While we're on the subject of motorcycles and robbers, I have a story to tell.
My brother was once riding past a department store when he heard a security guard yelling, "Somebody stop that man! He's a theif!". He happened to be riding a SLLLOOOOOW a$$ 400cc Honda Shadow cruiser at that time, but nevertheless decided to pursue the robber.
So, it appears, he downshifted, gunned the engine and raced down the wrong way on a one way street, trying to catch up to the robber. About two blocks down, while managing to stay alive after navigating against the flow of traffic, he pulled aside the robber and, get this, extended his right leg and kicked down the robber. A friendly trucker who witnessed the incedent then assisted by sitting on the robber until the authorities arrived.
Quite a story, eh? All true though...
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