What some people think about JFK

Immigration we can discuss until we're both asleep

There is nothing wrong with being concerned with your child's school curriculum. There is, however, a lot wrong with making threats against school officials and teachers. It's the threats that the statement by the Attorney General is about, and it's the statement that started the whole terrorist falsehood by right wingers. Threats will not be tolerated even if people like you think it's justified. Good luck with your side of the argument on this, it's a loser.
We can't discuss illegal immigration because it can't be discussed with any sense of logic or reason because it appears you don't know the definition of the word "border". Or what it means to be a sovereign country with laws that illustrate a path to citizenship through the legal immigration process.

It appears you define a "right winger" as somebody that wants to protect their school age children from perverts. Where does the idiocy stop?
I Love You Reaction Gif GIF by Death Wish Coffee

watched that movie earlier *
We can't discuss illegal immigration because it can't be discussed with any sense of logic or reason because it appears you don't know the definition of the word "border". Or what it means to be a sovereign country with laws that illustrate a path to citizenship through the legal immigration process.

It appears you define a "right winger" as somebody that wants to protect their school age children from perverts. Where does the idiocy stop?
What crawled up your a$$? I know what border means and where the hell you come up with that second thought…my point was you can’t threaten school officials or anyone else with physical violence. The idiocy doesn’t stop, it lives forever between your ears.
What crawled up your a$$? I know what border means and where the hell you come up with that second thought…my point was you can’t threaten school officials or anyone else with physical violence. The idiocy doesn’t stop, it lives forever between your ears.
My point is you appear to be pro illegal immigration from previous discussions. It is one thing to be compassionate to foreigners seeking a better life somewhere else beside the corrupt place they just left behind... its a whole other can of worms to allow what has been happening by the millions to continue. The border issue has blown up and its a cause for concern for millions of legal Americans that want it stopped. Its not just the illegals entering unlawfully... it is the drug smuggling, the child trafficking and other bad people we consider dangerous to our safety once they get here. The goal of these people should be to restore the country they came from into the one they want to live in. Yes, I realize that is nearly impossible to do... however... it is has been done before and America is proof of that.

The school officials know consciously that they are indoctrinating the youth attending those schools with some really bad ideas and behaviors in sexually explicit ways. Its like breaking sexual deviancy laws that haven't been put into law yet. Everyone knows its not healthy for the minds of children to be exposed to the deviant sexual nature of drag queens along with books depicting gross sexual activity. And yet... they get away with it... do you know who is funding and promoting these activities and materials?
My point is you appear to be pro illegal immigration from previous discussions. It is one thing to be compassionate to foreigners seeking a better life somewhere else beside the corrupt place they just left behind... its a whole other can of worms to allow what has been happening by the millions to continue. The border issue has blown up and its a cause for concern for millions of legal Americans that want it stopped. Its not just the illegals entering unlawfully... it is the drug smuggling, the child trafficking and other bad people we consider dangerous to our safety once they get here.
Yes we've had this discussion and yes my stance is very unpopular. First of all, it's not proven that immigrants are responsible for increased drug smuggling and child trafficking. Of course a lot of drugs come form over the border but it's criminals and drug cartels. Technically the immigrants here without documentation are criminals based only on the fact that they're on this side of the border; I don't deny that, I think they deserve a chance.

On the school thing, I've stated in another thread that I don't see the need for explaining or teaching about gay lifestyle in schools. To me it's something people should learn from life itself, from meeting gay people and perhaps learning about it from discussions with them. My dad didn't understand or accept for that matter the gay lifestyle, and yet here I am with my opinion, so to say schools need to explain it in case parents lean a certain way doesn't fly in my experience.
How many times do I have to say that people threatening other people with violence over a matter upon which they don't agree is completely wrong? It's the definition of terrorism, as difficult as it is to use that word when it spawns from the urgency to protect a child as a parent from something the parent deems dangerous. It's a real fuque all but it has to be handled prudently in court or school board meetings.
Yes we've had this discussion and yes my stance is very unpopular. First of all, it's not proven that immigrants are responsible for increased drug smuggling and child trafficking. Of course a lot of drugs come form over the border but it's criminals and drug cartels. Technically the immigrants here without documentation are criminals based only on the fact that they're on this side of the border; I don't deny that, I think they deserve a chance.

On the school thing, I've stated in another thread that I don't see the need for explaining or teaching about gay lifestyle in schools. To me it's something people should learn from life itself, from meeting gay people and perhaps learning about it from discussions with them. My dad didn't understand or accept for that matter the gay lifestyle, and yet here I am with my opinion, so to say schools need to explain it in case parents lean a certain way doesn't fly in my experience.
How many times do I have to say that people threatening other people with violence over a matter upon which they don't agree is completely wrong? It's the definition of terrorism, as difficult as it is to use that word when it spawns from the urgency to protect a child as a parent from something the parent deems dangerous. It's a real fuque all but it has to be handled prudently in court or school board meetings.
You think the cartels are so inept as to not use illegal immigrants whom they are extorting as Coyotes they are for profit as mules to haul drugs over the US border while gaining passage to America at the same time? Does that mean Cartels don't multi task?

Are you are saying that as an illegal border crosser crosses the border illegally that they should have some kind of immunity from breaking a US law as their first act of arriving here ? With that kind of logic then anybody should be able to trespass at any location of their choosing anytime they choose to do it. What is the difference? Suspending the law on a selective basis is how chaos begins. The result is a 2 tier system of enforcement of our laws. Is that the kind of country you think we should live in?

On the school subject... I wasn't talking about gays. I was talking about sexually explicit materials being given access to children that are not mature enough to understand the possible repercussions that comes from putting adult activities and inappropriate nudity into their minds.

The so called terrorist are nothing more than concerned parents that don't want their children exposed to X rated books and Drag Queens doing sexually exaggerated moves in front of their kids.

Bottom line...The parents want their children protected from sexually explicit materials and acting out by Drag Queens...

is that a problem for you?
You think the cartels are so inept as to not use illegal immigrants whom they are extorting as Coyotes they are for profit as mules to haul drugs over the US border while gaining passage to America at the same time? Does that mean Cartels don't multi task?

Are you are saying that as an illegal border crosser crosses the border illegally that they should have some kind of immunity from breaking a US law as their first act of arriving here ? With that kind of logic then anybody should be able to trespass at any location of their choosing anytime they choose to do it. What is the difference? Suspending the law on a selective basis is how chaos begins. The result is a 2 tier system of enforcement of our laws. Is that the kind of country you think we should live in?

On the school subject... I wasn't talking about gays. I was talking about sexually explicit materials being given access to children that are not mature enough to understand the possible repercussions that comes from putting adult activities and inappropriate nudity into their minds.

The so called terrorist are nothing more than concerned parents that don't want their children exposed to X rated books and Drag Queens doing sexually exaggerated moves in front of their kids.

Bottom line...The parents want their children protected from sexually explicit materials and acting out by Drag Queens...

is that a problem for you?
First of all I think a very small minority of immigrants are involved with illegal activities, similar to the percentage of US citizens involved.
As for the parents, of course they should be concerned, but making threats of violence is not the proper course. I think transgender people are as able and willing to love children and connect with kids as anyone, though I think given the circumstances maybe they should choose a different passion in life. I don’t know how many times I need to repeat this.
First of all I think a very small minority of immigrants are involved with illegal activities, similar to the percentage of US citizens involved.
As for the parents, of course they should be concerned, but making threats of violence is not the proper course. I think transgender people are as able and willing to love children and connect with kids as anyone, though I think given the circumstances maybe they should choose a different passion in life. I don’t know how many times I need to repeat this.
Surely you jest... you are not thinking... the act of entering our country without going through the legal immigration process like millions of legal aliens have been doing for years is lost with you. I get it... this why it is often said that liberalism is a mental disorder.

I already clearly stated violence isn't the answer for parents being upset with school boards that approve of sexually explicit activities and books being made available in public schools. The parents want their children focused on the learning curriculum that prepares those school kids for a life where they have the best chances of success, not how to engage in sexual fantasies with whomever they exposed to.
Surely you jest... you are not thinking... the act of entering our country without going through the legal immigration process like millions of legal aliens have been doing for years is lost with you. I get it... this why it is often said that liberalism is a mental disorder.

I already clearly stated violence isn't the answer for parents being upset with school boards that approve of sexually explicit activities and books being made available in public schools. The parents want their children focused on the learning curriculum that prepares those school kids for a life where they have the best chances of success, not how to engage in sexual fantasies with whomever they exposed to.
I wasn’t referring to entering illegally, obviously against the law. I was talking about the drug smuggling and child trafficking. That was obvious to most, but you, Mr Salmon, have to have a confrontation about SOMETHING, don’t you?
I wasn’t referring to entering illegally, obviously against the law. I was talking about the drug smuggling and child trafficking. That was obvious to most, but you, Mr Salmon, have to have a confrontation about SOMETHING, don’t you?
No idea about what you mean by confrontation or who Mr Salmon is. As far as the drug smuggling business goes... it is a multibillion dollar business at our border that you must not have a clue about.
I wasn’t referring to entering illegally, obviously against the law. I was talking about the drug smuggling and child trafficking. That was obvious to most, but you, Mr Salmon, have to have a confrontation about SOMETHING, don’t you?
Hi. The people that cross are owned untill they pay up. Anyway even if it is one kid or 1lbs of drugs. That os to many.
No idea about what you mean by confrontation or who Mr Salmon is. As far as the drug smuggling business goes... it is a multibillion dollar business at our border that you must not have a clue about.
I feel like a kindergarten teacher. I was saying that it’s my opinion that immigrants that come here to start a new life are not a part of the drug smuggling at the border, at least not to the the extent that you think they are.
Did you really not understand what I was saying?
Mr Salmon refers to the fact that you act like you don’t understand to continue the debate, in effect swimming against the current. Do I need to explain the connection with salmon and swimming upstream as well?

Go ride your bike or something. I would if it wasn’t phucking freezing outside.
I feel like a kindergarten teacher. I was saying that it’s my opinion that immigrants that come here to start a new life are not a part of the drug smuggling at the border, at least not to the the extent that you think they are.
Did you really not understand what I was saying?
Mr Salmon refers to the fact that you act like you don’t understand to continue the debate, in effect swimming against the current. Do I need to explain the connection with salmon and swimming upstream as well?

Go ride your bike or something. I would if it wasn’t phucking freezing outside.
You act like a Kindegarden teacher when you say that immigrants are coming here solely for the opportunities that exist here but not where they

came from. We have reckless leadership in the Oval Office because Brandon isn't protecting America in the manner described in the oath he

took as president of the USA. The rule of law defined in Statehood as it is with all states including Texas allows, affords the right and is the duty

of the states elected officials to defend it border. For Texas to allow the federal government to open its border to illegal entry by anyone from 185

different countries around the world is in direct violation of Federal law as well as State law. Being the lib that you are you can't get your head

around that because your feelings trump the logic you once possessed before you succumbed to the brainwashing of the marxist faction that

propagates the airwaves in America.

We have terrorist entering our country from terrorist countries right now... we have already captured and arrested some of them. So, when you

consider the 2 million got aways that have entered the country in the last 3 years... how many of them were terrorist, drug smugglers, child

traffickers and other undesirables coming here to scam our social safety net systems of welfare in all its various forms.

Look at what has happened to Europe. Mass migrations have distorted and disrupted what was once a great cultural mecca in that part of the

world. The same crap will happen here if we don't stop it and enforce the laws on the books at the border.

Its become more difficult that ever to fix the "stupid policies" of this administration starting right at the top where the guy said to be in charge is

just another puppet just like the one before Trump.
I tried researching the percentage of illegal aliens involved in crimes besides the illegal entry to the country, and apparently there is not a comprehensive study. Very surprising.
Being the lib that you are you can't get your head

around that because your feelings trump the logic you once possessed before you succumbed to the brainwashing of the marxist faction that

propagates the airwaves in America.

You say that because I'm a liberal I can't think clearly. Propagates the airwaves? :lol:

I've told you several times I don't watch or listen to TV news or read slanted articles. You somehow continue to "know" all about me. My friend that reads this forum is correct, you're a troll that repeats yourself over and over; much like a bot but apparently you're a real person and that's frightening.
I tried researching the percentage of illegal aliens involved in crimes besides the illegal entry to the country, and apparently there is not a comprehensive study. Very surprising.

You say that because I'm a liberal I can't think clearly. Propagates the airwaves? :lol:

I've told you several times I don't watch or listen to TV news or read slanted articles. You somehow continue to "know" all about me. My friend that reads this forum is correct, you're a troll that repeats yourself over and over; much like a bot but apparently you're a real person and that's frightening.
I know you watch that content because you say the same things they do. So much for the rule of law in your reality.
I know you watch that content because you say the same things they do. So much for the rule of law in your reality.
Now you call me a liar. After you called me a child molester and oh yeah mentally challenged. You don’t have the nerve to come out and say it, just use a backhanded remark like you just did. You don’t seem to notice that I don’t attack your philosophy. I study it and some of it has merit. I just don’t agree but I don’t claim that means it’s wrong. I merely defend mine.

What I like about other cultures is the family aspect. It’s sad how many 55+ communities and apartments sprout up in American cities. In a lot of other countries, older parents commonly live with their offspring. Not because of finances or need, but because they want to be close.
There are some aspects of other cultures that could do this country good. Open up the borders and you’ll get shoppers. My guess is most of them won’t stay.
In a lot of other countries, older parents commonly live with their offspring. Not because of finances or need, but because they want to be close.
There are some aspects of other cultures that could do this country good.
During my tours in Cyprus in the '80s I learned this firsthand....

When the children get married, they enter into the union with no debt, their home and cars are paid for and their income goes towards the next generation in the same manner....their parents will live with them and they will eventually live with their kids...

It's a symbiotic cycle and it works really well.

Another interesting fact is I noticed they have rebar sticking from the roofs of their homes and wondered why...it was explained to me for two reasons...one having them means the home is never quite finished therefore taxes are lower and when the time comes for the parents to move in, the rebar is the basis for another level to be built on the home....

Now you call me a liar. After you called me a child molester and oh yeah mentally challenged. You don’t have the nerve to come out and say it, just use a backhanded remark like you just did. You don’t seem to notice that I don’t attack your philosophy. I study it and some of it has merit. I just don’t agree but I don’t claim that means it’s wrong. I merely defend mine.

What I like about other cultures is the family aspect. It’s sad how many 55+ communities and apartments sprout up in American cities. In a lot of other countries, older parents commonly live with their offspring. Not because of finances or need, but because they want to be close.
There are some aspects of other cultures that could do this country good. Open up the borders and you’ll get shoppers. My guess is most of them won’t stay.
You insinuate plenty on your own.
You didn't touch the subject of illegal entry except to say we will be gaining new shoppers from the illegal border crossers. Most of them can't scrape together a $100 unless some relative or charity group sends it to them. So, what are they buying? Rice and beans?

55+ communities? Ever heard of the Boomer generation? Some cultures like having their own personal space to live in undisturbed from relatives that aren't always pleasant to be around. You can pick your friends but you can't pick your relatives... ever heard that one before?
Today in America multiple generations of families are living under one roof... its common out here in California. Many homes have casitas or private entries with a bedroom and bathroom built into the house by the builder and oftentimes referred to as the "mother in law" spot inside the house.

Americans donate more to worthy causes than any other culture or country on this planet. People coming here know this country gives away a lot of free stuff while many of our war veterans suffer needlessly. Sorry if I hurt your feelings...
You insinuate plenty on your own.
You didn't touch the subject of illegal entry except to say we will be gaining new shoppers from the illegal border crossers. Most of them can't scrape together a $100 unless some relative or charity group sends it to them. So, what are they buying? Rice and beans?

55+ communities? Ever heard of the Boomer generation? Some cultures like having their own personal space to live in undisturbed from relatives that aren't always pleasant to be around. You can pick your friends but you can't pick your relatives... ever heard that one before?
Today in America multiple generations of families are living under one roof... its common out here in California. Many homes have casitas or private entries with a bedroom and bathroom built into the house by the builder and oftentimes referred to as the "mother in law" spot inside the house.

Americans donate more to worthy causes than any other culture or country on this planet. People coming here know this country gives away a lot of free stuff while many of our war veterans suffer needlessly. Sorry if I hurt your feelings...
I HAVE STATED SEVERAL TIMES. Besides illegal entry, I believe illegal immigrants don't partake in criminal activities as much as you imply. By shoppers, I meant tire kickers, people coming here and seeing if they like it. I was not commenting on their finances, though illegal immigrants do help the economy by purchasing goods and services. You mostly have the relative thing backwards; a lot of immigrants send money back to their families that they earn here. This is my personal experience, from friendships and many conversations.

I was simply stating that having your parents live with you might be a good thing. My grandmother lived with us and raised me while my parents were at work. Yes it still exists but it's not nearly as common as it was in the 70's. Even here in a city with a population of 200k there are countless 55+ communities. I walked through a couple just to see, and I came away thinking it's sad. I was merely commenting on this trend, not criticizing the USA in the least. I really believe that a little influence on our culture from other countries, where the trend of families living together is still strong, could be a good thing.
For the record, I've stated countless times how much I love this country. So much, I just ordered a Nikki Haley Permanently Banned tshirt lol.