Hells bells, I think riding without a helmet is proper. Actually, I encourage it! I think Helmet laws are un-constitutional! Just look at the death rates of states with and then without helmet laws. Look at the percentage of deaths in without states compared to states with helmet laws. You can quickly figure out the states with helmet laws save many of these brain dead donkeys that should never be allowed to reproduce! And,,,,,,,,,, it's agin the law to just killem! 
Helmet laws, bad for the country, bad for society as a whole!
If you don't feel the need to protect your melon, then by all means go barebeaned! I like the idea that death is perminant. Means you won't be coming back to reproduce!

Helmet laws, bad for the country, bad for society as a whole!

If you don't feel the need to protect your melon, then by all means go barebeaned! I like the idea that death is perminant. Means you won't be coming back to reproduce!