Man am I living in the wrong country.
Have many guns but, get this.
In Canada you have to first take what's called the core program, if you pass this then you take the firearms aquistion
certificate (FAC), if you pass this, your test gets sent to a commity that decides for you if you will even have the right to purchase a gun. You need the FAC to purchase anything that has a velocity greater than 500fps or a Crossbow, or any ammunition at all.
Now, once you've reached this point you have to register the weapon you purchase with a government database. once you've done this, it gives the cops full right to enter your home at anytime without a warrant just because there may be a weapon on the premises.
This country makes me sick sometimes.
God bless America!!!
Have many guns but, get this.
In Canada you have to first take what's called the core program, if you pass this then you take the firearms aquistion
certificate (FAC), if you pass this, your test gets sent to a commity that decides for you if you will even have the right to purchase a gun. You need the FAC to purchase anything that has a velocity greater than 500fps or a Crossbow, or any ammunition at all.
Now, once you've reached this point you have to register the weapon you purchase with a government database. once you've done this, it gives the cops full right to enter your home at anytime without a warrant just because there may be a weapon on the premises.
This country makes me sick sometimes.
God bless America!!!