I have ridden cruisers for 15 years, sport bikes for 3. My last bike was a more upright SV650 (unfaired). I find both it and my busa with bar risers and tobin, for some reason makes my neck hurt bad. When I first got my stock busa I road it 7 hours to get it home and do not recall having a problem. Is there something I am doing wrong, positioning myself or something? I am 5'7''. I don't know if the more upright, but not all the way upright position puts me at a weird angle or something? I am going to add helibars to make it even higher and see if it helps. If not, I will go back to stock. It just doesn't make sense why I did not have problems when I was more leaned over. I have never had wrist, back, or knee discomfort, so that is not the issue. I have heard it mentioned about using your abs and strengthening your back, but my neck is the issue
If this continues to be an issue, I am actually considering going back to a cruiser, even though I love.... the busa.
Anyone got a suggestion or cure??
If this continues to be an issue, I am actually considering going back to a cruiser, even though I love.... the busa.
Anyone got a suggestion or cure??