Bike Thieves Again!

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I know for a fact if somebody wants to steal your bike or car bad enough, it's gone.
Spkrdr you are taking all the smart precautions, and they will deter the casual thief, but if a pro wants your bike, insurance is the only remedy.
And to all the guys posting up about how they would blow a thief away and such, it's a whole different thought process when it comes down to nut-cutting time......
are you smoking crack??? You obviously have never had anything stolen like a 10-15-20K motorcycle and then have the insurance F you over for 60%.Good luck keeping a dog in you house that is a badass enough to rip somebody arm off but not be a liability. I own a 90lb pit myself and no way I would train that thing to "protect" my property....not when I can use my 45.
1. somebody will just "shoot" your badass dog no matter how big, fast, mean, or how hard it bites
2. Then they will steal your bike
3. Then you will come home and have a dead dog and a stolen motorcycle.

Just a thought, if your coming home to it how would your plan of shooting them work any differently? :poke:
Well, the neighborhood bike thieves tried to get the BKing again. They thought I had it in the shed when its really in the house. They tore up my shed door and doorjam. Anyway, a new alarm system will be installed in the house and the shed next week. I will also have a 500 watt Halogen light that lights up the shed, it will be set on a movement sensor.

I have now loaded up the S&W M&P 9mm compact with Magsafe rounds. I will not hesitate to give these scumbags a dirt nap with pushing up daisies as a full time job. I also don't care if they are under age. In Florida you can blast them if they whip out a weapon (knife) and swing at you. I have had enough. Shots will be fired if they have a weapon of ANY type.

Buy a cheap knife and wrap their dead fingers around it.
Buy a cheap knife and wrap their dead fingers around it.
Man that is the last thing you want to do is to falsify a crime scene...those guys have so many ways to catch you that it would make your head shake... I know you are just trying to be funny...but really...never ever mess around with a crime scene to stack it in your favor...blood mists...foot prints..dna everywhere...better to bet a million on the lottery than throwing your life away ...take your chances with the courts...2hip