Bike Heat

When I feel mine getting hot, I ride.

I have noticed a lot of people here in Fla ride in t-shirts, shorts and even flip flops at times. Like someone said earlier, you'll actually stay cooler while riding if you are covered. You don't feel the sun's heat directly on your skin. I also picked up one of those vented leather jackets, "not a harley look" a nice looking jacket. I wore it this evening, it was over 90 degrees and I wasn't too hot.
Just a follow up for those doing research on the busa's bike heat.  I made each of the following mods independantly so I could measure the effects:

Engine Ice reduced the heat on my legs.

Switching back to a stock front sprocket (17T from a 16T) also resulted in the bike running cooler.  I suspect it's just a matter of the bike now running at lower rpms.

I have Muzzy slip ons... adding the Power Commander made the bike run significantly cooler when running higher rpms.  The power commander actually made the bike run leaner so I can't explain this.

The Corbin seat blocks the heat better than the stock seat.

I'm tempted to try the pipe coating from jet-hot.  It's supposed to make a big difference.  But, at this point, the mods I have done have already greatly reduced the heat to where I'm not very motivated to bother with the header coating.

The Muzzy aluminum fan upgrade did nothing to change the bike heat.  I suspected it wouldn't but did it to prevent ending up with a melted fan should I get caught in bad traffic.

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... adding the Power Commander made the bike run significantly cooler when running higher rpms.  My totally uninformed guess is that the bike was running rich before I added the power commander.
With a gasoline engine, richer is cooler and leaner is hotter. If the bike ran hotter before adding the power commander that would mean the power commander caused the bike to run richer - the bike was running leaner before adding the power commander.

... adding the Power Commander made the bike run significantly cooler when running higher rpms.  My totally uninformed guess is that the bike was running rich before I added the power commander.
With a gasoline engine, richer is cooler and leaner is hotter.  If the bike ran hotter before adding the power commander that would mean the power commander caused the bike to run richer - the bike was running leaner before adding the power commander.

Yeah, after asking a bunch of questions I've found exactly what you stated. The PC actually leaned the fuel mix out for the most part so I can't explain this. I just know that I don't get the hot blasts the I used to after doing the high rpm runs.
Busa is a hot bike but it does not have over heating problems. Suck it up dude you live in Florida. Do the Engine Ice, synthetic oil, and coat the headers. Then ride her like a bat out of hell.
At first I was sweating my balls off like others, but after a week of riding in hot weather the bike feels just fine and I have no discomfort with heat with (needle typically sat at 1/2). I guess either I got used to the heat or the core temp of my balls has risen.