Anybody using Heated Chothing?

I tried to find the pic I did have. I'll get another one tomorrow.

After getting my grandkids some onsies, as a joke I also got my son, his wife and my daughter a pair of onesie pajamas for Xmas and they ended up going to a, yes, a onesie party,:confused::rolleyes:

and they took a pic of them wearing them. I never thought my 6’4” son would ever even put them on. :laugh:
After getting my grandkids some onsies, as a joke I also got my son, his wife and my daughter a pair of onesie pajamas for Xmas and they ended up going to a, yes, a onesie party,:confused::rolleyes: View attachment 1605503

and they took a pic of them wearing them. I never thought my 6’4” son would ever even put them on. :laugh:

I wont go as far as a onsie party but I have no shame wearing it in the winter.
I have 1st Gear warm n safe . My first Jacket lasted 7 years of full time winter wear . It still works in the cheast but arms gave out . It , and the replacement jacket are 95 watt models . I recently dumped heated grips for heated glove liners that attach to my jacket . The liners are much better , and draw less power than the heated grips did on high . My Hayabusa has a volt meter installed that typically shows 14.1 to 14.2 VDC riding down the road with nothing on .
Jacket on medium drawing about 50 watts gauge shows 14.0 / 14.1 floats back n forth
Jacket on high power 13.9 vdc on gauge
Jacket / heated grips both on medium 13.8 vdc , and if it got cold I had to chose the jacket , and turn off grips.
Jacket / new glove liners everything on high 13.8 VDC run medium 14.0
All the above reading are with my LED 16 watt fog lights on full time ( 8 watts each ) No other accessorizes that draw power . Have deleted the 5 watt rear mud flap light , and changed all conventional bulbs to LED saving 35 or 40 watts . I'm going to go Cyclops head lights that will save 25 more watts , and give better lighting plug n play .
Excellent, Excellent write up C10! Awesome information, exactly what I needed. I no longer nervous I'll go dead, and now I'm putting the Volt guage in a prority viewing location. Thank you! I plan to do an Iron Butt ride on mine soon......
Amplink is cheaper and works.

PS Heard good things too on Warm and Safe
I've always used the Compact Fuse Block FZ-1 with built in very well and cheap! $90 clams FZ-1 Fuzeblock Fuse Block with Built-In Relay You can choose for each fuse whether it will be Switched (pwr always on or off when key is off) and has a high power relay included.
Item description:
Compact Fuse Block FZ-1 with Built-In Relay (aka. FuzeBlock)

Easy to install. Small. Powerful. That's how we'd describe the FZ-1. This compact fuse block with a built-in relay is an all-around standout product by Fuzeblock. The FZ-1 boasts a few incredible features. For instance, it can switch on or off based on whether the bike is running or it can supply constant power. It also makes all your accessories Can-Bus-friendly. When the FZ-1 Fuzeblock is installed, you can power auxiliary lighting, GPS and radar detectors. You can also run your XM radio, audio mixers and intercom system without worrying about a thing; in fact, you can run any device that requires fewer than 10A without any issues.

A thick, sturdy circuit board makes the FZ-1 compact fuse block durable enough to handle rough rides. It comes with power selection and protection features, and it's weather-resistant. Since it's so small, you have several mounting options. The FZ-1 fuse block with built-in relay by Fuzeblock is a must-have when you need to harness the real power of your bike.

Having shown all of this, I have always connected my Heated Chothing Cord Directly to the Battery (with a single Fuse). The FZ-1 or any fuse block for all the other accessories....
You still need fuses. I had a problem once and blew all the fuses I had on me before I found the problem. Had to find an auto parts store to get more. That's what made me think there has got to be a better. The digital fuse block have been proven in tough, wet conditions like adv bikes and boats. They are just a better mouse trap.

a fuse block will certainly work but you get what you pay for. It's a mistake to compare these two things, and the Neutrino is a completely new animal. Its not for the how can I do this the cheapest crowd.
You still need fuses. I had a problem once and blew all the fuses I had on me before I found the problem. Had to find an auto parts store to get more. That's what made me think there has got to be a better. The digital fuse block have been proven in tough, wet conditions like adv bikes and boats. They are just a better mouse trap.

a fuse block will certainly work but you get what you pay for. It's a mistake to compare these two things, and the Neutrino is a completely new animal. Its not for the how can I do this the cheapest crowd.
Solid logic, I concur with it. Having said that, I'm 100% problem free with the FZ-1 and I have 7 Bikes all needing fuse blocks..... Maybe I can buy in quanity and get a discount....
Well I'm not selling digital fuse blocks so I say roll your roll. Personally I would never return to fuses, guess deep down I am a "BMW guy".

Speaking of BMW's, I heard today we have a recall coming with a DNR order for grenading transmissions. Loving the BMW experience?

Edit: BTW I met a BMW guy that had 3 bikes. He set his accessories up the same on all bikes and made a harness to switch the Amplink between the bikes. Just plug it in and go. Pretty slick.
Well I'm not selling digital fuse blocks so I say roll your roll. Personally I would never return to fuses, guess deep down I am a "BMW guy".

Speaking of BMW's, I heard today we have a recall coming with a DNR order for grenading transmissions. Loving the BMW experience?

Edit: BTW I met a BMW guy that had 3 bikes. He set his accessories up the same on all bikes and made a harness to switch the Amplink between the bikes. Just plug it in and go. Pretty slick.
That is the "Perfect" Solution and I should do it, now will I??? That would mean having the same accessories on each bike and I don't and the wiring on a K1200lt....dang. I completly agree with you the New Fuseless Amplink is the way to go, and I'm also a BMW guy who started his own BMW club going strong for the last 15 years, now with a Love for a Arm Yanking and great handling StupidFast to tell you I'm Impressed with this bike..It's Growing.....Guess I really don't care how I get power....Now It's off the Complete the Cruise Control Install and pigtail for the Heated Clothing.....
Never had any problems with my Fuselink, never even blew a fuse. Fallenarch's Neutrino looks cool but wasn't available back when. May have to do more investigating.
Never had any problems with my Fuselink, never even blew a fuse. Fallenarch's Neutrino looks cool but wasn't available back when. May have to do more investigating.
Be very cautious of any parts suggested by @fallenarch or @c10 ... they are usually some of the most awesome parts in one way or another but I assure you almost all of them have 1 thing in common and that is that your wallets gonna feel a whole lot lighter afterwards :lol: :poke: