I got a call from 2 hip at about 10 last night. I had already read part of this. After reviewing both sides of this after i got home this afternoon i have to agree with the Cap. There are a lot of Mouths on this site. If its free its non of there business. Talk to the Cap in private not over the site. Its a good thing some of the Mouths do not live close to me. So to all the big Mouths keep it to yourself or take your comic book and go to the bathroom. I live in San Rafael, Ca, if any Mouth wants to come talk to me.
Wow lots of people that aren't in the conversation chiming in.... 2hip spare me the lecture... I am well aware of my actions and how I come across, I have been doing this a few years.....
I never new there was a "new post" option. I always hit Gen 1 first, then go to Gen 2, sometimes Random thoughts.
Oh well, guess Im still a newbie
Although I did post something on Pashnit's about a week ago, and still havent gotten a response.
I would rather have alot of responses than none at all
Hey cap,sorry off topic my friend told me the police in Oklahoma patrolling the highway are using Hayabusas with corbin boxes right???
The new post button on the top of the page is your best friend here on the site...
I dig the sponsors being here, it keeps the board free and let's us know about cool new products as soon as they're available
So then I guess you don't want to know it was 86 degrees here today and sunny ???
Ok Blanca that being said whats the housing market looking like im packing up as I type Brother![]()
That is correct, what can I help with... Would you like to see pics HERE
or do you need other information, I have a source with them that can leak information about the bike program to me![]()