Anybody else think the these commericals should


Used to be a SoCal Busa
Donating Member
The commercials about California's Indian gaming props 94-97 completely contradict each other. For example one side says gaming profits will be shared between all CA tribes, while another commercials says no money at all will be shared. Obviously one side is straight lying.

This crap pisses me off because I know most people just vote based off of TV commercials...

Anybody else think this sucks...
I don't understand it can you post a link. It does sound interesting. My dad is at every local indian pow wow around here. he is some kind of security chief of some sort.
Funny you should mention, I notice those commercials all the time. I find them confusing and insulting to the/my intelligences, they're surely a waste of money.
Just vote NO!
I think I'm gonna vote NO on all these props.

Prop 91(transportation) because the people who put it up are saying to vote it down...

Prop 92 (colleges) because it doesn't say how CA will pay for the money this prop will spend.  No guarrantee the money will go to the classrooms.

Prop 93 (term limit) because incumbent politicians have a loop hole to actually increase the term limit.  This one really stinks of corruption...

But for these, hmmm

Prop 94-97 (Indian gaming) this one is tough.  I'm really on the fence.  Both sides have good points.  I wish I had the power to find out who is lying... Some say the Big 4 tribes are funding the YES vote while others are saying Vegas casinos and horse racetracks are funding the NO vote.
CA politics is one of the reasons I'm glad I skipped town.

Have fun!

I thought this whole time it was about rights for the indians hunting..I always thought of the indians hunting game NOT casino's.

Indians around here hunt---Indians over there gamble?

thats alright ill ban myself
im just glad i dont have to vote on that...WHO'S LIEING???

I bet the most confusing ads are the ones lieing
My dog is confused... He just wants to go chase some tail, err, uh, I mean HIS tail. Yeah that's right, his tail....
The indian casinos decide what % of the new income they will pay. An independent auditor only makes recommendations and is hired by the casinos. The governator can do better. This is no improvement over the current system. It is a step back, big-time. Only 4 casinos have the right to expand and don't have to share with any others.
The indian casinos decide what % of the new income they will pay.  An independent auditor only makes recommendations and is hired by the casinos.  The governator can do better.  This is no improvement over the current system.  It is a step back,  big-time.  Only 4 casinos have the right to expand and don't have to share with any others.
so what do you think about hilary for president
The indian casinos decide what % of the new income they will pay.  An independent auditor only makes recommendations and is hired by the casinos.  The governator can do better.  This is no improvement over the current system.  It is a step back,  big-time.  Only 4 casinos have the right to expand and don't have to share with any others.
Where'd you get the info?

The other side says they "have" to give more money to the state than they do now and the they "have" to share money with all of the other tribes.

One side isn't telling the truth...