Arizona Busa Riders

Sounds good WAG. I appreciate the heads up. I had a couple of chances to get down there this summer but just never was able to put it together. I definately plan on the end of May.... I don't like to be cold on purpose....
I'm still thinkin' of trying to get out there by the end of this month but I"m sure it'll be cold already. That White Mountain area and south just cools off entirely too early in the year!

Bump.... Just to see if theres any more interest from the Arizona guys....
Wag, so you think it will already be pretty cold up there my the end of Sept....
Last time I went through Florance, it was the Hells Angels annual Florance Prison run, and also the Hells Angels anniversary. There were more police there than there were Hells Angels.. My radar detector started going off 10 miles before I got there and stayed on until I was 10 miles out of town. Cops were pulling everyone over; cars, bikes trucks. I slipped through some how.... Crazy...
If it's ok with you Dan I can post on some of the other sites. But to be sure are we talking next weekend or the 18/19 of next month?

Oh yeah I'm in for next month.
Michael, I was trying to give everyone plenty of time to plan. Its either the 18 or 19th of October. Its definately OK with me if you post it on some of the other sites. At this point, I'm thinking Sunday the 19th of Oct. is probably going to be the best day.
I guess we should go ahead and plan on the ride day for the 19th of October. This should give everyone plenty of time to set the day aside if they are able to come... At this point, I guess theres 5 or 6 of us. We'll bump this once in a while just in case someone missed the post.
Hey Danny! Long time no see, hear, talk. You still doing the track thing lately?
Cool... as it stands right now, the 19th of Oct., 6:00 am, at the Baja gas station across for the Fort McDowell casino....
Haven't had much time for the track. To many other things going on in my life right now. But I'm still riding quite a bit. I wouldn't mind going with youi guts to a track day sometime, just watch you all go fast.
Cool. I'm pretty sure headrash and 6reps will come. I'm thinking October 18th or 19th, which is a Saturday or Sunday. I'm just throwing this out, I'm not firm on the date or route. I'm thinking we can meet at the Baha gas station on the east side of hwy 87 across the street from the Fort McDowell casino at 6:00 and leave there by 6:30. We can run up hwy 87 to hwy 188 past Roosevelt Lake and dam and on to Globe. In Globe go east on hwy 60 to where it turns into hwy 77. Continue on hwy 77 to hwy 79 take hwy 79 to Winkleman. From Winkleman take hwy 177 to Superior and the 60 and from there back into town.

There are several places on this route for photo ops; also, there is a really good resturant in Pumpkin Center (The Butcher Block I think), prices are good and they give you pleanty to eat.

This route also allows for an easy early return from the resturant or from Globe. The whole route is scenic and the backside of Globe, hwy 79, is fully of nice high speed sweepers.

Any how, this is what I'm throwing out at this point; but, I'm open to suggestions. And... there is no pressure to go fast. Everybody get to ride their own ride.

Well I don't live out there in the stinkin' desert, but can a slow poke like me
from California join all you fine young gents for a ride in October ???

The 18-19th works for me :please:
I just got back last night from a bull elk hunt and saw this. I unfortunately won't be able to make it as I have to work those days so have a fun and safe ride.
Looks good for the October 19th. ride.

Anybody want to hit Payson for breakfast this coming Sunday? I was thinking we could meet around McKellips and Country Club (QuikTrip near 202).

Danny, there is no way that I'll eat at the Knotty Pine. I made that mistake once:laugh: We can hit the casino up there for eats, unless someone has a better idea.

I don't know if I want to head straight for the 17 and run south from there, hit Prescott, or head up towards Lake Mary, Flagstaff. I just want to get out and clear my head, and I need a change of scenery big time.
Rich, it you are able to come let me know in plenty of time so I can clean the spare bedroom, LOL. You know you are definately welcome. If you are coming, I know some of the guys will definately want to ride both days (18th and 19th of October). It won't be realy fast on my part, but as usual, everyone rides there own ride. The are some really nice roads out hear. Not necessarily all twisties but very scenic.. Anyhow, it will be great if you can make it.