Any Glenn Beck Fans in here? FOX Network

Some strong opinions here. How is he a nut job? What information does he provide that you find "nutty?"

Really? He is using half truths and lies to scare the hell out of people, to dived the Nation even more. He never does on air corrections.
Their are many like him on all sides he is just the best at what he does. I don't think you can love the Country and work so hard at wanting to see it turn into a civil war.
I don't think he is insane as defined but most likely highly unstable.

His motive is only one... $$$$
Sad most people are sheep and do not research what he says or anyone on the air.
Really? He is using half truths and lies to scare the hell out of people, to dived the Nation even more. He never does on air corrections.
Their are many like him on all sides he is just the best at what he does. I don't think you can love the Country and work so hard at wanting to see it turn into a civil war.
I don't think he is insane as defined but most likely highly unstable.

His motive is only one... $$$$
Sad most people are sheep and do not research what he says or anyone on the air.

Ok, well for one thing, I can tell you that he absolutely makes on air corrections, I have heard him do it numerous times. Now, that can be a double edged sword too, since making mistakes in "journalism" is not necessarily a positive. But owning up to those mistakes is certainly admirable. You're wrong when you say that he doesn't make the corrections.

Secondly, I would like to know what half-truths he has broacasted. Most of his commentary is based on audio excerpts from the horses mouth. In fact, he's pretty famous for taking words verbatim, in text and basing his criticism on their very own dialogue. But please, tell me where he has misled anyone.

Lastly, what's wrong with $$$? Seriously, do you think Jon Stewart is doing his gig for free?
Puppets were a apparently didn't get it or you're just grasping at straws. If you feel he is talking down to you....then I have to wonder if maybe he is? Please don't take offense at that, I'm just saying that people can come away with very different opinions of what they hear. I hear a man trying to convey sincerity, you hear someone talking down to you.
he plays with puppets & talks like he is teaching a 1st grade class

:poke: Well then, maybe next year you will understand better the message that he is trying to convey to you and the rest of the country. Sorry, you set yourself up for that one.
Vonderbach, I would reply in your same vein. But you are doing a kick butt job, I will just sit back and read. Keep it up. Kudos to you..........
+1 Making a living versus looking for a hand out. I'm sorry, if you are sitting on your ass at home during the day (unless you are a full time mom or dad or retired) then you are waiting for someone to save you. I believe that anyone who really wants to work can find work. It may not be the prestigious corner office that you desire but $6/hour pulling weeds from a flower bed is better than taking a nickel from our overbearing Government who would like for all us to call them "Master."

JGGUNS, you're shack on target!