The "big email flap" also showed that the b*tch used her personal email whenever she wanted.
She also carried and used her unsecured private Blackberry in foreign countries, and it was admitted that foreign governments could then easily hack it and all it's info.
Then, during the hearing, she smuggly played on her phone, and "did not recall" was her answer to most questions.
So, she is either utterly incompetent...or a blatent liar.
Yeah, just what we need for president.
Too many people dislike Trump the man, so they revolt against the office he holds.
Seperate the person from their ability, respect the office, and let him do the job.
The anti-Trump train rolls on because elites behind the scenes keep attacking him at any opportunity.
Why? Because Trump is a shreud, no bs businessman, not a politician.
He's keeping campaign draining the swamp. Stepping on DC scum's toes, and they don't like it.
The economy is doing well for good reason.
Hollywood elites and DC libtards want to slowly twist the public into socialism(just not for themselves), disguised as democrats out to save our country.
Good thing they've got young talent like Ocasio Cortez, lmao!
Come on, open your eyes folks.
Obama kisses Iran's ass, sends them a billion and a half dollars in cash, wtf.
In the last days, right will be called wrong, and wrong will be called right.
Things have gotten Biblical.
But, I'm a Christian conservative, white guy, my opinion is becoming the minority, as well as the stereotypical ideas that come with it.
Must be racist, everything came easily to me, that I don't value others, etc.
We as a nation are coming apart.
Elites behind the scenes are laughing.
Mission accomplished, turn them against themselves. Then the liberal government will "save" us with new laws, aka restrictions.
I could ramble on.
Rant over.