Geezus... The Queen should have kept the dump a prison! I come all the way down here to kick Packa's butt and I can't find him! Let me tell you where I've looked so far:
GEELONG - That all they'd say when I stood at the urinal.
WERRIBEE - Stopped for directions and the just kept repeating what I said... "Where I be?".
BALLARAT & ARARAT - I thought he'd be in one of these rodent towns. Sex with the rodents of ARARAT, seems to be the past time of the folks from BALLARAT.
STAWELL - Knew he couldn't be here.
RUPANYUP - These folks sure did stare at my butt. This place should be called "UP-ANY-RUMP".
COOMANDOOK - With all the dooky Packa talks... nope, he's not here, either.
DIMBOOLA - Not the brightest one, that Packa... I figured they named the place after him.
PINAROO - Oh, that's right... he'd have to drive miles to do it with a 'roo. I thought he'd be here "pinnin' roos".
PEEBINGA - So here I sit, at the a**hole of the universe. Where are you, Packa? Binga kinda wet from me peeing on him (or is it her... they all look alike 25 km out of Melborne).
Don't tell me I'm on the wrong side of the "cunta-nate"! I'm outta here. I gotta get back to civilation for Christmas.
Merry Xmas, Mate... and your dog, too!