Anybody see this?


I do not know if I may have missed the thread before, if I did sorry for reposting this. This guy cannot be for real? What do you guys and gals think?

- Squid On Suzuki GSX-R Owned - Speeders Fight Back[/url]
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Squidly McSquiderson.... What a toolbag. This is funny, but upsetting at the same time. I hate being classified with pieces of crap like him just because I ride a sportbike.

:rofl: and :cursin:

The guy is listed on FL sex offender list... guy is not only a squid but a scum bag on top of it.. forgot his name but it is here on the .org somewhere.. (link to his case)
the end is classic. too bad he wasn't on a kawasukee. that would've made it perfect.