anyone carry a gun while riding?

Man am I living in the wrong country.
Have many guns but, get this.
In Canada you have to first take what's called the core program, if you pass this then you take the firearms aquistion
certificate (FAC), if you pass this, your test gets sent to a commity that decides for you if you will even have the right to purchase a gun. You need the FAC to purchase anything that has a velocity greater than 500fps or a Crossbow, or any ammunition at all.
Now, once you've reached this point you have to register the weapon you purchase with a government database. once you've done this, it gives the cops full right to enter your home at anytime without a warrant just because there may be a weapon on the premises.
This country makes me sick sometimes.
God bless America!!!
I used to carry every day before I retired from the force.
I'm assuming that this question and the vast majority of the posts to it are in fun. And that's good. Because if anyone had to USE a gun, the repercussions (and I don't mean the recoil) would be one hell of a pain in the butt. I agree with the guys that said you can either speed away or run them down. A lot easier to do than trying to justify blowing them full of holes.

P.S. Uh oh...I'm the second grouser. Do I get a second place grousing award? ;)

i will when i get back to the states, Japan is pretty peaceful and i think its illegal, theres still anti-war protestors at our gates though, still protesting war in Iraq
theres about ten of them that keep showing up every Sunday
i think ill go out and take pictures this Sunday



I used to carry every day before I retired from the force.
I'm assuming that this question and the vast majority of the posts to it are in fun. And that's good. Because if anyone had to USE a gun, the repercussions (and I don't mean the recoil) would be one hell of a pain in the butt. I agree with the guys that said you can either speed away or run them down. A lot easier to do than trying to justify blowing them full of holes.

P.S. Uh oh...I'm the second grouser. Do I get a second place grousing award? ;)
it IS a pain in the butt, so if you shoot, shoot to kill, or they'll just keep suin ya
I used to carry every day before I retired from the force.
I'm assuming that this question and the vast majority of the posts to it are in fun. And that's good. Because if anyone had to USE a gun, the repercussions (and I don't mean the recoil) would be one hell of a pain in the butt. I agree with the guys that said you can either speed away or run them down. A lot easier to do than trying to justify blowing them full of holes.

P.S. Uh oh...I'm the second grouser. Do I get a second place grousing award?
it IS a pain in the butt, so if you shoot, shoot to kill, or they'll just keep suin ya  
This still isn't gonna work. Funny thing but most people have RELATIVES and FAMILY. And they will come out of the woodwork if you kill their precious gang-banging son that they haven't seen in 10 years. They don't necessarily care about the dead son/nephew/cousin, but they WILL sue the poop out of you for violating his civil rights and wrongful death. Better to leave the gun at home and just keep out of neighborhoods where you might need one.

I used to carry every day before I retired from the force.
I'm assuming that this question and the vast majority of the posts to it are in fun. And that's good. Because if anyone had to USE a gun, the repercussions (and I don't mean the recoil) would be one hell of a pain in the butt. I agree with the guys that said you can either speed away or run them down. A lot easier to do than trying to justify blowing them full of holes.

P.S. Uh oh...I'm the second grouser. Do I get a second place grousing award?
it IS a pain in the butt, so if you shoot, shoot to kill, or they'll just keep suin ya  
This still isn't gonna work. Funny thing but most people have RELATIVES and FAMILY. And they will come out of the woodwork if you kill their precious gang-banging son that they haven't seen in 10 years. They don't necessarily care about the dead son/nephew/cousin, but they WILL sue the poop out of you for violating his civil rights and wrongful death. Better to leave the gun at home and just keep out of neighborhoods where you might need one.

oh ya!
i forgot about them

I used to carry every day before I retired from the force.
I'm assuming that this question and the vast majority of the posts to it are in fun. And that's good. Because if anyone had to USE a gun, the repercussions (and I don't mean the recoil) would be one hell of a pain in the butt. I agree with the guys that said you can either speed away or run them down. A lot easier to do than trying to justify blowing them full of holes.

P.S. Uh oh...I'm the second grouser. Do I get a second place grousing award?
it IS a pain in the butt, so if you shoot, shoot to kill, or they'll just keep suin ya  
This still isn't gonna work. Funny thing but most people have RELATIVES and FAMILY. And they will come out of the woodwork if you kill their precious gang-banging son that they haven't seen in 10 years. They don't necessarily care about the dead son/nephew/cousin, but they WILL sue the poop out of you for violating his civil rights and wrongful death. Better to leave the gun at home and just keep out of neighborhoods where you might need one.

oh ya!
i forgot about them

I own a couple of handguns, but I don't carry. It is almost impossible to get a CCW in MD. If it was legal, I might carry... Not sure.

My guns are mostly for target practice and whatnot. If someone broke into my house wanting my TV, they can have it...

Now... If someone broke into my house wanting to rape my wife (or my dog), that is a different story.


Let God sort 'em out if that ever happens!
Yeah, I dunno, I am a pretty crappy shot left handed, besides I find the Pepper Spray or the ASP Baton pretty much help me explain myself in terms that everyone can understand and "live" with.  

That being said, I cannot think of anything worse than needing a fire-arm and not having one.  

But I believe statistically you are still more likely to be struck by lightning than be involved in a shooting...Especially in Florida...Lots of Lightning here...

Desert Eagle Mod. AE .50
Ruger Super Redhawk .44 Mag 9.5" barrel
Glock Mod. 21c Ported slide and barrel .45
Ruger Mod. SP-101 .357
Baretta Mod. Cheetah .380
Baretta Mod. 92FS Vertec 9mm
Smith & Wesson Mod. .38 Special
RG .22 Mag Revolver

Long Arms:
Remmington Mod. 550-1 .22 long Scoped
Remmington Mod. 700 7mm Mag. Scoped, Bipod.
Beneli Mod. Nova 12GA. Shotgun
German Mod. M48 8mm Mauser (Matching Numbers)
Russian Mod. Mosin Nagant 7.62x54R Carbine (Matching Numbers)
Russian Mod. Mosin Nagant 7.62x54R Sniper (Matching Numbers)
Russian Mod. SKS 7.62x39 Semi-Auto (Matching Numbers)
Japanese 6.5mm (Matching Numbers)
British Mod. Enfield .303 (Matching Numbers)
Colt AR-15 .223
Century Arms L1A1 .308 Semi-Auto (Matching Numbers)
nothin' like kill 'em twice or three times, or ten times, or......
   there's enuff nuclear weapons on this earth to blow it up like 40 times over .   I guess it's just a damb shame we only have ONE EARTH .
Are you afraid? . Not for me anyway . I personally dont find guns nessesary .