That 'kink' on the back stretch is a tough part of the track. I have now been behind two people who spun up the rear, and sorta lowsided out at that spot. Happens quick...
Its not really a turn, just sort of a kink they put in a high speed part of the track. BW was clearly fond of that part of the track, he was hammering it back there on day 1, first person I have EVER seen put a knee down there, its not enough of a turn to do that - not for me anyway, I nearly lost it there in March and I 'tap dance' through that area now.... Frady Cat that I am!
Folks, I was 30' behind Dennis and we were going 90 if we were going at all. Rear stepped out, smoked and low sided.
I, like the last time this happened, was worried about hitting the bike. I was trying to figure out what way that 550 lb rotating mass of Hayabusa was going to go but I glanced over and saw my good friend rolling, not sliding, but rolling shoulder over shoulder, for a long distance. It was chilling and I just knew it was bad. I SO wanted to stop and help but at Barber, you get off so they can roll medical. And I did just that.
To see what I saw and to find out my friend is going to be ok is nothing short of a friggin miracle.
Dennis, the bike can be fixed (and aint all that bad from what I saw when I zipped up the fairings for the long ride home) hug the loved ones when you get home and know that it WAS GREAT to see you and Danny (and Danny may very well have set a land speed record from Huntsville to B'ham when he was summoned) and to ride with you all weekend... and I am terribly sorry this happened my friend...