any big snake owners?


i have been babysitting a 7' red bellied boa for a while now.
it is in good health.
i feed it a rat a month.
i play with it at least once a week.
she's friendly= hasn't bit me yet.

it scares the crap out of me.

the freakin thing moves fast, and licks me quite a bit.
im always afraid it's gonna bite me. (i know it's not poisonous or deadly but still!)

do snakes have memory?
does it know me, or am i just another "not food"?

i want to hear some experience from some owners.
long term i am most likely going to end up owning her.
what have your experiences been with your big snake, long term. ( :poke: keep it clean, gutterbrain.)



If you handle it enough you will get bit. Try your best to not react. Their teeth are hooked toward their throat and the more you pull the deeper they go. It will let go just be patient.
My last one was a 14 foot Reticulated Python. I raised it from a newborn. When it bit you, you knew you had been bit.
Never minded snakes until I got bit by a baby rattler. After almost loseing my finger the only good snake to me is a dead snake. Not trying to offend you to each his own . But it keeps licking you to see if your done yet :rofl: :rofl: then some night while you're sleeping :eatchicken: :laugh: :laugh: :rofl: :rofl:
1 rat a month is not enough... snakes should be fed weekly, you could probably do a hopper sized rat once a week, it is possible for snakes to only eat once a month, or once a year in some cases, but once a month feeding is like if you were to eat 1 large meal every other day, id bump it up to weekly feedings, you also mean a red tail boa, not a red belly, do you know if its a male or female? and how old it is. i ask because there are 2 types of red tail boa, there is the bci and the bcc... bci is a boa constrictor imperator full grown males are generally 6-8 feet, females are usually 7-9, bcc is boa constrictor constrictor (different sub species) and they are heavier bodied, slightly darker in color, and are usually 10 foot+... as far as the memory thing goes, every one will tell you different, and some people will argue otherwise on this, but a snake will not remember you like a dog or a cat does, they are creatures of instinct, you are to large to be food for this one but your hand isnt, it wont recognize your hand as "my owner" some people say fequent handling will get the snake used to it and less likely to bite, but the truth is, if the snake feels like biting is going to bite.... the best way to go about it is to get a routine going, on feeding day, move him from the enclosure he lives in to a different container and give him the prey item with tongs, this way, it wont connect a hand coming into its cage with feeding time and might nit strike as often... but still, if it wants to bite, its going to bite, and it wont feel good, but (whenever my boa bites me anyway) its just a quick strike, he doesnt latch on and hold it, a really good source of information on snakes and their tendencies to bite, snake myths and facts, is snakebytes tv on you tube SnakeBytes TV Snake Bytes TV - YouTube
by boa is only about 4 feet right now and i get tagged about once every 6 months
I have a big snake too but I can't post pic here or my wife would get mad. :rofl: :moon: Have fun with that thing. Snakes don't do anything for said above...when I see them I kill them. I like to hunt rattle snakes, they taste good and people will buy the skin.
No, don`t like snakes. I let them live if they are not too close to me. Rattluss get dead.
the only experience i have with snakes is at the end of a shovel..:laugh:...I HATE SNAKES... a good snake is a dead snake.
She's beautiful! A coworker of mine collects exotic snakes and has some beautiful kids love going over to his place and holding the ones we know won't bite LOL

I don't fear snakes, generally...just respect them I guess. I don't think I could own a pet I'm fearful of though...perhaps trade her for a nice, furry hamster? :laugh:
ill have a pet snake. theyre cool just not for me. im not into pets that bite and draw blood.

only thing i have to say is be a responsible owner. dont turn it lose and make sure its kept from getting away i.e. no rickety lid crap.
My girlfriend Lynne has got a Brazilian rainbow boa. She's called Maddie, she's 7 or 8 foot long.
She doesn't like being handled, bit Lynne twice.
Lynne saw a program on television that said don't be alone with any snake over 4 foot long.

My son wanted to hold her one day, so I decided to hold her, I'd had a drink and Maddie started to wrap herself round my throat.
My son took her off me when I said she only wanted a cuddle.

Lynne feeds her a rat every two weeks.
She is very fast when she wants to be.
Once she went to get her rat and got her own tail by mistake, and wouldn't let go for ages.
sorry no experience here, but they are cool, the non-poison ones that is, i like the shows on discovery about the Anacondas.
I've got one large Redtail, she is very laid back ~9' long & very heavy. Picked her up as a rescue when she was 27" long, she only snapped @ me once when she was little & it was my fault for just reaching in without letting her know I was there. I never surprise her or I would get cranked, my wife made that mistake once, but the snake realized her mistake & let go immediately. They get very excited when there is food around. The other rescue I have is a carpet python & he requires very carefull handling as he was already ~5' when I got him. I will put up some pics when I get home. I think the Boa knows us, & I've seen snakes react to previous owners that they had bad memories of, so I believe there is much more going on than just a dumb snake. They have their personalities.
Here are a couple pics, "Spanky" is the Python & "Snakebite" is the Boa
ahh an example of what i was saying to the bcc vs bci... i would assume that snakebite is a bcc, heavy body and a much darker tone in the browns whereas red100s snake is more of a tan... but this only happens when they are older... very nice animals
1 rat a month is not enough... snakes should be fed weekly, you could probably do a hopper sized rat once a week, it is possible for snakes to only eat once a month, or once a year in some cases, but once a month feeding is like if you were to eat 1 large meal every other day, id bump it up to weekly feedings, you also mean a red tail boa, not a red belly, do you know if its a male or female? and how old it is. i ask because there are 2 types of red tail boa, there is the bci and the bcc... bci is a boa constrictor imperator full grown males are generally 6-8 feet, females are usually 7-9, bcc is boa constrictor constrictor (different sub species) and they are heavier bodied, slightly darker in color, and are usually 10 foot+... as far as the memory thing goes, every one will tell you different, and some people will argue otherwise on this, but a snake will not remember you like a dog or a cat does, they are creatures of instinct, you are to large to be food for this one but your hand isnt, it wont recognize your hand as "my owner" some people say fequent handling will get the snake used to it and less likely to bite, but the truth is, if the snake feels like biting is going to bite.... the best way to go about it is to get a routine going, on feeding day, move him from the enclosure he lives in to a different container and give him the prey item with tongs, this way, it wont connect a hand coming into its cage with feeding time and might nit strike as often... but still, if it wants to bite, its going to bite, and it wont feel good, but (whenever my boa bites me anyway) its just a quick strike, he doesnt latch on and hold it, a really good source of information on snakes and their tendencies to bite, snake myths and facts, is snakebytes tv on you tube SnakeBytes TV Snake Bytes TV - YouTube
by boa is only about 4 feet right now and i get tagged about once every 6 months
I do not agree with these to statements. Once a month is fine for older boas. They should be fed a prey item the size of the thickest part of its body. Feeding in a different enclosure can cause problems. First is handling after being fed puts stress on them and can cause them to regurgitate the prey item. The second, it is dangerous to handle a large snake that is in food mode. You are more likely to get bit moving the boa to and from different enclosures during feeding. Here is a good care guide for feeding. Part 3 : The Ultimate Boa Constrictor Care Guide - View Online Just scroll down to feeding.
Had a red tail boa myself. Great snakes. I was never bitten by that one. I agree that it should be fed more. Maybe every other week. The trick to keeping snakes tame is handling them as often as you can. And also, try to find a different enclosure to feed her in other than the one she normally lives in. Differentiates your hand from food. You have good reason to be a little scared. They usually don't mean to, but when they bite, it hurts, and you bleed.
We feed about every two weeks, skip shed time. It is interesting how the Boa will not kill or eat if she is not hungry..period, rat can climb on her head. If she is hungry she goes off like a trap. She has shed every month since we had her. Don't feed something they cannot swallow, and large meals need more time to digest. We give her a bath right between the the bilnd stage and the shed (when the eyes clear again). Spanky hammers everything & would prolly eat himself to death. Yet sheds less often. I hope snakebite quits packing on weight while I can still lift her :)