Arizona Busa Riders


One of the Few, the proud -
Donating Member
I know this has been tryed before, but without much success. So here goes... I know there are a lot of Busa owners and riders here in Arizona, especiallly in the Phoenix metro area, and Tucson. It would be nice if all or at least some of use could get together and actually meet each other and ride together. In this day and age, I know everyone has busy schedules but if we all tried we could probably arrange for a day to meet once in a while.

Personally, I would enjoy meeting my fellow Busa riders in the local area, and I'm hoping some of you feel the same way. If we are able to arrange a meetup, it doesn't mean that we are all in a race against each other. I'm thinking this could be kind of a meet and greet sort of thing. And... on the riding part, we all do our own thing. I have a commercial license which I have to protect so I pick the time and place to go fast pretty carefully.

I see lots of Busa riders getting together all over the country, but here in Arizona, it just doesn't seem to be happening. So, if there is any interest here, maybe we can put something together..... Let me know and if the interest is there, we'll try and put something together... Thanks Danny
Hey Copper, how ya' been ????......if you get something planned, post-up, and I'll collect the Sin City Coalition and we'll represent. "BUT ONLY" if it's JUST Hayabusa's...... :oldcool: I'm getting stuffy in my old age, no more of dem-dare other peoples... :super: "J-u-s-t....B-u-s-a's"
Hey Spudley, I'm good. I agree on the only Busas. But so far I don't have any responses for Arizona. We'll see how it goes. Kind of funny, it seems like every place in the country the Busa gang is planing stuff and doing things together. But... in the 5 years I've been in Arizona it hasen't really happened yet. Any how, at this point I'm just putting out the feelers to see if theres any interest, and we'll take it from there.
Hey Mr Bogus, Tortilla flats isn't a bad idea. It would be a good place to have a bite, get tires and talk about our bikes. It would definately be a good place to get to know each other. It would definately be a slow and go to Tortilla flats because with the nice weather comming we are about to be invaded by snow birds and they all love Tortilla Flats. Good suggestion though....
"So many snow birds, so little freezer space"


I lived off 96th street and Main (East Mesa)... made a run or two up to the flats.. I like running to Globe/Miami too.. short run and you can go the Salt river canyon.. come back down via Show low.. (well maybe not a short run :))
I guess a lot of folks think of Arizona being flat and all desert, but we know different right... There are tons of really incredable roads. I really love the back roads here. So many roads so little time.....
Cool. I'm pretty sure headrash and 6reps will come. I'm thinking October 18th or 19th, which is a Saturday or Sunday. I'm just throwing this out, I'm not firm on the date or route. I'm thinking we can meet at the Baha gas station on the east side of hwy 87 across the street from the Fort McDowell casino at 6:00 and leave there by 6:30. We can run up hwy 87 to hwy 188 past Roosevelt Lake and dam and on to Globe. In Globe go east on hwy 60 to where it turns into hwy 77. Continue on hwy 77 to hwy 79 take hwy 79 to Winkleman. From Winkleman take hwy 177 to Superior and the 60 and from there back into town.

There are several places on this route for photo ops; also, there is a really good resturant in Pumpkin Center (The Butcher Block I think), prices are good and they give you pleanty to eat.

This route also allows for an easy early return from the resturant or from Globe. The whole route is scenic and the backside of Globe, hwy 79, is fully of nice high speed sweepers.

Any how, this is what I'm throwing out at this point; but, I'm open to suggestions. And... there is no pressure to go fast. Everybody get to ride their own ride.
That sounds pretty good to me. We should be in prime riding weather by then!

If you want to go out for an A.M. ride before then, let me know.
I'm definately up for an early morning ride. Your side of town or mine. Theres a good breakfast resturant just as you go into Pason. Knoty Pine or something like that. But like I said, your side of town or mine. I'm taking a short ride in the morning. Don't know if that too short notice. But... even when its hot, I'll get up early and go north somewhere for breakfast. Let me know ....
Sounds good--I'll try to make it. Working on additions to my house out on the west side of Phx, but maybe I can tear myself away for a ride.
Hey Benesso, it would be great to meet you, hope you can make it....
You guys have some great roads out there. If you ever decide to do Devil's highway, let me know and I'll try to meet y'all.

No can do for tomorrow 9/20. If you are clear for next weekend, I'll be ready to go!
Hey Wag, that is a ride I would definately like to make. Its probably going to be next April or May for me....
Roadthing, how about next Sunday morning.... Do youthink that will work.
Hey Wag, that is a ride I would definately like to make. Its probably going to be next April or May for me....

Recommend you wait til end of May. We went last April and it was too early in the year; nearly froze our buttz off! :moon:
