Biden on a Busa!

So, this is from 2018, and not new what so ever. But today it has been floating around again, and I figured I would share!

While getting his hair cut at a barber shop in Cincinnati, he got to sit on the owners Hayabusa! Just found this pretty funny!

The Original Article

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Good for Joe. At least he has a sense of humor.

If trump ever got on one, he'd be telling his cult members at the next cult rally that he rode it 900 miles an hour and nobody has ever done that before. And he has a whole bunch of them that he rides all over the place. And has a fleet of Busa golf carts. (after someone told him that was possible) "Believe me, nobody knows more about motorcycles than I do". Just like everything else. And his cult members all cheer him on.

And here I go again getting sucked into the trump rabbit hole.
Good for Joe. At least he has a sense of humor.

If trump ever got on one, he'd be telling his cult members at the next cult rally that he rode it 900 miles an hour and nobody has ever done that before. And he has a whole bunch of them that he rides all over the place. And has a fleet of Busa golf carts. (after someone told him that was possible) "Believe me, nobody knows more about motorcycles than I do". Just like everything else. And his cult members all cheer him on.

And here I go again getting sucked into the trump rabbit hole.
Cult members? GTFO
Joe Biden Falling GIF by GIPHY News