This guy must be president of the squids of the usa fondation.

"well over 200 MPH which I do frequently" lol....I laughed the whole clip after that part.

On a side note: The judge was hot

Yes, I noticed that too.. :oldcool: ...and articulate she was !!!!
He dumps his bike as he's leaving the court!:rofl::rofl::rofl: Does this fool actually know that all of America is listening to his foolish mouth!:spank:
priceless, 200 bucks and a chance to look like a dumb a$$ on tv
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a :repost: by any other title is still a :repost: now I am sure I just saw this posted here...
The only place that guy gets checked out is the prison yard. No girl is trying to check him out, he looks like a date rapist.