Idk? I’m not a Dreamer...... That whole spill about All Men are Created equal isn’t entirely true. Warren Buffet wouldn’t be The Warren Buffet we know if he was born poor and a minority. Shaquille O’Neal wouldn’t be who he is if he wasn’t 7ft tall!!! Sometimes you get dealt Aces in life and others have to fold.
Oh it can get nasty, it just hasn't on this thread....yet. I am quite surprised at that.Two things. I think it is very good that here people are willing to debate. They present their thoughts and others LISTEN. They then consider carefully what they read and write back. Recognising points they agree on and offering suggestions on parts they don't. That is good. People learn things This is totally different in politics and a quest for power and control There people argue. They do not listen. They do not think All they want to do is win the argument.
And to talk about equality for all. To put it much too simply
Equality does not mean everyone gets the same pair of shoes
It means everyone gets a pair of shoes that fit
I like that people here recognise there are different needs for different people but all want everyone to be given the tools and opportunities to succeed. That is as it should be
Oh it can get nasty, it just hasn't on this thread....yet. I am quite surprised at that.
Kind of refreshing that it hasn't though.
Politics can bring out the worst in people-most of the war zones I have been in are a result of that.
Trust me six we have all had our moments!
Very well put Sir.This is one of the best threads I've ever read !!
One reason, I think, humanity. People. People with the same ideal; life. Our individual lives. Our families lives. Living peaceful in our communities.
Another reason; hope. We; people, can do better and can be better. Now; right now; fast. We are accountable to ourselves, to our families and to our communities. Together, being accountable; we can accomplish the impossible, peace ! "... there can be no peace without two; and from two - comes many ..."
As for the US government; like many governments all over this planet; I believe it's time to start over. Unfortunately, the time has come. It was foretold, predicated and prophesied by the US "forefathers." Revolution by the people is protected with laws, written by these "forefathers."
"... That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness ..."
“... But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new guards for their future security ..."
Quotes from the US Constitution and US Declaration of Independence.
This "current form" of the US Government is an aberration of it's true goal and intent. No longer "satisfied" with European rule, the people organized and fought back. They also believed people from all over the planet should be free to live, work and worship without punishment or consequence.
Oddly, the US Government has become a "dictatorship of wealth." Companies, corporations, and special interest groups controlled by the wealthy selected few; govern the people. They rewriting historical events, make laws, policies. treaties and "entertainment" for global dominance. The U.N., The Group of 8 and World Government Summit gets it taking points from this wealthy selected few. It's the true, "trickle down effect."
As seen by the respect, admiration and decency shown on this thread, people are not the problem. Governments instituted and controlled by the wealthy selected few is the problem. These different governments don't have their many people, cities/states/provinces or county's best interest in mind.
Control, power and money are their interests ! Religions and wars being their most effective and preferred tools. War over religion, how useful is that tool ?!!! "... two birds, one stone ..."
When are we, the billions of people on this planet, going to stand together ?
"... if you're not working on something; then something is working on you ... good things don't come easy ... anything worth having, is worth fighting for ..."
Together ... Strong !
Divided ... Gone !
When are we, the billions of people on this planet, going to stand together ?
"... if you're not working on something; then something is working on you ... good things don't come easy ... anything worth having, is worth fighting for ..."
Together ... Strong !
Divided ... Gone !
When the aliens come down
and scare the poop
out of everyone ?
Just a thought .
Great post,
thanks for taking
the time to post it .
Yeah ,
well I still think
‘Men in Black'
is a thought
provoking ,
documentary . . .
liberalism works with the understanding that men/women act in goodwill... FOR THE PEOPLE/BY THE PEOPLE... we alllllllllllll contribute..... we alllll work towards a common goal..... no FREE anything... society has changed... forming this CRAZY liberalism bordering on communism.... BAN GUNS? things have gotten soooo crazy that we cant even agree on what constitutes gender anymore.... it is a real debate.... smh… not good guys.... not good..... IN THE END.... right will be called wrong/ and wrong will be called right..... where have u heard this before? word of caution..... WE KNOW that communism doesn't work... it corrupts almost instantly and BRUTALLY,,, we don't have to look far to see this.... its history...we should FEAR ending up like the soviet union... history guys.... on a positive note.... democracy WORKS.... as much as he is hated..... he was ELECTED(Trump)... and a conservative holding the higheast office and going back and forth with liberals is a good thing.... right after the so called "racist voting pool" put a BLACK man in the highest office in alllll the land..... make whatever excuse u want.... a black man was elected president..... and nobody saw THAT coming... FOR THE PEOPLE/BY THE PEOPLE.... this is the radical experiment..... but for the love of god.... we cant let the government (in any flavor) disarm its citizenry... if anything.... we ought to disarm trump.Most people in Washington are not idealogues. They are Republicans or Democrats because that is their team and their power base. But as far as what they believe, it's no different than the little league team you were assigned to.
But before we tar and feather politician's fake positions, how can a Christian support a president who lies constantly, dishonors women, and who steals? How can a conservative support a president who constantly degrades law enforcement and the intelligence community? Or how can conservatives support a president who spends money like it's going out of style and quips to his staff that he "won't be here to pay the consequences"?
The bottom line is the voters are responsible for this government. We let ourselves be swayed by issues like race that have nothing to do with our livelihoods. Voters facing a future without any health insurance at all vote against Obamacare because it's named after a black president "from Nigeria". If we, the people are suckers, can we complain about being taken advantage of?
For most of this country's existence, Democrats and Republicans were only slightly right or left of center. This made compromise possible, and indeed made the system functional. The right initiated this ideological arms race, but now both sides have retreated to the extremes of left and right. Compromise is not possible - the system is failing.
The constitution is a liberal document. The idea of giving power to the people, filtered only by representational oversight, was radical in a world still full of kingdoms. In it's time it stood as an accomplishment as grand as a walk on the moon. But as enlightened as our founding fathers were, they never contemplated that Americans would purposefully crash the system.
IN THE END . . .
Right will be called wrong / and wrong will be called right . . .
Where have you heard this before ?
Word of caution . . .