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i cant believe it, im a senior member, how did that happen. ?

who`s responsible for this great honour that has been bestowed upon me. ?

i may have to change my terrible, terrible ways, i may have to apoligise.

i may have to ninja kick you all in the head.

about the wheelbarrow, i have no idea what you are referring to.

original name
now piss off before i ninja kick you in the head, you unpatriotic piece of crap.

i will leave you alone

im in shock its so hard to be mean now that i am a SENIOR MEMBER


your good mate
Pukka, Food for thought.
This may be a little low but I can't resist.

Australia was used by the British as an outpost to send the most undesireable convicts to serve out their prison terms. In essence those lacking the conviction and intelligence to make an honest living and lacking the cunning to avoid being caught.
Most of the caucasians that ended up populating the country were selected for their inferior traits and sent there against their will.

The US on the other hand is the result of those having the initiative and willing to take a significant risk by sailing to a new unknown land and bust their butts to improve their stanard of living. They were a natural selection of those with initiative and bravery and determination. Not suprisingly this country became the worlds super power in short order.


If the US is the "Land of the free and home of the brave", Australia must be the "Land of the dim-witted, home of the scum".
ok lets start with the first piece of crap

i answered your question rather clearly i thought my zx12r arrives in feb 2000
why ? does it matter, i get the feeling your one of those people who judges his manhood by the amount of bikes he has, and that would be due to the fact that you have no penis.

go ahead make me idiot of the century, i couldnt care less because i dont waste my time going to bullcrap sites such as yours, look what you did to poor old big ed, he trusted you by posting that story, and then you turned around and sodomised him. (with a bottle that is as i mentioned earlier you have no penis)

i hope my heritage comes from the original convicts that were sent to australia, that would make me very proud, i do not honour the queen or her country, and if my heritage came from the early convicts, i hope my great times 10 grandfather had the chance to kill some black abo bastardmansluts.

dirty pete
you old manslut i would like to rip into you some more, but im not sure if your old ticker could take it, so i will go easy on you for now you old poofter.

i know a dog called that, i doubt you even know what the function of a wingnut is, you must be one of the wogs that imergrated here against my will, (damm wog loving goverment) the only value i place on you, is wog manslutpoofter.

do you know what an edit button is you piece of crap girlpoofter, i may be psychotic but i am by no means psychic otherwise i would have seen you girlpoofter head coming and then woooa ninja kick to the head.

bob judge
first of all i would not be found visiting the type of manslut poofter bar that we let you seamen scum attend. you had a good time banging our women in perth eh.
well if you like banging abo pisshead scum and loose tom boy farmers daughters then that is your problem because that is all youll find in perth, so you got to talking about you younger days with your manslut poofter brother did you.
it sure must have been hard remembering the eighteen hundreds.
ninja kick to the head bob judge you poofter seaman, sailors are well known to be manslutpoofters all that time alone at sea.

my wife and i came to new zealand for our honeymoon, we were in a bar just playing billiards minding our own buisness, when 10 big fat huge dum black manslutpoofters came over and took our table while we were still playing, do you know what we did maui (i can tell by the way you stand in your pic that your a manslut)lol, do you know what we did, my wife and i ninja kick to the head the whole lot of them.
drank our beers and then i pissed in all their faces.
greetings from a real aussie
and up yours !! :)
oh and one of them was white, as his head was bleeding , i was washing his face with my piss, he kept mumbling some crap about a funny car, but i just kept on pissing, didnt i

no their were no mods to my old bike i leave that stuff to porkepine sodomiser manslutpoofters like your self.

your good mate

oh and to all my manslut poofter friends from around the globe
merry christmas and a happy y2k

oh and the whole story about the bar in new zealand, well i made it all up, but bring your piece of crap funny car to calder park raceway maui, and i will quiet happily ninja kick your weak sorry butt and then piss in your face.
maui i dont represent australia
you wouldnt know what an aussie is
because your a girl talking skinny little manslutpoofter kiwi

[This message has been edited by packa (edited 21 December 1999).]

[This message has been edited by packa (edited 21 December 1999).]
If photos of naked guys turn you on, you can have a look at Packa in person on his wheelchair in his Fruit of the Loom. Go to Discussion then Last Week then look in the long thread titled "Pictures of what you currently ride please."

He not as chubbed out as you may think. In fact he looks pretty together for a guy who's been in a wheelchair for a year.

This does not mean, however, that the fat jokes will stop. Reality is not a factor here. And in light of the photo we will be adding in some haircut insults and possibly a measure of tattoo satire.

Duc his bike is (was) a crashed ZX 7 or 9 or something. There's pictures of that too and the bike looks it has been in a non-survivable accident. I guess it almost was.
"manslut poofers"?

He calls Marines "seaman"?

I'll bet packa does not trace his lineage to convicts......his little family bush goes back to when some aborigine screwed a dingo!

Hahahahaha packa you are priceless!

Almost forgot to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone at Busa.Org!!! You too packa!

[This message has been edited by Ninjaknight (edited 21 December 1999).]
HEY I only did that once!!(who told you?)

I take it back.. I can hate you, but your not really worth my hatered. a pro-sheep poofter such as yourself should realise that covering a goat in vegimite does not a make for a long lasting relationship.. hell just look at that goofy phucker thats always on the Discovery channel, you aussies just cant leave those poor animals alone! isnt there a big OZONE hole right over that poopshooter paradise of yours?? because that would explain alot..
Maui right on. Doesn't Packa's posting remind you of FC when he first started up? There's a great deal of similarity in they way they gleefully lob indiscriminate verbal hand grenades at anything that moves.

Now that FC has apparently retired from the fishing derby, become open-minded and even made peace with the speed sex and drug crazed hooligans over at, Packa perfectly fills our group's deep-seated need to lash out at weird strangers with cancerous attitudes.

And just in time too. We were all getting kinda mushy about Christmas there.

Welcome aboard Packa! Up yerz!
no ones anwsered my question
how did i become a senior member ?
you all screwing with me or what ?
im a nice guy
dirty pete
whats a diatribe ?

your good mate packa
Hey, there is one explanation of Packa's psychic behaviour: he recently bougth a new boomerang and could not get rid of the old one. Now, that would drive anybody crazy.
Look I can't just leave you lying on the side of the road like this.

Can't you just demonstrate some civility? If you want to hang out here, just do what Jamie's doing and post with some small measure of respect and friendliness.

Your high spirits and spunk are welcome, but nobody on Earth wants to stand in a stream of projectile vomiting.

Chill and accept the Christmas spirit.

You sound like those little British tank drivers called "squadies" that I used to beat the **** out of when I lived in Germany. Brits, Austalians, all the same. I was only 15-17 yrs old at the time and I NEVER even took a shot from the little scappers. I did however leave many, MANY of them unconscious and bleeding on the pub floor. Have to give it to them, they would throw down with anyone, anytime, but the poor bastards simply couldn't handle the Americans unless they had 3-1 odds.

When I graduated from college I was commissioned as a lieutenant in the US Marine Corps. After AIT I went on a Westpac and we stopped at Perth. The Aussies would get irate because the Jarheads were banging all their women. The grunts were in a fine mood after being locked in the ships hull for 3-weeks so they took "no-**** " from the Aussies. They put so many of the bastards in the hospital that we had to call them back to the ship early. As an officer it would be "conduct unbecoming" to engage in fist-i-cuffs with civilians so I never had the pleasure of un-corking on an Aussie. The grunts said was "those little f**kers just would NOT stop talking sh*t. All I wanted to do was get drunk and bang this local chick but they would not stop talking sh*t, so finally I had to take the sh*t talker out." Never did have to pick up a grunt at the hospital.

Got too much to lose these days so I let dumb shits like the Fudge-Packa talk their trash. Thanks for conjuring up images from my younger days. I even called my brother to talk about some of the *** -whuppin's we laid on the squadies, made our day.

Happy Holidays!
I almost forgot, Packo, you should really cut down on salt, bad for the ticker, we don't want you to kack on us now, what would we do with out your witty repartee?
i was expecting a lot more

dirty pete
you want some respect eh.
then bugger off my thread.
when i post on other threads you big poof, i am rather polite and humerous.
maybe this thread is a little new age for you , ya big old poof.

go have another look at big eds thread
i can be nice

dirty manslut your in my room so play by the rules.

your good mate
C'mon guys,,!! This Twit's Hooks are Working on You's,,BTW who ever said "Fudge Packa" Now that was funny :)

He's a newbie,,he's blowing his load all over,,pretty soon he'll fizz out and take his Kangaroo Skippy, to the Outback steak house for a Dundee New-York strip,,Med-Rare.

I mention this cause that's where I went to dinner tonite,,with a Bloomin Onion as an appetizer,Together with The Onion "Walkabout" Soup.

Packa,,I'm am Now farting in your general Direction with these Super-Duper NJ Law Enforcement "Oniony Fart's"

You're a light weight "Skippy" (Your new Name) C'mon,,is "Dat All You Got" ??

161 ®

come to austalia falconcunt i can get you a job working as a manslut, thats after ive ninja kicked you in the head.

consider this falconcunt, i may be overweight
but i can lose the weight
you`ll always be a piece of crap cop
i spit in your general direction.

your good mate packa