Biden on a Busa!

Corey Mathery

So, this is from 2018, and not new what so ever. But today it has been floating around again, and I figured I would share!

While getting his hair cut at a barber shop in Cincinnati, he got to sit on the owners Hayabusa! Just found this pretty funny!

The Original Article

Kinda cool if you think about it how many presidents put a leg over a 99 copper good for you joe! Hope he got off without falling... let alone no president even knows what a busa is but both do now... well done busa!
Kinda cool if you think about it how many presidents put a leg over a 99 copper good for you joe! Hope he got off without falling... let alone no president even knows what a busa is but both do now... well done busa!
I’m not sure he even knows it’s a motorcycle.