Anyone with experience with metal rods in them?

I shattered my left upper tibia and the knee. I hada ti rod bolted to the side of it to help it heal and hold all of the pieces together. That f'n rod drove me nuts for 2 years. Weather pressure changes and the cold really drove me nuts. I had it removed last year August 19/09 and after surgery I felt so much better. It just annoyed me most of the time and I could feel it there. Hard to explain, but it did its job and couldnt be more thankful! Any ?'s you got I try and answer! Heal up well!
I have a plate and screws in my tibia from getting hit by a car and splitting it down the middle. its been in there for about 8 years and causes terrible pain when i run. the cold Montana winters don't help either
I shattered my left upper tibia and the knee. I hada ti rod bolted to the side of it to help it heal and hold all of the pieces together. That f'n rod drove me nuts for 2 years. Weather pressure changes and the cold really drove me nuts. I had it removed last year August 19/09 and after surgery I felt so much better. It just annoyed me most of the time and I could feel it there. Hard to explain, but it did its job and couldnt be more thankful! Any ?'s you got I try and answer! Heal up well!

it was bolted to the side of your tibia?? ???
Mine is actually inside the bone... It doesnt bother me at all moving around as much as i can now with a cast... feels normal minus the cast on my leg. Guess ill find out when it comes time to start walking in 6-8 weeks. I hope it doesnt hurt when i run. I hate running as it is :please:


Crap I forgot you were in 29 stumps. I was there sat evening, Guess I could have stopped by...
Back in September I broke my Femur, tibula, fibula and crushed my ankle due to a skydiving accident. I now have a titanium rod in my left femur, rods below the knee and plates and screws in my ankle.

Its been a bit over a month now since my surgery. Other than I still can't put any weight on it untill December 21st I can't tell anything is even in there.

I have had no pain since mid October. It was quite painful at first though.

I'll eventually get my x-rays from the hospital and some other pictures and post them on here.
Niceee. Did it have to be removed cause of pain or anything or did you just have it removed just because?

Yeah i got some better xray pics of my rod but the stupid cd is formatted weird so i cant extract them off. Im going to have to play with the cd a bit to get them off. I havent had any aches/pains so far with the rod so i think all is going well. Only time will tell. Thanks guys for all the replies :thumbsup:

I look forward to knowing all my other metal rod/plate brothers here on the Org :thumbsup:

Sorry I forgot about this post.
My doctor doesn't like to leave hardware in any longer then needed. His biggest concern is if something were to happen it could get ugly. Should you have another accident with the hardware installed will it keep your leg from breaking or will it cause it to shatter? I did have a second accident and rebroke my leg. I don't know what would have happened if the rod was still in at the time but I'm glad I didn't find out the hard way. I did have some pain do to the way the orginal surgeon put the screws in so I was happy to get it removed. One was to long.. It's nice to be hardware free.
Sorry I forgot about this post.
My doctor doesn't like to leave hardware in any longer then needed. His biggest concern is if something were to happen it could get ugly. Should you have another accident with the hardware installed will it keep your leg from breaking or will it cause it to shatter? I did have a second accident and rebroke my leg. I don't know what would have happened if the rod was still in at the time but I'm glad I didn't find out the hard way. I did have some pain do to the way the orginal surgeon put the screws in so I was happy to get it removed. One was to long.. It's nice to be hardware free.

Ouch yeah that wouldnt be good... Whats the after surgery procedures when they take it out? Can you still walk and such?
I have 2 plates and screws in my left shoulder blade
Do me a favor and do the physical therapy
I didnt and its never been as strong as it once was
It does get sore on major weather changes
This was 12 yrs ago
I had shattered and compressed my shoulder blade (rare occurrence from what they tell me)
They said if it became an issue they could take it out but I decided to leave it in there as its not been that much of a bother
I still can do most of the things I once could
good luck and dont worry too much
Ouch yeah that wouldnt be good... Whats the after surgery procedures when they take it out? Can you still walk and such?

I was told that I can start putting weight on my leg in 2 days and after that I can put as much as I can tolerate. More or less he told me to take it easy until the holes filled in.
I was told that I can start putting weight on my leg in 2 days and after that I can put as much as I can tolerate. More or less he told me to take it easy until the holes filled in.

I will probly get the rod removed in a year or two when im fulley healed then. What you said about the bone shattering sounds terrible, being a motorcycle rider God forbid but broken legs are common in motorcycle accidents and i dont want to get to that situation and wish i had taken the rod out...
I will probly get the rod removed in a year or two when im fulley healed then. What you said about the bone shattering sounds terrible, being a motorcycle rider God forbid but broken legs are common in motorcycle accidents and i dont want to get to that situation and wish i had taken the rod out...

For me there was no way I was going to leave them in. My first go round they used hardware that was to long and caused me a lot of pain. The second time around everything was done right but I still couldn't wait to get it removed. The biggest reason is the screw heads rubbing when I wore my work boots.
Keep the rod in your leg, Russell, then take up kickboxing!

I bet this guy wishes he'd had a titanium leg:

For me there was no way I was going to leave them in. My first go round they used hardware that was to long and caused me a lot of pain. The second time around everything was done right but I still couldn't wait to get it removed. The biggest reason is the screw heads rubbing when I wore my work boots.

Ouch. Yeah i think i just want anything that isnt born in my body out of it...
That guy has broken both legs playing professional soccer.

Whats cool thought is the ortho doc said the second bone doesnt matter which is why they didnt rod my fibula because i broke both bones clean off. The second bone is a muscle stabilizer or something but its not important they said. They use that bone to reconstruct jaws and other things if needed

I wonder how that guy broke his ???