Bike Week


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I'm planning on going to Bike Week down in SC, but many have warned me to watch my bike at all times. Obviously, it's impossible to watch the bike at all times. I've got an alarm on the bike, but worried that won't be enough. Any suggestions? Places to secure the bike when I'm not riding it? What have others done. (By the way, I'm not gonna rent a cheap room on the first floor of a motel so I can park the bike inside the room).
put some thought into it.
there's guys out there that'll steal the trailer, bike and your girl if your not look'n
Hell naw! Sleep with in the hotel room and handcuff yourself to it,I'm serious...All the Pro bike thieves will be there in force.Sleep in shifts, get caught snoozing...your stuff will be gone like a mofo!
1. I recommend you park the bike in between something so that people can not fall over it or easily pick it up.

Leaving it out in the open makes it REAL easy to pick up and throw in a van.

2. Get a good lock, you will find that I hype RoadLoK as the best on the market. We have a group buy going on right now, PM me for more details.

3. DO NOT leave it in the trailer!! Trailers are easy targets, especially if they have stickers all over them.

4. Put your bike in your room if possible.
if not use a cover that has a locking system.
Make sure you PM me before leaving. Day Trip for me. Security provided by Glock and Roadlok
(dadofthree @ Jan. 27 2007,15:07) Make sure you PM me before leaving. Day Trip for me. Security provided by Glock and Roadlok
Welcome to the team, I personally use Springfield and RoadLoK!
<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'></span><span style='font-family:arial'></span><span style='color:blue'></span> Thanks for the feedback. I guess I'll go this year w/o my bike, scope things out, and then go with my bike in "08."

That's a damn sham too! I've been working on the bike for three months now; chrome, paint, mods, LEDs, etc. Guess I'll have to show it off locally.
to be honest there's not that much ride'n going on. It's more watching than ride'n. tons of eye candy
(rockadaous @ Jan. 27 2007,14:56) to be honest there's not that much ride'n going on.  It's more watching than ride'n.  tons of eye candy
that sums it up just about right.
You couldn't pay me enough to take my bike down there .....and it's just down the road !
Not to threadjack (too much)

Makes me paranoid about Laconia! Anyone been?

Threadjack out!
I have insurance so that I can enjoy my bike! If you have insurance take it and enjoy it! Put the locks on it and make it as difficult as possible. With that many bikes in town, the theives will be going after the easy to steal ones.
(Strait Line @ Jan. 27 2007,18:12) No matter what you do to protect it if they want it they will get it.Make sure your covered on insurance then no worries.
This is true just make it hard for them, and maybe they will find a new victim.
kawiboy11 and I are going to Daytona in March and I worry about the same thing, I think I am going to sleep with it or sneak it into the hotel every night, will probably have to modify the door jamb to get it in!!