BEWARE!!!!! Jack McCoy RCC Sportbike

Wow! And to think I was actually looking at purchasing from them!! I too thought that HE was RCC Turbos. Thanks for the heads up Richard!! I LOVE THIS BOARD!!!!!
Google has been updated....


Wow! And to think I was actually looking at purchasing from them!! I too thought that HE was RCC Turbos. Thanks for the heads up Richard!! I LOVE THIS BOARD!!!!!

This idiot tells customers he can supply RCC turbo kits at a discounted price. That is your first clue. RCC turbos does not discount their kits. POWERHOUSE is the only authorized RCC turbo dealer allowed to do that. And when we do, you will receive a complete RCC turbo kit - every component directly from Richard himself . . . the same exact kit you would get from RCC turbos in Canada.

I invite Jack McCoy to come on this board and defend himself. He is a member here . . .:poke:

After all, maybe we're all wrong, and he is really a nice guy!:whistle:
Well just recieved a call from Jack, telling me he never misleads customers about being affiliated with RCC Turbos, or selling RCC Turbo kits. This guy does not know the truth from his lies. Then when I bring up the deal with a customer on this board and him telling the customer he has an RCC kit in stock, then that he is getting one from a Canadian dealer. I proceed to tell the customer he is lieing, and Jack tells me on the phone and this is a quote "your information is not entirely true, I know where there are 2 RCC kits that Aaron took from Full Throttle that I could buy but I won't sell stolen property"

Wow this guy has all the answers. He wants me to believe that he always refers turbo customers here, and that he never misleads customers to believe that he is RCC Turbos, or sells products from RCC Turbos. I guess the numerous calls I get from customers about this guy telling them he will sell them an RCC kit is a huge conspiracy, customers from all over the US have banded together to give Jack a bad name.

Even when I ask him about a specific lie he just talked around it, amazing, I wish the best for this guy,

On the title thing I can take issue. That was the first thing he asked for when he bought Alex's bike. He said the title was good and put the deposit down as stated. With that said I still can't figure him out. He bought Alex's Pumpkin Busa within 2 hrs of me posting on ebay. Used buy it now. I had to call him a few times but he paid in full before the seven days just like the auction required. Now over a month later he still has not picked up the bike and I have been paid in full. No escrow from Paypal, nothing. I'm paid up in full.

As far as the shop, I always got somebody on the phone and most of the time was not Jack. On the phone or on the floor with customers was the standard fare. They were very nice and after some reminders did exactly as stated. They just seemed maxed out and the bike was not a big deal to them, but a donor bike for another project.

No flames from me, just don't understand someone that will pay in full then not make time to pick up the bike. I'll call him tomorrow and see what the next time might be. I have no other experience with him, but he seems like a nice guy.

Funny, this guy reminds me of another shop that got big "online" real quick making a bunch of BS claims and has now gone away... :whistle:

He paid for the bike in full but hasn't picked it up? ??? I'd send him a notice and then start charging him storage feels daily on it... :laugh:
Yes, call me stupid, I am dealing with the guy Jack McCoy and Autumn Graumann in Michigan and to date he has had close to $30,000 of my money since March 2010. I have tried everything and I mean everything to get him to cooperate but still has not sent me anything. Asked him to send the stock new 2009 Hayabusa with "0" miles and the parts I ordered separate and I will assemble. Still nothing. Has not returned a phone call in 9 months, will not answer my phone calls when I call him or her. If I send him a dozen emails he will send a pipe dream email about something going to happen 3 months from now. Finally after me sending dozens of emails for them to contact me for the previous 2 months they have stopped responding completely.

For your information his name is Jack McCoy and his partner is Autumn Graumann. Their companies are Rcc sportbike, M43 Powersports, TheBusaKing. They are located in Grand Ledge Michigan.

Jack and Autumnn were employees of Full Throttle Motorsports when I first contacted him and now that company has an infringement lawsuit against them.

When I was dealing with Jack he also told me that he uses RCC turbos and purchases his turbo directly from RCC Turbos in Canada from Richard and that he talks to Richard all the time. After further discussion with Jack I requested a change to the turbo so he said he will be talking to Richard the next day. I waited a week with no response from Rcc Sportbike so I called Richard to see what was going on. Well Richard informed me that he hasn't talked to Jack in over a year. This says it all.

This experience has been devestating for me and I have probably aged 10 years since March 2010.

It really hurts when I sit down if ya know what I mean Vern.

At the very least my stupidity will pay off if this message will stop someone else from falling into the same trap as I did.

Please be very carefull
Holly crap! Have you got a lawyer yet? I would of had the police over there knocking on his door months ago. Have you at least put most of it on a CC so you can dispute/document the charges or anything? Any records or documentation of the build before sending the money?
Wow ! You and your 12 gauge need to visit him personally !
Get in your car drive to exactly where he is and (:guns::banghead:) talk to him :)

Ps....your not stupid just unfortunately trusting .

Yes, call me stupid, I am dealing with the guy Jack McCoy and Autumn Graumann in Michigan and to date he has had close to $30,000 of my money since March 2010. I have tried everything and I mean everything to get him to cooperate but still has not sent me anything. Asked him to send the stock new 2009 Hayabusa with "0" miles and the parts I ordered separate and I will assemble. Still nothing. Has not returned a phone call in 9 months, will not answer my phone calls when I call him or her. If I send him a dozen emails he will send a pipe dream email about something going to happen 3 months from now. Finally after me sending dozens of emails for them to contact me for the previous 2 months they have stopped responding completely.

For your information his name is Jack McCoy and his partner is Autumn Graumann. Their companies are Rcc sportbike, M43 Powersports, TheBusaKing. They are located in Grand Ledge Michigan.

Jack and Autumnn were employees of Full Throttle Motorsports when I first contacted him and now that company has an infringement lawsuit against them.

When I was dealing with Jack he also told me that he uses RCC turbos and purchases his turbo directly from RCC Turbos in Canada from Richard and that he talks to Richard all the time. After further discussion with Jack I requested a change to the turbo so he said he will be talking to Richard the next day. I waited a week with no response from Rcc Sportbike so I called Richard to see what was going on. Well Richard informed me that he hasn't talked to Jack in over a year. This says it all.

This experience has been devestating for me and I have probably aged 10 years since March 2010.

It really hurts when I sit down if ya know what I mean Vern.

At the very least my stupidity will pay off if this message will stop someone else from falling into the same trap as I did.

Please be very carefull
I agree, it should never be called stupidity to trust a business to do what they advertise...

However, i too would be lawyering up and contacting police (if you havent already)

Just a bad situation all around...

People like this need to be held responsible for the fraud they are committing, and sent to ass pounding prison...
For a business owner to take it personal and SLANDER another company in this economy seems crazy to me. I have sold RCC Turbos and used them in the past, over 10 systems. I would have a hard time not routing you to Orient Express after reading this. The only complaint I ever had was RCC Turbos selling to Stedman Racing and then having a kit out there that was very close for $1000 less. Makes no sense to me! If anyone needs sponsorship or dealer pricing for RC Components, PM, C & S, Roaring Toyz, Brocks and many other huge names in the custom scene I will be there to help with a rock bottom deal. Just call me. Pay with Paypal lol, I will help you out!
As you know there are 2 sides to a story and I would never personally route buyers away from RCC Turbos or Rcc Turbos USA. Jack McCoy isn't the owner of Full Throttle Motorsports , M 43 Powersports Grand Ledge, MI (517) 925-8154 or Rcc Sportbike LLC. Just a salesman - dedicated rider, certified tech and custom builder who would build or try anything to help someone else out. How many certified techs do sales? I am a certified tech and have been in repair for 25 years and will continue to help everyone I can. Feel free to expand on this as I have 1000's of happy customers. Funny how 1 issue can result in rumors flying Full Throttle should sue me for moving to another shop, I made them over 4 million dollars in 2 years bring custom bikes to a new level!:poke:
Jack McCoy
Salesman-Certified Tech
Hayabusa's are my life. I live, sleep and cry Hayabusa! I can only do so much and for folks to make allegations about me as a certified tech and father of 4 just seems crazy. Sorry to anyone who was never treated fairly or given the best deal on parts. To the people in other countries who are having issues right now with import export that is not a issue we can resolve.
Jack McCoy
Don't be so quick to judge. The predator bike did have a RCC Turbos on it and I have pushed them of 5 years. I worked directly with RCC on the twin turbo bike and am still a little blurry of where this all comes from. If anyone needs help on anything I am here and have learned from others and my mistakes and can get you the right people and answers.