Bad day for this busa rider


Donating Member
Another one bites the dust.

I was going to work yesterday on a perfect riding morning. 60 degrees sunny, just loving life. I was sitting at a red light waiting to turn left and travel south bound. Got my arrow checked traffic and puttered on out into traffic. Negotiated the turn started to straighen the bike and throttle up.. WHUMP!!!!!!! and my bike was no longer under me. I remeber thinking that my bike should deffinatly be between my legs and that the fact that it was not between my legs was all togther correct. The series of events after that went something to the effect of ground sky ground sky ground sky groung grind rattle rattle............ouch. (stoeln from MC mustang).
I got off the ground and looked over at my previously unblemished 05 LE lying on the ground with battle pieces spread down the highway. "So that realy did just happen" I believe was my next thought followed by "well crap. My wife is gonna love this" Looked to my right and saw an SUV with hazards on about 75 yards down the road. Assuming they were the ones that hit me I was relieved cause at least I could make them help me get the bike out the road. Couple of kind passer bys helped me out of my gear (gotta love gear) and we got the bike to the side of the road. After that I carried on with the crappy day. Got the bike towed went to hospital and sat around all day doped up.
The driver obviously didn't see me or his constant red light that he got ticketed for. But he was apologetic and scared. I could see it in his face when he came up that he thought he killed a biker and he was going to jail. So his apologies were sincere. But better yet was his insurance card was genuine. The doctor had me in x ray for 6 hours but no broken bones just a couple nasty sprains that will keep me out of comission for a couple weeks and bruises colors of black and purple I didn't know were possible on the human body. A splint I gotta keep on my wrist for 2 weeks and a couple of quater sized abrasions on my thigh were my uniform pants didn't completely hold to the task, but all in all no worse for were after getting hit by a truck doing fifty that didn't even hint at hitting the brakes. My gear and my busa however didn't fair as well. (gotta love gear!!) My helmet looks like someone took a stone covered belt sander too it. My gloves are rather knuckle less and the whole right side off the bike looks like dog meat. But the bike didn't flip and remained on the right side so I hope insurance won't total out the bike because it is fixable. I walked away and the other guys wern't hurt so all the important stuff is covered.
Due to the recent unplanned carnage to the right side off my pride and joy I find myself in the position of considering custom paint jobs. So if the members of the board could help me with my new task off finding pictures I would appreciate it. What I am looking for is photo's of patriotic remeberance. Pictures of marines at Iwo Jima, Battleships firing at Midway. Pearl Harbor, landing at D day anything that you personaly think looks cool and fills you with that teary fealing of pride for are military. In particular I would love to find a picture drawing whatever of a sailor manning a anti aircraft gun firing at a plane, perferably with another battleship on the horizon. If you guys could help that would be great. As long as they do not total the busa (which I pray they don't) I think I got a awesome idea for paint that I am sure my busa, and fellow military brethering and sisterun will love. Well guys that's my story so I will leave you with. Lord you gotta LOVE YOUR GEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep - I was wondering when you were finally gonna post up! Well, don't ever start talking about starting over again...
Glad you are okay man, let me know what you need!
glad you're ok. I have a brake lever and a set of chrome bar ends I was going to donate to the board, I also have a right stock can with a tiny little scrape on it from the previous owner. Let me know if these items will help you. I wish I could do more. I know many people are going to say this but it could have been a lot worse. As far as paint IMO Smokin_Gunz is one of the best.
i am glad you are ok, other than the minor battle damange. if you get to rebuild it post up maybe we can come up with some parts.
Guys Gabe (speedaddict) and I were hanging out at Sonic on Tues, for our local bike night when we saw a pretty Cranberry '06 completely clean and stock.... we were talking about how it would be nice to get a new bike and start over since we both pretty happy with where our scoots were... Wed morning was when he got hit.....
What a day! man, you are blessed! Sorry to hear about this and hope everything goes in your direction from here on out.
PM smoking gunz he is the man with custom paint.

Glad to hear you are okay.
(MC MUSTANG @ Nov. 09 2006,17:54) Guys Gabe (speedaddict) and I were hanging out at Sonic on Tues, for our local bike night when we saw a pretty Cranberry '06 completely clean and stock.... we were talking about how it would be nice to get a new bike and start over since we both pretty happy with where our scoots were... Wed morning was when he got hit.....
That's a bummer alright. I'm close by if you guys get a re-assembly party lined up, I'd be glad to help.

Must be bad Karma in the panhandle; I shanked my rear tire today and had to buy a new Qualifier.
+1 and then some for Smokin Gunz. From other labors of love I've seen him post (or others posting from his work) he would be the only sensible option for the badass theme your looking for.
Sorry to hear about the accident, sucks hindquarter, but maybe a blessing in disguise. Speedy recovery.
Glad you are okay, given the scenario you painted, I'd say an extra prayer of thanks! Heal up quick bro!
Sorry about the bike but thankful you are not hurt real bad. Can you go into some more detail on what gear you had on. let us know what you need to get the busa back into shape.
Thanks for the kind words guys. That's why this board is so pleasent to visit. I will let you guys know the status of the busa when I know. As far as what gear I had shoei RF-1000 ( felt like a pillow when I hit the ground) Joe rocket superego jacket (reusable) steel toe boots that got bent up and shredded up. Joe rocklet gloves with no knouckels on them now. I'll say it again gotta love gear. Took me 27 years to get this pretty don't want to take another 27 just to fix pretty. I'll post again soon
Damn, good to hear that you are ok. Gear is a must. You said knuckleless Joe Rocket gloves huh? My Joe Rocket gloves were crap and blew out really easily. I refuse to own their gloves ever again. The jacket was good though. Once again, glad that you came out on top.