Any female Busaowners out there?

Sure it will, "dreamer"! I just don't know all that "engine-talk"...But the Busa is perfect, it keeps going and going and going..
Haven't reached the 200mph barrier yet, 60 more mph to go!
It's cool to hear from women riders in general. So what part of the world are you from? Me NY. Don't feel bad about your top speed cause I am short about 40 mph too. Take and have fun on the busa.


P.S. Dreamer, what is the reason you haven't gotten a busa yet?
I'm from Stockholm, Sweden. When I picked the bike up from the shop the guys seemed to think it was a waste that a little girl was gonna own it, and drive it! I was told several times to take it easy, that it was a really hot bike and that I should be very gentle with the throttle. They also asked me what kind of bikes i had had before this one, and when I answered GSX1100-R,they said that was a moped compared to the Busa! My God, I thought, I knew I had bought a monster but was it really gonna through me off and then kick my behind or what?? Anyhow, to have them back off I told them that if I was a guy I would probably have a bigger d... then all af them!!

I'm not worried about not having reached the 200mph - just haven't found the road yet!
I think the Busa is just gorgeous. But first I have to take the course and pass my test, and then start on something small, say 500cc, ride that for a year or two, then move up a notch... Anyway you look after your Busas - I wanna buy a copper and silver 1999 Busa in lets say 2003, when I am ready for it. And I want one that hasn't been dropped!
Sorry, no pictures. Have no proper ones..!
And it sure seems like I'm the first lady, at least around here. Cool...

My bike is copper and it's a she and I kiss her goodnight every evning. She's a cutie!
For Scandinavians only :)
Nå er vi 6 fa scandinavia som skriver på denne siden. Kanskje vi skulle ha laget et eget Hayabusa treff?
Yngve ( Norge )
TOJ ( Luleå )
Lady Busa ( Stocholm )
Dr Busa ( ????)
Og noen flere ( Minst to til fra Norge )
Noen ideer ?
Hi Yngve (sorry, no english) der er mindst 3 busa ejere fra Danmark på denne side.
Et Busa treff et eller andet sted i Skandinavien ville godt. Nogen forslag ?
Jeg lager en egen liste nå over hvem som er fra scandinavia ok som kan tenke seg å møtest :) ( Scandinavian busa owners look here )
Guys it's probably not possible to say anything that's not politically improper on this thread.

Not because of the nature of the women here, but because of our nature.

I would strongly suggest that we let the women have their thread here, and only speak unless spoken to.

If we open our yaps too much more, they'll just close us right out by speaking Swedish, or Womaneze, or some other alien tongue.

Then we won't even be able to peep through the keyhole at them.

This idea offered only half in jest.

Figure out which half.
Lady Busa, how about a picture of you and the Bike. You must be the first "Lady and a Busa"

Glad to see a woman riding a big bore bike.

Men often refer to there bike as "her", what do women owners call there bikes?

What color bike is yours?
Well Lady Busa I guess to be frank here they want a pick of you !!.You have told them you are blonde and blue eyed.......You have teased there interest.My guess is they want to know if you are the hot sexy blonde with a great figure.......or.....fat and ugly ?LOL
So.........send them a pic of you standing behind your bike in leathers with your helmet on.LOL keep em guessing either way!!!!! So take care and ride safe and enjoy your bike. Boss Australia