any big snake owners?

Have raised several Boas and a couple Burmese beginning when i was 16,and sold the last Burmese about 10 years ago.Never had issues with any of them and helped lots of people get over their fear(which was usually instilled in them by their parents at a young age).

If there were no snakes there would be no people,due to the amount of rodents they eat which in turn if left unmanaged would consume every bit of grain on the planet.:thumbsup:

(also kept a Mojave and a small Sidewinder for a couple of years,cool little dudes:laugh:)
I would recommend not feeding live, it is dangerous for the snake, but instead feed frozen/thawed. If you need examples of why not to feed live check out this thread Thinking about feeding LIVE? Welcome to the Live Pile -

Safer is not always better, I think a majority of snakes do their own hunting. I'll check the link out later. I enjoy the hunt. I can just see the twitching of excitement when the snakes move in on the prey, I think it is a universal hunters stoke. I do not want to deny that.
Here is my BCC Guyana redtail boa.


I am trying to educate myself here about pet snakes.
I dont get your design of the aquarium with the litter box and step stool in its cage. I always thought its supposed to be most familiar with there normal habitat? I would think that rocks, sand, tree branches etc would be in a snake aquarium?
I am trying to educate myself here about pet snakes.
I dont get your design of the aquarium with the litter box and step stool in its cage. I always thought its supposed to be most familiar with there normal habitat? I would think that rocks, sand, tree branches etc would be in a snake aquarium?
The litter box is what I use for the water bowel and I think "step stool" you are referring to are tubs with the ends cut for hides. The snake is in quarantine in the picture. I use shaved aspen for substrate but also still use the the hides and water bowel. I don't think sand is good for these types of boa, wood substrates work better. I would have to build a lot bigger enclosure to add big enough branches for him to climb on. Most of the stuff you mentioned is just for pleasing looks. When it comes to larger boids they aren't really arboreal so they don't need the branches.
Safer is not always better, I think a majority of snakes do their own hunting. I'll check the link out later. I enjoy the hunt. I can just see the twitching of excitement when the snakes move in on the prey, I think it is a universal hunters stoke. I do not want to deny that.
They can still "hunt" their prey when you feed frozen/thawed or fresh killed. Most people move the prey item around with tongs, most snakes still strike and constrict. Some do not though. Mine for example will not eat if I am in the room. I have to lay the rat in the enclosure turn off the light and leave the room. When I come back in a few hours it is gone.
I keep big heavy tree limbs in the aquariums so the snakes can climb on them, rocks and sand sound nice, but as you need to clean often, it is good to keep it simple, water, climbing limbs/stumps, carpet. It is also important to keep well regulated heat, I use heating pads under the glass, plugged into a "dimmer switch" so I can finely regulate temperature. I have extra carpets cut so I can switch them out when I clean. I think the black tubs are for hiding, snakes like to hide. If you handle them they calm down best when they feel safely hidden, like under a blanket (or in your shirt).
once a month is fine...they will eat when for snapping....never feed in habitat..pull out and put in large tote. and dont play with rats prior to feeding ie get sent on you. do give them exercise and have them out its good for them...enjoy your pets...lord knows i do as they are very low maint.
I feed in the normal enclosure, have not had any problems with that approach, just make sure the boa sees or feels me when I get her out so she does not think I am food, she really has no interest in biting me. I feed the python in his pen too, but I grab him from behind when I get him out so he does not bite me, he is very fast & heat is heat to his pits. Once I have him he also loses the urge to bite.
F That! Next time you come make sure it's not in your backpack or :guns:

South Florida is being overun with constrictors of all types. Some say there's more of them here than gators already. They regularly find ten foot plus snakes in folks backyards here.
I haven't been down there but I don't think it is as big a problem as the government wants us to think.

It's worse. I'm telling you everyday the cops in Dade and Broward county get numerous calls for big snakes.
They are everywhere here with no end in sight. A couple years ago we had a solid week below forty degrees. Researchers went out to see how the snakes faired. They found literally thousands laying dead all over the glades and in surrounding wetlands.

south florida snake problem - Google Search
I understand they are a problem down there but the government wants us to think that they will eventually spread to the rest of the U.S. so we should ban all of them.
It's worse. I'm telling you everyday the cops in Dade and Broward county get numerous calls for big snakes.
They are everywhere here with no end in sight. A couple years ago we had a solid week below forty degrees. Researchers went out to see how the snakes faired. They found literally thousands laying dead all over the glades and in surrounding wetlands.

south florida snake problem - Google Search
I grew up with this guy Graziani Reptiles | ball pythons | and use to hunt snakes with him regularily in south Florida when I lived there. we lived in Pembroke Pines. he is on the show python hunters Welcome to The Python Hunters Website. he tells me that the python problem is out of control right now! he is also a cop.

I heard about the deep freeze and ur right there thousands dead. not such a bad thing tho cause they are killing lots of small dogs and cats and becomming a real problem.
Here is my BCC Guyana redtail boa.


really red tailed! that's really pretty.

thank you all for you input. it has been really helpful.
i don't feed live. i buy live, and feed it twitching. i did some research about feeding when she didn't eat a rat for 3 days, just tormented and scared the crap out of the poor thing. she just wasn't hungry and could have really gotten hurt. never really had a problem feeding her.
im sure she will pop me sometime. "just react calmly" is as good advice as i can get i suppose. :thumbs:

i grew up playing with wild snakes here in Wyoming. not a big fan of the deadly ones.
rattle snakes have a way of scaring the crap out of ya when your out in the bush. :laugh:

my son way digs her. it was him that talked me into watching her.

truthfully, i don't know if it is a him or a her. and after this thread, i'm not really sure what kind of snake she really is.:dunno:

well, im going to check out the links and learn some stuff.
thanks again. :thumbs:
snakebites is AWESOME! i have learned soo much!

Jakey didn't want to come out and play tonight. ???
grumpy i guess. she just kept tryin to get back in her cage. hangin on and didn't want to get out.
im guessin she's hungry.

i'll feed her later today. maybe that will make her happy. :thumbsup:
They never seem to want to do what you want them to do. Mine never wants to come out of the enclosure and never want to go back in.
They never seem to want to do what you want them to do. Mine never wants to come out of the enclosure and never want to go back in.

Exactly, don't want to come out, don't want to go back in.... Once they wake up & get out on adventure, they want to stay out.
I got a wild caught longNose snake, I have had her for about 10 years and its small compared to the big ones, But she knows me and when its feeding time,,, She has a good sweet personality.