Your bike's been cutting off too? You, me and we all have the same year? Cursed?!Had the same thing happen to me here in Ks... Only it was my jet ski and the dealership wouldn't look at it! He told me to take it back to the dealer I bought it from and have them fix it! Went less than two blocks away and used the phone to call the corporate office of Sea-Doo, boy did they get a piece of my mind! Anyway I was told to take it right back to the same dealership where I was told they would service it and it wouldn't get put on the back burner! The dealership was told to honor the warranty or give up the Sea-Doo line...... I wasn't really sure I wanted them to look at it after all of this, So do you really win when you call and complain to the corporation? That really depends on what you consider a victory. As for me I choose to drive five hours one way and have the original dealership take a peak...... Needless to say the dealer is no longer in business. By the way after reading your post this morning about your bike cutting out I experienced the exact same thing on mine...........I'm searching for answers as I speak.![]()
You? Are you kidding? I'm surprised anyone's making it to the end of all of my ranting! Another VABUSA whining thread...Damn but I can ramble... Sorry Michelle
The dealer did find something after all. I posted as an update to my earlier regarding this issue. So, if raising the idle doesn't solve your problem, might be worth a little more troubleshooting. Good luck Va...Problem with me tearing the bike apart is that it is under warranty, and like you LCW, I'd rather have someone look at it under warranty. I'll just see if it happens again...
Please, let me know what they find, if anything...
I didn't mean to turn this in to how service centers treat guys vs. girls...I believe that both sexes would be/have been turned away or blown off by these guys if you didn't buy from them...I'm not denying that...u know what its just not being a "girl" they do it to guys to. and also wanna point out that they make more money off of non warranty work (cash paying customers) and ur warranty work may sit in there for a month where i can get it in and out. is that fair? definitely not! but it happens.. its really hard nowadays to find a reputable shop to work on bikes. u can ask 5 different people their opinions on 1 shop and get mixed reviews.. so what to do? pretty much become ur own mechanic its sad but true
I'm working on a letter right now...going to the North American operations/customer service...I'm not asking for anything from them...mostly getting enjoyment out of having this letter cc'd to the dealership that blew me off, and naming the guy that lost their business...VA.....whining is ok.... but now turn that energy into getting results. And forget the BBB (better business bureau). They are worthless. The state Attorney General usually gets you a lot farther. But you need to write letters to the correct people. The dealer that messed with you is not necessarily the right people to write to. You need to go to THE TOP. The CEO of Suzuki in Japan. or perhaps you should also write the head of North American Operations. Toyota screwed my mother once on a car repair. I called Tokyo and made it to the top. Amazing what happens when you go to the top. They don't like hearing stories like this and when they see the url to this thread....they will be on the phone to the dealer faster than you can imagine. Now go......and make the call or write the letter.
I've gotten so thousands of dollars of free merchandise by going to the top.
So write the head honchos in Japan and copy:
Suzuki North America President or CEO
Attorney General for your state
and if you want the dealer that messed with you.
Then sic Revlis on him!
I'm not looking to create too many waves...honesty...I just needed to vent some and I'm writing a letter because that's what I usually do...I usually report the A-holes like that to the B.B.B. here and hope that if they get enough they get investigated and possibly shut down.
You guys are awful! But, damn, that's some funny stuff!Michelle,
I would NOT cc the dealership. That gives them too much advance notice to get their stories "straight" when/if Suzuki calls them on it. Let the letter work its way DOWN the chain of command and blindside them like it should.
The BBB will not shut down the dealership. They only inquire about the incident and keep a record of the complaint that others can see. This would also give them a heads up on your plan though. This could always be done later. There are no statute of limitations on complaints to the BBB.
If you want some good reading, try doing a search on "revenge", and find a .txt or .pdf file called "The Anarchist Handbook". Most everything in there is illegal, but some of it is humorous to think about doing to others. I won't post the link because you never know how the censors/monitors would view that type of thing. Revlis' idea would be trivial compared to some of the stuff in there. Remember...Revenge is a dish best served cold. i.e. - Wait a couple of years, and then they'll have no idea who to suspect.
You're on your own with that one though. That's my disclaimer.