Ahhh...the mysterious pocket of air trick......have we over looked a very important piece of the equation ????.......the bike was on it's side. Refilling it won't restart the system circulation until most of the air is gone. It takes just about 3.5 qts.
Empty the system, take both side fairings off, pull the lower hose on the left side and let sit for five minutes, pull right hose for what's left. Reinstall both hoses, and tighten clamps. Fill system with distilled water (while you're chasing issues here), and then put cap on, and roll bike to left, then right, then left, then right again. I can usually get it over about 45 degrees. Remove cap, and refill to top. Roll bike back and forth like before, pull cap and refill. I actually do this procedure at least three times, pumping bubbles. Refill what little is left, then start bike and bring to running temperature while rolling bike back and forth......don't forget to put some fluid in reservoir.
Could it be this stupidly simple ???.......As I recall, the last time I did a system flush, it took one good trip down the freeway, and then I noticed an inch of liquid had disappeared from the reservoir that evening after cooling. I topped, and have lost none since.....interesting.
It's a simple procedure you can do yourself. You may just have a big bubble in the head galley's, and the system hasn't pumped it out, because it can't work up circulation..... wouldn't that be cool ???......Why Zuke never incorporated a bleed valve somewhere is beyond me. The manual does state that rocking is necessary. If a newb tech hasn't read the procedure, he hasn't a clue.....
GM, you're a genius man.....my apologies for overlooking the obvious, I'll bet that's it. I was assuming the system had been properly refilled and burped. The dude working on it probably missed it too !!!!

The pump can't build the vacuum necessary, and it can't get the bubble moving either........