Best Picture Contest

Just remember, shots that include pics of admins, notorious members and a few others, with great and sorta a unique background all in the same pic... thats gotta be worth like 3 or 4 votes alone
Wow no kidding?
I got the following in mine...

Cap, Water bug, Dngrumpy, Vman, Raybusa, Georgiabusa, Gixerhp, and almost the entire Fall bash contingent..

that should equal what? 80 or 90 votes?
(but technically the rules said one picture, mine took 9)

No yours is quite impressive

Mine happens to have one of the rarest shots of them all though... Rhythm is front and slightly off center, but sporting his own style of gloves at the same time... Then you got some oldies but goodies including Da Bug on the highest paved road in the US (I think thats right

But whoever wins, it was great seeing all the pics

*BTW Rhytm HATES having his pic taken

Just remember, shots that include pics of admins, notorious members and a few others, with great and sorta a unique background all in the same pic... thats gotta be worth like 3 or 4 votes alone
Wow no kidding?
 I got the following in mine...

Cap, Water bug, Dngrumpy, Vman, Raybusa, Georgiabusa, Gixerhp, and almost the entire Fall bash contingent..

that should equal what?  80 or 90 votes?
  (but technically the rules said one picture, mine took 9)
That looks like about 40 triple credit for me being there

I would have used the "Swing" shot but figured I would keep it to photos I took
the whole thing is a flashback to the 2007 riding season for me.. friggen snow..........
Hey Mr. bogus,  good point about the "took my own shots" in this thread.  With that in mind,  Lamb's shot would have to move up the board,  don't you think

Seriously though, there is so many quality shots here. This has been a fun thread.
Hey Mr. bogus, good point about the "took my own shots" in this thread. With that in mind, Lamb's shot would have to move up the board, don't you think

Seriously though, there is so many quality shots here. This has been a fun thread.
The best part is all the shots posted mean something to the poster.. If you stop and think about how many images you have, you had to chose only 1.. I had more fun figuring out what made a particular image "special" to that person... I am stumped on a couple of them but perhaps they just threw a photo up to post?

I have a few new wallpapers files myself now
I think my second favorite is the "corner" shot at the track

Well there were right at 100 entries, guess that is why the delay SO in my never ending boredom in the middle of snow bound Inidana.. I have compiled them all... (if I missed yours, let me know and I will add it)

<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" width="800" height="533" flashvars="" pluginspage=""></embed>
Here to save searching for the thing

You can click on a photo, it will open the album.. There is a "more information" tab that will give the file name. I used the submitters screen name for the image name.

<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" width="800" height="533" flashvars="" pluginspage=""></embed>
Nice Randy
, kinda gives a perspective of what might catch the judges attention.
I DO NOT envy the judging job... I did not really think it was going to be that hard till I pulled all the images together..