What some people think about JFK

There's free speech and then there's free speech...sometimes there's instances where the call to support your 1st amendment runs roughshod over anyone who opposes certain speech and who it offends....take the neo-nazis for instance......does this group have the right to free speech? According to the 1st amendment they do but when it comes to humanity they shouldn't.

Wars have been and always will be fought over religion and politics in whatever capacity that means whether it be land, resources or down and out hatred of the other people......I've been in many war zones where the war was started but it perpetuated very easily due to the hate people had for each other...

Bosnia saw a huge amount of ethnic cleansing...that was due to hate. I saw this hate first hand and it wasn't pretty....
In case you didn't notice... parents of kids attending public schoolsl were out raged and communicated that to members of administrative school board members when their children were exposed to pornographic books in public schools. What did the DOJ and FDBI do in response to the parents outrage? The labeled them as domestic terrorist and arrested some of them to make an example for the rest of the parents that if you speak the truth regarding inappropriate depiction of sexual activities to school age children and complain about it you could be dealt with harshly.

Hate is a learned behavior... look at any innocent baby and ask where the hate come from.

Wars are stupid behavior being played out. Yes, they become necessary because somebody wants something that doesn't belong to them.

How is that for trolling Wuzza?
In case you didn't notice... parents of kids attending public schoolsl were out raged and communicated that to members of administrative school board members when their children were exposed to pornographic books in public schools. What did the DOJ and FDBI do in response to the parents outrage? The labeled them as domestic terrorist and arrested some of them to make an example for the rest of the parents that if you speak the truth regarding inappropriate depiction of sexual activities to school age children and complain about it you could be dealt with harshly.

Hate is a learned behavior... look at any innocent baby and ask where the hate come from.

Wars are stupid behavior being played out. Yes, they become necessary because somebody wants something that doesn't belong to them.

How is that for trolling Wuzza?
Where did you read that they were labelled as domestic terrorists and arrested?

I've seen many videos on this subject and nobody was arrested nor labelled...

I do agree that there are some really messed up people out there who are exposing children to many inappropriate materials to the point that is should be labelled as child abuse at least...

You Tube is full of these sorts of videos...half the parents in the US would be in jail if what you say is remotely accurate...

You do seem to be attached to hating as if it came by you naturally. I do agree though, hate is very much a learned disability and babies aren't afflicted. I wonder who in your young life started you down that path, more than one person of course. Most of us I’d assume may have a reason to hate someone but you seem to hate thousands and thousands of people, most of them, Americans.

perhaps we should go easy on Ted ~ Grandma voted for Brandon *
sexy ted GIF
no one is calling JFK murder a conspiracy any more -no one shouts it down CIA and the mob did it

problem is 61 years on most all that were involved are dead
So then it should be no problem to declassify everything related to the event. Problem is it’s not the people who did it that are dead and don’t matter. It’s that the agencies they worked for are still here and even more powerful than ever.
How does pointing out that name calling might not be the best way to communicate indicate that that same person does not support free speech? You are really something. Not sure what, but something.

Under no circumstance, within no parameters, should the government declassify everything. The first statement does not modify, or classify, to use a play on words, the second.
Clearly? What language do you read in? In post 5, I was making fun of Rojo for posting that crap again, not at all referring to a personal or federal level.
Not everything. But dammit I wanna know about the UFOs!!
Where did you read that they were labelled as domestic terrorists and arrested?

I've seen many videos on this subject and nobody was arrested nor labelled...

I do agree that there are some really messed up people out there who are exposing children to many inappropriate materials to the point that is should be labelled as child abuse at least...

You Tube is full of these sorts of videos...half the parents in the US would be in jail if what you say is remotely accurate...

More than remotely accurate. This is only the part we know.

More than remotely accurate. This is only the part we know.

Sounds more like over reaching school boards to me, school boards which have far too much authority......it is run by teachers afterall and many of them are a different breed of person....

I saw none that were arrested nor did I read where the FBI and DOJ actually got involved, all I saw was a letter was written and sent to them.

However that all being said, it sure ain't right to subject children to this sort of crap.....but the worst part of it is, there are parents out there insisting on this crap to be in the schools and these parents will be raising these children and influencing their futures........scary......
Yeah you got me on the Dahmer/Bundy match. That would be PPV for sure.

On the other, I don’t know. I tend to think everyone is evil until they prove otherwise. Yes, I realize that’s backwards.
Thanks to Adam or Eve humans are now born sinners and evil. The only perfect man to ever walk the earth sacrificed himself for you and I because of that.
If you believe
You do seem to be attached to hating as if it came by you naturally. I do agree though, hate is very much a learned disability and babies aren't afflicted. I wonder who in your young life started you down that path, more than one person of course. Most of us I’d assume may have a reason to hate someone but you seem to hate thousands and thousands of people, most of them, Americans.
The last few minutes of Brian Shul's talk combined with the video brings a tear to my eye when I consider the greatness and patriotic embodiment of those that served our country. My concern is the people that continue to undermine America in all the various ways they do with a Neo marxism agenda that is destructive to our country and our culture and what America stands for.
My concern is the people that continue to undermine America in all the various ways they do with a Neo marxism agenda that is destructive to our country and our culture and what America stands for.
The bottom line is what you consider undermining. Everybody does what they think best, the difference is what is best for everyone. Competitive capitalism to me seems alive and thriving so I question your statement about a neo marxism agenda.
The bottom line is what you consider undermining. Everybody does what they think best, the difference is what is best for everyone. Competitive capitalism to me seems alive and thriving so I question your statement about a neo marxism agenda.
What an interesting thing to say. I guess the weaponized DOJ and local district attorneys haven't really been something you consider worth considering, or, the no cash bail law changes along with the defund the police movement that went across much of our country. . At the same time it is obvious that many technological advances are being made in certain fields that improve humanities course into the future and that means more opportunity for more people. However, consider the "woke" movement that emphasizes what identity you are as compared to the manifestation of what you can be regardless of any defining and individual characteristic and its clear to see that merit based achievement is in 2nd place instead of 1st place as it was before collectivism and victimhood got some traction in the culture.
As far as weaponized DOJ surely you're not referring to the Attorney General addressing threats to members of the school board officials. He did not call anyone terrorists. They simply will not allow these threats to be made and worse, carried out. The word counterterrorism is in the title of the branch which investigate the threats of violence, and that is as far as that goes. In short, these kinds of threats should not ever be made. If the curriculum needs discussed, it has to be in civilized meetings. Read the text of the statement carefully rather than listening to the radical political BS news shows you usually accuse me of listening to.
However, consider the "woke" movement that emphasizes what identity you are as compared to the manifestation of what you can be regardless of any defining and individual characteristic and its clear to see that merit based achievement is in 2nd place instead of 1st place as it was before collectivism and victimhood got some traction in the culture.

I believe you're referring to gender neutrality? I don't understand what it feels like, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Regardless, that has absolutely nothing to do with advancing capitalism which what your neo marxism statement was about, no? Merit based achievement is still status quo. In my opinion collectivism has only been adorned within churches, mainly the Catholic church, and not the homosexual community in the least. Also, your constant claims that Democrats push towards socialism are completely unfounded. I think you confuse empathy with socialism.
As far as weaponized DOJ surely you're not referring to the Attorney General addressing threats to members of the school board officials. He did not call anyone terrorists. They simply will not allow these threats to be made and worse, carried out. The word counterterrorism is in the title of the branch which investigate the threats of violence, and that is as far as that goes. In short, these kinds of threats should not ever be made. If the curriculum needs discussed, it has to be in civilized meetings. Read the text of the statement carefully rather than listening to the radical political BS news shows you usually accuse me of listening to.

I believe you're referring to gender neutrality? I don't understand what it feels like, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Regardless, that has absolutely nothing to do with advancing capitalism which what your neo marxism statement was about, no? Merit based achievement is still status quo. In my opinion collectivism has only been adorned within churches, mainly the Catholic church, and not the homosexual community in the least. Also, your constant claims that Democrats push towards socialism are completely unfounded. I think you confuse empathy with socialism.
So says the guy that thinks illegal entry into our country ( our home ) is perfectly acceptable because of what it says on the placard attached to the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor.

Gender is defined by a combination of X and Y chromosomes. Everything else is distorted messaging from the equity folks used to divide people into ( is it 56 now? ) different groups of non binary humans.

Yeah... I guess there is something wrong with people expressing their disgust with school board administrators when porno graphic and sexually explicit books are made available and or recommended to pre puberty children in public schools. We as parents and grand parents should just accept that as the way our children will be indoctrinated into the teen years and early adult hood... right?

These meeting were repetitious... it was not based on some new additional books just recently added to the library and classrooms and brought to the parents attention of school age children. It causes to to wonder if any of these administrators and school officials have any young kids of their own in public school.

In other words... these school administrators are doing this intentionally... ie... carrying water like the puppets that they must be for some higher authority like the Dept of Education or Teachers Union which is pretty much a worthless entity. The States can take care of that duty of what to put into the minds of the school age children... no federal bureaucracy is wanted by us, the American taxpayer. It is just another example of government over reach that undermines the innocence of our countries youth.
So says the guy that thinks illegal entry into our country ( our home ) is perfectly acceptable because of what it says on the placard attached to the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor.

Yeah... I guess there is something wrong with people expressing their disgust with school board administrators when porno graphic and sexually explicit books are made available and or recommended to pre puberty children in public schools. We as parents and grand parents should just accept that as the way our children will be indoctrinated into the teen years and early adult hood... right?
Immigration we can discuss until we're both asleep

There is nothing wrong with being concerned with your child's school curriculum. There is, however, a lot wrong with making threats against school officials and teachers. It's the threats that the statement by the Attorney General is about, and it's the statement that started the whole terrorist falsehood by right wingers. Threats will not be tolerated even if people like you think it's justified. Good luck with your side of the argument on this, it's a loser.
Immigration we can discuss until we're both asleep

There is nothing wrong with being concerned with your child's school curriculum. There is, however, a lot wrong with making threats against school officials and teachers. It's the threats that the statement by the Attorney General is about, and it's the statement that started the whole terrorist falsehood by right wingers. Threats will not be tolerated even if people like you think it's justified. Good luck with your side of the argument on this, it's a loser.
I don't endorse violence as a solution to anything unless its to protect ones self or others that could be attacked by a 3rd party. When the school administrators don't pull the books and keep the drag queen shows going then the only peaceable solution is to pull your kids out of the schools that do that brand of indoctrination. Given that the middle class doesn't have deep pockets for private education and often times has two working parents the option of pulling your kid or kids from the public school system isn't feasible. The people in charge know all of those circumstances which means they can get away with doing it.