yes kiwi
In oct 2016 at a sunday´s late afternoon, here in the city i left it for 2 hours next to the sidewalk and it was gone. bad luck
But I got from the insurance 10k €, because I had a value report (20 pages) about 11.2k € and this was taken over in the insurance as an addition to the contract.
the 10k were then a very pain-relieving compensation.
here we call it "glück im unglück" means "luck in misfortune".
for my new '00 (36000km), bought in mai 2018, I also got a value report - worth now : 12.5k €
as a "smart boy"

the time between buy and report was only around 4 weeks ;-)
that value report also was taken over in the insurance .
the only tiny snag is that i have to renew the value report every 2 years and submit this new one then again to the insurance company .
costs for that renewing report only arround 50 € - so what ;-)