BEWARE!!!!! Jack McCoy RCC Sportbike

Nice talk from business to business. Here is the B King on the DYNO that has "never been on the DYNO" stated by Richard. Keep it up and people will realize who is after who.

- 2008 Twin Turbo B King on the dyno[/url]

With all the billet parts we make I might as well start making turbo kits. With Turbonetics as our sponsor I'm sure we can produce some kits that are different and appealing. Hahn could do it cheap but you get what you pay for. No reason turbonetics would put 2 years of warranty on a kit and produce a easy install kit for the at home mechanic looking for 270 hp for less than $3000 that will last. My EVO made 1200 h.p at 40 psi so no reason with a billet block , custom crank and similar design I could build a 1000 hp engine at 1800 cc. :poke::poke:

Hey Jack guess what, when I made the post about the b-king not being on a dyno, it was true, when I made that post that bike never had been on the dyno. Why is it you continually try to mislead people, just tell the truth. Many, many businesses go about business each and everyday being truthful, why is it so difficult for you.

If you were truthful to customers I would not be here alerting them about your misleadings, as soon as you drag my company name into your dealings, and customers contact me and ask specific questions, I will give them truthful answers, if the conflict with what you have told them, then that falls back on you.

:thumbsup::thumbsup: :rulez: Hey jack I bet you remember me, as I bought the B-king front end off you that took you a over a month to ship with all the emails you sent while I was waiting I hope your memory is that intact. This was cause you were out of the country tuning :rofl::rofl: Then you had went on and on about how you were RCC turbos usa Richard's partner in the usa... Let me see if I can dig those up for him...
Then you had went on and on about how you were RCC turbos usa Richard's partner in the usa... Let me see if I can dig those up for him...

just so there is no confusion RCC TURBOS USA is RICK'S CUSTOM CYCLE in garden city michigan. we were granted permission to use RCC TURBOS USA by RCC TURBOS CANADA and neither an affiliate or partner of RCC TURBOS CANADA or RCC SPORTBIKE we are a dealer and installer for RCC TURBOS CANADA and a certified full service repair and custom shop licensed by the state of michigan. we WERE also contracted by RCC SPORTBIKE to do turbo builds and fabrication as seen on the twin turbo B-King just contracted no vested intrest.due to all this contraversy we will no longer be dealing with RCC SPORTBIKE AKA M43 POWERSPORTS AKA JACK McCOY buisness wise or any other as my buisness reputation i worked hard to build and will not have it tarnished by questionable acts.

matts turbo busa 010.jpg
unless i'm missing some crucial piece of info- this guy just keeps diggin himself deeper...
wonder what he'll do next...

So who is RCCsportbike? Jack or Jack pretending to be his boss? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
What a tangle web we weave when we first practice to deceive....
So who is RCCsportbike? Jack or Jack pretending to be his boss? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
What a tangle web we weave when we first practice to deceive....

Well if you notice the spelling and grammatical errors between the messages it's almost obvious that two separate people are writing.

The "boss" has much better grammar and spelling, as he/she is trying to show professionalism while conveying a message.

"Jack" on the other hand has very poor grammar and very poor spelling. Giving me an impression that he has little to no professionalism; he does not care enough about his reputation/image nor his companies reputation/image. To not use Spell Check or even proof read his own messages gives clear a clear and concise image of how he does business... sloppy.


Its a ploy to deceive. It could be only one person typing these messages and they are giving an impression of two separate individuals with two different attitudes and approaches.
Well if you notice the spelling and grammar errors between the two messages it's almost obvious who is writing.


Its a ploy to deceive.

Ehhh could be. The guy has already proven himself a scumbag. Too bad if he did drag down "Autumn's" business with him.
just read this post start to finish
being in the uk dont think il be doing any buisness with him:rofl:
still a bit lost though
were is that blokes 30k bike !!!!!!!!!!
wow i am blown away by this thread. i know jack and autumn personally. i would actually consider myself to be somewhat friends with them. what kills me about this whole thing is ive dealt with these people for at least two years and ive never had a problem with them. i will say that they are very busy people trying to get everything done and i cannot tell you how many people i have sent to them and they have taken very good care of them. i also cannot tell you how many people i have personally seen and heard him help. i am not saying that anyone is lying but i did want to let people know to make sure you have the full story before you jump on the bandwagon and also to let people know that there is alot of good things being done at rcc sportbike. i for one will always do business with them as they have always treated me like a king. thankyou. sincerely yours jeff webb lansing mi
we just got this reply from Jack on Facebook

""RCC . Richards a Crying Canadian. Once my turbo kit hits the market you'll see you Richard is being a baby. He can say all he want's on the internet. I sold 2 this week just because he is making himself look bad. Carbon fiber plenum and turbo design will shave 10 lbs off the kit weight. Flows better CFM and make 10% more power. 1 to1 and stock ECU's I have done for 3 years on my own he started it last There is a reason why I have the only 1900cc billet block Hayabusa turbo motor making over 1500 h.p. at 38 psi on methanol. I have $600,000 and 3 years into the project. 300+ mph in standing mile. I am a graduated engineer. Have fun with Richard. He has good stuff and used to be a good guy but a sore loser when something bigger is coming down the pipe.

Keep reading the forums. The fast bikes are racing for Cash on the streets. Its Rocket Custom Conversions Sportbike or RCC Sportbike LLC. I can use it where ever and when ever I want. My kits will be free to riders like you. Not ready to release them until they are perfect. To much time and investors money to release to early. """ Jody
we just got this reply from Jack on Facebook

""RCC . Richards a Crying Canadian. Once my turbo kit hits the market you'll see you Richard is being a baby. He can say all he want's on the internet. I sold 2 this week just because he is making himself look bad. Carbon fiber plenum and turbo design will shave 10 lbs off the kit weight. Flows better CFM and make 10% more power. 1 to1 and stock ECU's I have done for 3 years on my own he started it last There is a reason why I have the only 1900cc billet block Hayabusa turbo motor making over 1500 h.p. at 38 psi on methanol. I have $600,000 and 3 years into the project. 300+ mph in standing mile. I am a graduated engineer. Have fun with Richard. He has good stuff and used to be a good guy but a sore loser when something bigger is coming down the pipe.

Keep reading the forums. The fast bikes are racing for Cash on the streets. Its Rocket Custom Conversions Sportbike or RCC Sportbike LLC. I can use it where ever and when ever I want. My kits will be free to riders like you. Not ready to release them until they are perfect. To much time and investors money to release to early. """ Jody

Wow, this guy has been tuning with a 1:1 reg through factory ECU for 3 years??? To the best of my knowledge the concept and software only became available late 2009, I initially tested it and tuned Greg Smiths bike early 2010, then the software was upgraded, the 50/50 scaling added and more tuning. I am not 100% sure, but I had thought Greg Smiths bike was the 1st one to test the boost fueling?? Jack lives in a whole other dimension, Rick could answer this better, but I am sure Jack has never tuned any bike?

A graduated engineer, and his last job was as a service manager at a Suzuki dealership? Possible I suppose, but a 1900cc busa motor is not, it would have to be a full billet one off, custom cases, custom head, custom crank, and who would want to invest in that?? What would your return be? Obviously its not press or advertising as no one has seen or head of it.

On top of all this it sounds as though Jack promotes his business through illegal street racing, by stating all the fast bikes race for cash on the streets. Small market involving illegal activities does not sound like a good business plan to me?

Further more, if Jack is "all that and a bag of chips" why has he chosen to use our business name to ride on. I would think someone that is running a new business and planning to expand on it and make a future of it would want their own business name?? But by his statements above, members on this board can see how much Jack actually knows, worst thing is, Jack actually believes everything he says and writes.

This guy is AMAZING ! ! ! !

Why would you do anything motorcycle related and call yourself RCC other than to mislead people about your company.

It's not like I would go and open an ACE hardware because it's (Anthony's. Colossal. Equipment. Hardware store).

It just doesn't make any sense to use the same acronym as another company...... like that's all you could come up with; REALLY, you couldn't find any other name to call yourself other than RCC. I would call that an Epic FAIL.

All I know is I will NOT be doing ANY business with any RCC other than Richard!!!!!!!!

If this guys boss really did post that reply I would urge him to get this "employee" off this site as soon as possible, he's already lost any potential business for sure, but on the other hand it sure is entertaining. :rofl::rofl:
Wow, this guy has been tuning with a 1:1 reg through factory ECU for 3 years??? To the best of my knowledge the concept and software only became available late 2009, I initially tested it and tuned Greg Smiths bike early 2010, then the software was upgraded, the 50/50 scaling added and more tuning. I am not 100% sure, but I had thought Greg Smiths bike was the 1st one to test the boost fueling?? Jack lives in a whole other dimension, Rick could answer this better, but I am sure Jack has never tuned any bike?

A graduated engineer, and his last job was as a service manager at a Suzuki dealership? Possible I suppose, but a 1900cc busa motor is not, it would have to be a full billet one off, custom cases, custom head, custom crank, and who would want to invest in that?? What would your return be? Obviously its not press or advertising as no one has seen or head of it.

On top of all this it sounds as though Jack promotes his business through illegal street racing, by stating all the fast bikes race for cash on the streets. Small market involving illegal activities does not sound like a good business plan to me?

Further more, if Jack is "all that and a bag of chips" why has he chosen to use our business name to ride on. I would think someone that is running a new business and planning to expand on it and make a future of it would want their own business name?? But by his statements above, members on this board can see how much Jack actually knows, worst thing is, Jack actually believes everything he says and writes.


Richard to preface , I know not much about not much but just to address your 1900cc statement there is a thread regarding this very thing here.
Richard to preface , I know not much about not much but just to address your 1900cc statement there is a thread regarding this very thing here.

I stand corrected, but looking over the thread very doubtful of 1000hp capability, let alone 1500hp. For a 1900 cc "busa style" motor to make 1500 hp it would need to be a completely new engine, with all crank journals, rods and pistons inline, not offsetting.
