or LEFT or WRONG.

it does make it different thou.....
you refuse to think or even allow the outside idea that something NON-AMERICAN just might be something.

If you looked at my website, how can you say this? Just the opposite. I have learned that USA is not ours to keep to ourselves. It is an idea that works and works great. I don't see an endless line of people trying to get into Haiti, Cuba, Jordan, Colombia, or even Canada. I'm not putting Canada in the same catagory with Jordan, I'm just saying that the USA is a working example of a democratic republic with a free market. Do you really think democracy and freedom would be as widespread around the world without the influence of the USA? And yes, I do think our system is BETTER than a system where a sole person or small group of people steal the resources of an entire nation and use them for their own selfish desires and hide behind the cloak of a religion.
its evident that you see , only what you want to see.

I give. You win. Rubb has had more than enuff.

you keep missing all the points, an' dwelling on what YOU believe to be true.

how did you ever learn anything....?

I give.....the USA is the best country on earth.

unless you wanna talk:

Quality of live
Longevity of life
Crime Rate
Homicides per Capita
Crimes against humanity
Poverty per capita
Average IQ....hee hee hee
Homocide Rate
Rapes per capita
Violent crime
Housing projects gone terribly wrong
Drug use
Education system that churns out sub-par students

Come on.... listen for a second....just listen....dont type.

I go on vacation, I dont need to lock my doors. Nobody ever shoots anybody around here. Do I live in an' igloo...
NO. I live in a city that is on the "Worlds Top Ten of cities to visit". All the kids here can get a gr8 is free,an' everyone gets treated the same....nobody carries guns,they just aren't nessesary......I live close to one of the largest cities,millions of people......we just dont gun each other down the way you do.....

but you know what....

I'll give. I concede. You wont even give it a second thought .

you have my best wishes.... condolences.

hav a good 1.....rsD .
its evident that you see , only what you want to see.

  I give. You win. Rubb has had more than enuff.

  you keep missing all the points, an' dwelling on what YOU believe to be true.

   how did you ever learn anything....?

  I give.....the USA is the best country on earth.

    unless you wanna talk:

    Quality of live
    Longevity of life
    Crime Rate
    Homicides per Capita
    Crimes against humanity
    Poverty per capita
    Average IQ....hee hee hee
    Homocide Rate
    Rapes per capita
    Violent crime
    Housing projects gone terribly wrong
    Drug use
    Education system that churns out sub-par students
    Come on.... listen for a second....just listen....dont type.

    I go on vacation, I dont need to lock my doors. Nobody ever shoots anybody around here.  Do I live in an' igloo...
   NO.    I live in a city that is on the  "Worlds Top Ten of cities to visit".  All the kids here can get a gr8 is free,an' everyone gets treated the same....nobody carries guns,they just aren't nessesary......I live close to one of the largest cities,millions of people......we just dont gun each other down the way you do.....

    but you know what....

   I'll give.  I concede.  You wont even give it a second thought .

   you have my best wishes.... condolences.

    hav a good 1.....rsD .
I'm not knocking Canada but will you answer a question for me?

Why do so many want to live in the USA, as opposed to the rest of the world?

This is not an arrogant question, I would really like to know. Is it because Canada with it's fine health care system is so neaby. Oh wait, I hear of Canadians who go to the US for healthcare because they can't get what they want in Canada in a timely manner.
Yes, I'm weak today.
I think he's in a mood, he's picking on my family vacation video on my website from last year.
no mood.....its hilarious....

to understand how humorous it is, you have to have been raised on a non-yankee way of thinking.  You've been brainwashed. You'll never get it,never understand,because you refuse to think or even allow the outside idea that something NON-AMERICAN just might be something.

  Unlike some....(hint hint)  I refuse to get upset or angry.

      I just feel sorry.   What if you were born in another country ?   There would be a different song playing in the background....dont you get it....dont you see....

    you wont even try for one second to give some other thought a chance.

    Kevin....Fish....   you guys could have been born in one of the desert countries....Kuwait,Afgan....,Iran,etc etc

    dont you see it, dont you get it....

   your train of thought is just as dangerous as theirs. You are unwilling to to believe , even for one second, that there may be other viable ideas.

You cant, you wont. You've been assimilated. Brainwashed.

 what if another culture/race is living' yer wrong....

 Its just too much for cant even consider it....

  I hope you're right.    For you're sake.  Not for mine.
I definitely see what Rubbah is saying here....and I couldn't agree with him more.

Definitely something to think about and evaluate...once we can get past the mess of emotions and the inner stuggles with logic and beliefs.

Very good, Rubbah...yer quite the keen one. Thinkin "outside the box"....

Sometimes that's what we all need to do...something I don't do enough of IMHO...