I would suggest you get a new doctor....

I know plenty of people who are on legally on Test from their doctor and I have never ever heard of anyone having to get blood work every month to monitor their Test. thats retarded! find a new doctor!
opiates are controlled substances as well and I have never heard of anyone who has to check their opiate levels tested every month to ensure ur taking the proper dosage.
if you take all ur test at once or take it weekly at the end of the month ur not gonna have any more or less test levels so why they would make you test monthly is unknown to me.
and ive never heard af anyone having to return their test bottles either. what are you gonna sell the empty bottles....

get a new doctor!
No you turn in the empties so they A) know you aren't selling it instead of putting it in your body and B)taking it as prescribed. I can't call 2 weeks early saying I need more, unless the blood test support it. If my levels are lower, the doctor can see this, and then I would get more dosage. I take 2CCs per week intramuscular, with a .6CC time release patch replaced every 24 hours.
Testosterone is a controlled substance, so it doesn't get ABUSED.
I actually have a valid medical reason why I have my blood levels monitored. Due to an internal head injury I sustained in a car wreck about 15 years ago, my Pituitary gland has formed a mass on it. Thereby causing it's output hormones to be diminished. Therefore my body doesn't receive the full signal to make it. If I don't take it, I have lots of other ripple effects. My blood pressure is taken twice weekly, my blood level is monitored monthly, my meds are taken daily and weekly, my refills are issued monthly. If my Pituitary gland output changes, then I would need to make adjustments again.
Now the side effects of too much testosterone are many. I'll start with what I expect will be the most important one to most of you. Your nads shrink and die. They simply stop making it and have no more use to produce. Called Hypogonadism. Past that your red blood cell count is directly related to T levels. So is blood pressure, heart and kidney functions, oxygen transfers, joint lubrication. Ability to concentrate, exert physical activity, recovery from such. Its a long list that I won't bore you with.
They actually have seen elevated T causes more crime, more violence, more spousal abuse etc. Too much can be bad news in many ways. Each of us are unique in what we need. I can tell you I am levels that exceed what bodybuilders use. I am at higher levels of use than a female transgender uses to become and stay male. Yet with my augments, my end levels of T are within normal levels expected for males. I use a lot more than the norm and my body has a dysfunctional Pituitary gland. This is why we have a medical community.
My blood is monitored to ensure that all is in balance. I am adding to my reduced naturally produced levels by supplementing what ISN'T being made naturally. My doctor has given me a closely monitored good quality of life as a result of tweaking these levels over a 3 year period of time. I like the result just fine. I felt like he** for about 5 years before they worked me up. There were days when I considered not getting out of bed as an alternative to what would feel worse by getting up. For a period of time, while we were trying to find the "right" level, I had too high a level. I know what too much did to me. Now I feel great!
Athletes are the ones boosting themselves past anything normal, in order to make a ton of money. And they have to outdo the next guy to make more than him. They have to cheat the system anyway they can, for your entertainment. To me that is retarded. And they can't do what they do unless they have corrupted doctors they can buy off, or they do it on their own by buying it out of the trunk of a guy in the parking lot of the gym.
Go ahead keep taking all you want.