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Base fuel pressure slowly drops while riding

u get this fixed yet?
I got the second check valve on today, hopefully get to ride this weekend if I can pawn the kids off on the G parents for a bit. The last test drive with the new stator showed it is rideable but there was a 3-4 psi in pressure change from when I first started it cold (32psi) then I sat in some traffic by m buddies house and stopped there. Noticed when I was leaving after only being there for a couple minutes that the pressure was down to 28ish. Once moving again on the highway I noticed it was back up to 29.5-30 psi. When leaving my buddies it wanted to stall a couple of times. This was the same ride when it tossed me that C13 code so not knowing what it was while out, i ended the test drive, but I was out and about for about 2 hours. So I'm still not sure what to make of it.
u sure ure not missing something really simple... like a frayed wire/connection from replacing battery.... I would tighten everything...... maybe bad ground somewhere.....
u sure ure not missing something really simple... like a frayed wire/connection from replacing battery.... I would tighten everything...... maybe bad ground somewhere.....
Lol, of course I'm missing something. Otherwise it would be fixed , haha. I checked and cleaned the fuel pump ground, the main battery to engine ground and the connection for the ground into the harness, all are clean. Every plug that I changed, including the one to the fuel pump, I used weather pack connectors and they look good.
what if u get it running and start wiggling wires till u hit the jackpot
u sure ure not missing something really simple... like a frayed wire/connection from replacing battery.... I would tighten everything...... maybe bad ground somewhere.....
This issue started before the battery was replaced also. The issue still doesn't show itself until the load of the cooling fan as well. I do t know if they are related or it's just easier to see because the fan kicks on. If it's an issue at all. I just dont know at this point anymore. I could throw parts at it but I've done that already and I hate that crap.
what if u get it running and start wiggling wires till u hit the jackpot
It seems heat related. I've played with shaking wires as much as I could while keeping my flesh from burning off. It's funny (not really) to watch the fuel pressure gauge just drop when the battery volts drop when the cooling fan kicks on. As stated earlier, you would think that the pressure regulator would keep it consistent. That's the part I can't understand.
I noticed a major improvement in charging with the new voltage regulator/rectifier. I can't see it being bad. But anything is possible.
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use a car battery..... let it come up to temp... see it same issue is there.....
Hi. How about the fan is it drawing to many amps ?
That came across my mind, I was able to check for ohms to see if there was a bunch of resistance and all I got was .1. As far as how many amps it's pulling, I am unsure, it's gotta be under 10 due to the fuse, lol. But from what I have seen it should be about 5.
How is your fuel pump wired?
The ground wire goes to one of the breather cover bolts and the power is on a weather pack connector to the factory yellow/red wire from the harness.
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use a car battery..... let it come up to temp... see it same issue is there.....
That is a good idea. I also have a second fresh battery for the bike. The one I just pulled out was good and is sitting on a Ctek charger currently and could hook them up in parallel when the fan kicks on. That is something that I will try. When I'm able to get back down to my garage...
what kinda battery u running now.. lithium?>
It's just a regular maintenance free one. Nothing special. I went to our local interstate battery dealer when I got my Odyssey for my car. They only carry one for our bike. Nothing fancy at all.
It's just a regular maintenance free one. Nothing special. I went to our local interstate battery dealer when I got my Odyssey for my car. They only carry one for our bike. Nothing fancy at all.
a regular yuasa wont start mine more than 2 or 3 times..... hence why I got a 300 dollar stupid lithium.
a regular yuasa wont start mine more than 2 or 3 times..... hence why I got a 300 dollar stupid lithium.
Honestly, if they carried a better one, I would have bought it. I'm not a fan of cheap stuff. Just only had one option at the time.
I didn't have the issue previously with the old battery which is just the same as the new one. Only things changed electrically was the addition of the water pump for the heat exchanger and the new injectors. I feel like adding any more electrical "upgrades" will just be putting a band aid on the issue instead of resolving it.
Like I said, I can ride it now and even get into the boost pretty good and all seems good.just can't figure out why the pressure isn't rock steady like I'd expect it to be. And the fan kicking on actually effects it. Used to sit in traffic on a hot day and not worry one bit. Now it's a concern.
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