Any 2004 problems?

I bought a 2003 busa and experienced false neutrals between 4th & 5th and 5th & 6th. This problem has been apparent since the busa was introduced and Suzuki have done nothing to resolve it. I have recently received a full refund for my busa plus costs for the independent test carried out on the machine.
If you look through this site you will find this fault has proved problematic for many owners.
Get false neutrals occasionally (goes away progressively with mileage - at 2200 miles now it rarely if ever happens).

Most annoying issue is a tendency to not want to go into first at a light when shifting from neutral.

Second issue is my speedo freaking out occasionally... the bike is darn fast, but 0-180mph in 1 second while following minivans around is a bit much... unless GM has been doing some things to the Venture that I don't know about.
3215 miles in 5 weeks, not a single problem, and I do love the new hazard light switch, and the flash to pass.  I use that one allot.
When are you using your hazards?
I've not found a use for them yet.

Can't speak for Fireman here.. but a few weeks ago, while on a Sunday ride, one of the guys (on a new ZX10) caught a screw in his rear tire~ While he was pulled off to the side of the road with his plug and CO2 kit.. I pulled the Busa between him and traffic and flipped on the hazard lights~
That was the one time I used mine... and some of the other riders (not on Busas) comented on what "a cool feature that is"~  

Reason for Edit: "hookt on foniks"|1089303261 -->
I actually needed to use my flashers the other night while riding home from the in-laws, I had my face shield up and caught a dragonfly on the right side that hit hard enough he made it back to my ear. I pulled over quick and turned them on. It was getting dark and I had just come around a turn and it was almost dark. It's not like they are a life saver or anything but I did find a use for them.

Ive got a 04 with 2250 mi on it and havent found a problem yet. I drive it to work and back everyday,"daily driver" and it handles it great.This is my 5th road bike and it is the best one yet.I dont think ill have to worry about getting something better because this is most defienetly the best hands down.I would put mine agaist any thing out there on the road,well except a bigger bader busa....
Having accumulated 5945 Miles on my bike in 9 weeks of ownership, I haven't noticed anything that would qualify as an actual build defect. Occasionally the fuel gauge will be inconsistent, just a few liters early to the reserve light.
I don't do laundry as much. Don't shave so often anymore. The grass needs more attention. Sometimes I don't know the day or date because I don't look at the calendar or watch TV/CNN. I didn't find out that Ronald Reagan died until a few days ago. Could care less about the election or the early handover of power back to the Iraqis. However I do know that I need a new rear tire as I already ordered it. I also know that taking it to 180MPH almost daily does great things for my mood.
Ive had my '04 for about 2 weeks now-- I just rolled 1000 miles and it would of been more miles if I didn't have to travel for 4 days for work. It is an awesome machine and is rock solid in every respect.

I do get a false nuetral once in a while between 5-6th, but I just shift a bit more deliberately and it is getting smoother as the miles roll by. As others report, it just needs to break in.

As for heat, the first ride out it bothered me a tad, but it is much better now and I harldy notice it at all. I wouldnt bother with engine ice unless you run into problems.

The real problems I have is the grass is never cut, the wife is tired of me taking 4-5 hours when going to the local store, and figuring out which mods I want!

Trust me, if you like sportbikes, your going to be swept off your feet by the busa.
I just bought mine last monday... Only minor problem is this lil hurricane named Charley, thats messed up riding plans for most down here in FL for a little bit
I did get to ride it for a few days before the storm hit, and I have to say it's the nicest thing I've ever been on...aside from my ex-girlfriend.
i have an '04 black and purple one, (the fastest of the colors) with 3300 mi.


if i don't bang the shifter firmly between 5th and 6th i will get a neutral.

the speedo reads 72 when i'm doing 65,

every once in a while i get a clunk in the drive train when starting out from intersections,

i'm tired of answering stupid questions about the bike. ( how much did it cost ? the dealer, bobo wad. how fast will it go ?..........traffic speed plus passing, you figure it out. )

buuuutttttt, i wouldn't trade the bike for love nor money, it is smooth, fast, handles well, gets good gas milage, the fit and finish is nearly as good as a honda. it's heavy and long and handles the messed up alaskan roads like a charm.

it is all i had heard and more than i deserve, but i'll take it.
Have had my 04 black/purple for 6 months now. Have ridden over 12k miles...took it to World Superbike Championship races in Salina Ca.(1150 mi.) where I experienced very hot riding conditions on the way back...with installed TRE...minimal clutch slippage in 1st & 2nd (could have been oil additive…see below) at full throttle on my way to 170 mph several times. Other Common Problems/Occurrences: Occasional "clunk" when starting off and when downshifting...could be chain and/or rear rubber dampeners...going to replace both soon (dampeners under warranty)...chain is slightly stretched...normal for the mileage and my aggressive riding style... should be replaced at around 12k anyway...clutch fluid getting dark...minor oil pan gasket big deal...fixed under warranty...the false neutral between 5th and 6th experienced at break-in, now rarely occurs...minimal vibration starts at about 4800 rpm...smoothed out considerably with synthetic racing oil and oil additive...front brake line is "very spongy"...bought steel braided lines to replace them...noise in the front end on bumpy roads is the steering big deal.

Biggest problem, by far, speedo only goes to 186 was still pulling pretty strong.

With the exception of the speedo problem, all other problems mentioned above are very minor...I ride this beast pretty hard in the canyons and on the straights and have had it between 160 and 180 mph on many occasions. This bike continues to impress me. I can’t say enough good things about the bike.





