Blue Light Special

here is my take on it. just my 2.5cents if its under 100 stop most likely a civil infraction, a couple points and higher insurance. = fun tax.

if over 100 it is probably already a felony!= no driver license and for some they would lose their job. if i get a felony i cant work! so its not worth it

if you run you become responsible for anything that happens in the Chase of you. if a mom in a car becomes scared when you pass her at 150 and crashes and dies it is you fault= major jail time
its just not worth it.

or you die in the Chase. is it worth it.
ride smart
I'm in Va. If the situation is right, i will run. The new speeding laws have enforced this. I don't consider myself a runner, but these new laws have instilled the fleeing aspect into me.
This is waaay to subjective to render any generalized opinions of ANY certain areas/ you can run into an azzhole just about anywhere...anytime...however...sometimes?...there's current events that turn leo's into azzholes...such as...

about 5 years back?...I got pulled over 8 times in one riding season on two different bikes...3 times on my Kaw ZRX and 5 times on my Yami FZ1...2 of those times was by the same officer who pulled me once on the REX and the 2nd time on the Yami...the 1st time was for 55 in a 35 where i overtook another vehicle in a speedtrap...he cut me a break...the 2nd time?...i ramped up to about 70 in a 45 while overtaking a sanford and son POS red pick-up that was do'in like 35 in a 45..he nailed me on the slow down...and as soon as i shed my lid?...he reconized me and remembered pulling me before on my old REX...then asked me why the hurry?...i told'im about the POS pick-up and then pointed out a distant thunderstorm to him...telling him that it's about 2 miles from my home and i just got off work and that i was trying to get to my house before the storm did...and again?..he cut me a break...and also added that he rides an RC51 but warned me that the 3 strike rule was now officially in effect.

Out of those 8 pull-overs?...only 1 officer was a complete azz....late on a friday night....just got off 10 hours of 2nd shift...headed home on the FZ1....rolled up to a redlight....saw some distant (yet close) headlights coming...felt the bike come to a complete stop (but didn't put a foot down) and just let'er fall right and hit it knowing i had plenty of room for my bike acceleration to NOT cause the oncoming traffic to hafta hit brakes or anything...close for the cager...but plenty of room for the HP i was weilding...blew through the first two gears and was up to speed in a couple seconds...and here come the blue lights...

LEO was pissed off.....and i was pissed off....he walks up and starts screaming at me that i ran a redlight...pulled out in front of traffic and that if it weren't for his supreme braking skills that i'd be dead and who did i think i was yada..yada...yada...going off on me...

This was the only time of the 8 times i got pulled that season that i didn't suck up and yes sir him to death (like all the others)...and the first words out of my mouth were....


and as he stood there with his jaw dropped and face turning red?...i cut loose on him and followed with...

Tell ya write me all the chickenshid tickets you want cause if you even write me so much as one ticket?...i'll be seeing your lying azz in court! GAURENDAMNTEED!

Now i had his curiosity and real snotty like he asked me..."And Why's That!?"

so i explained...

I came to a full and complete stop...i just didn't put my foot down...and when i pulled out for my LEGAL RIGHT TURN ON RED?....i was closely monitoring my mirrors to see just how fast i needed to accelerate to keep the oncoming traffic from having to brake for me and guess what i saw just before you hit your blue lights?...

Him: "What?"

Me: I saw you HEADLIGHTS RISE!...which means you sir?...Freaking ACCELERATED after me...and NOT...braked for or because of me...and i think you were hoping that i would run...and i really want to hear you explain to a judge in court how i pulled out in front of you IMMEDIATELY accelerated after me?....your a break out your pen and start writing away big boy....cause I'll be taking YOU to court...i promise you that.

He was steaming pissed...took my license...went back to his unit...for several looooong minutes....probably to calm down...then returned...and wouldn't even look me in my he began violently scribling out what he explained was a "Warning Ticket"...

The weird part?...I couldn't blame him in whole for his the whole reason i got pulled 8 times that year?...was because some jerkwad in my area got pulled over on a blue yamaha...and when the officer got out of his unit?....the sportbiker decided to run...the officer decided to try and grab his bars and tackle him...the officer lost...and got run over by the fleeing sportbiker seriously injuring the officer...and that year?...that year was hell for all sportbikers in my area...if you wanted to ride hard? basically had to head out west and leave town.

Generally?...either i'm one lucky bastid or?...most leo's aren't so bad after all and wearing your gear and showing the utmost respect (in most situations) actually "works"...that been my experience anyways...but i'll NEVER run.....ever...and if i or any of the buds i ride with ever caught the dude on the yami that ran that officer over that year?...we'd of turned his azz in in a heartbeat...with huge smiles on our faces....and trust me...we were ALL looking for him.

L8R, Bill.
Evading while they turn around isn't necessarily the same as running. I ducked into an alley once when the LEO went out of sight and then when he found me I was parked and he hadn't got my plate before, so I got off with a good talking to... That was when I was in college and today I wouldn't even do that much. As a few others have said, you take a lot of risks when you try to run or evade. Stay safe.
99% of the time I have been pulled over I have actually been doing something wrong.

99% of the time I have been pulled over officers have been courteous even when a citation was issued.

99% of the time when I received a citation I was trying to BS my way out of it.

99% of the time when I received a warning I was telling the truth and made honest conversation about the event.

99% of the time it was probably my attitude.

Oh and thanks Gunny.
I am with the guys that might speed up and take a few extra turns if they have to turn around. No turns that are taking me waaaayyy out of my way because if you tell him the truth about where you were going. For the most part I just pull over.

If I were a VA citizen I might run. There fines are crazzzzzyyyyyy.

SNAP sorry to hear about what happened to ya. Sounds like the bullet was the least of your anguish over what happened that day.

To all the leo's. I am in the military and your job is way too dangerous for me. The laws are not on your side.
It's never worth it to run. A while back a fella on a hayabusa outran a state trooper and the trooper wrecked and was killed; that busa rider will be behind bars for a long time. As long as you have a license and all your ducks in a row and act polite 9/10 cops will treat you well.
I realized that my intial post made me out alittle more reckless than i really am. What i mean to say is that there is a certain time to do things and certain times not to. Open highway at 1am? Maybe i'd run, depending on the situation.  I refuse to get pulled for Bullcrap,  if the cop is just bored or out to stroke his Ego.  Congested city or suburb? Noway.

You ex or active cops here can't say nothing to me to think otherwise. My Brother n'law and Dad are both law enforcement and i see the behind the scenes deal.

There may be some cool cops somewhere out there, but the one's i run into SUCK. The boys in VA have some bad attitudes and i for one....frankly, as a taxpayer, i've had it.

Snap, Gunny. Don't take what is said as personal attacks. I'm sure you guys are great people, but the system your sworn to uphold isn't making the good cops outhere look to good.

I'm for law enforcement..... but, when BS is dished out to me that is total crap, my resentment goes up and i can't help but lose more and more respect.
Well considering my insurance isn't exactly valid, this is dictated by OUTRAGEOUS RATES! And I also have no license, living in a city not a rural area.. Running tends to be the first thing to come to mind..

Police cant really chase you after about 2 blocks because 1.You're already long gone & 2.City cops KNOW that it's just not safe to chase after that PERIOD.

I know Im gonna catch a lot of shi* for posting this but it's the reality.. Most members on this forum DO NOT represent your average motorcycle rider.. This could also be just my 20 year old spewing nonsense, im not sure..
been pulled over 12 times 6 in my cage and 6 on the busa. a total of 1 ticket 94 in 65 in my cage. never ran did not bother to look paasing one at 150
Been Street riding 23 years, never pulled over once, and I'm no Sunday driver. I attribute this to active awareness of my surroundings at all times, I constantly am surveying the road ahead of me and never speed (excessively) when there is on coming traffic because of the LEO's instant-on radar capabilities. My dad is also retired LEO and I was hired as Phx PD but quit for a better paying job. So I know the mentality. Biggest factor by far though is my radar detector, easily has saved me from many tickets!
I'm with Gunny and Snap..."YOU'RE AN AZZHAT"...and how many people, besides yourself, did you endanger in fleeing this LEO
?. If you say "No one", you're lying pure and simple. So that puts you in the "Dingaling with a Hayabusa CLUB".....don't think that the LEO won't be looking for you, and when he sees you....Hmmmm...I wonder. They're "professional observers". If ol' Spud went by at triple digits, don't think they'll catch the big Dainese triangle thingy on my back, the red stripe on the leg, the RED and BLACK super bike......yada yada yada.......hard not to find me at 100am also, as I'm the only fast moving bike on the highway.....You won't catch me evading in traffic EITHER.....GROW THE "F#&K" UP.......

Sorry O-R-G apologies..... THIS GUY'S an AZZHAT "WITH" a Hayabusa.........dude, sell your bike and stop embarrassing us......heck stop embarrassing "ME"..... "Time and place"....


They got a SS Camaro in that nick of the woods that you wont be too far ahead of.Be careful.
Ok I'll try to make this Short, I was ridin with One other guy, Jerkoff in a SUV on left shoulder of road cuts over 4 lanes of traffic almost takes me out, I swive two lanes to avoid the SUV, the other rider is on my right side the SUV almost hits him. The SUV was so close to him him Punchs the Mirror off the guys SUV (Not a good thing to do.) I have NO IDEA this is going on behind me. Anyway I go about 4 or 5 miles pull into a gas station to get air. I witness vechile pulls in the guys Im ride with tells me what happen back there GREAT. HE leave I said I would handle it. THINKING IM IN THE CLEAR I DID NOTHING. The witness calls police I not going anywhere they have my plate at this point. Other Car pulls in Mirror Hanging OFF (LOL Not Funny) I said to the guy Nice Move A**Hole U almost hit me. And hit the guy I was riding with. He says I did see You (DUH) and I didnt hit him He punched the mirror of my car. State troopers pull in I tell him I DONT know the Guy. So the 8 year old son say Im the one punched the Mirror I say BuLLSh*t, So my in cuffs not for the Mirror for Reckless Driving. I said SIR this is a HAYABUSA If I wanted to run I can get way from a Toyota Sinnea. The cop is like OK Cuffs Off call the guy your riding with I wont arrest you I will ticket both of you. So I call and get his ass down there Cop writes my a RECKLESS BuLL*hit and him a Reckless and Propery Damage. I get it knock down to unsafe lane change 130.00 and 2 points. The witness shows for him in court Not the Guy with the Damged Mirror and he's Craps get DISMISSIED. Unbeliveable.  
Well considering my insurance isn't exactly valid, this is dictated by OUTRAGEOUS RATES! And I also have no license, living in a city not a rural area.. Running tends to be the first thing to come to mind..

Police cant really chase you after about 2 blocks because 1.You're already long gone & 2.City cops KNOW that it's just not safe to chase after that PERIOD.

I know Im gonna catch a lot of shi* for posting this but it's the reality.. Most members on this forum DO NOT represent your average motorcycle rider.. This could also be just my 20 year old spewing nonsense, im not sure..
So you have no valid license and no valid insurance, yet you still ride? if your insurance rates are so ridiculous that you dont want to pay them or cant afford them, maybe you shouldnt own a bike?  I sure hope for your sake that you never cause (or even get in) an accident.  because regardl;ess of fault, they'll hang everything on you, and here's what will happen:

1) you'll get tickets (BIG tickets) for no license and no insurance, plus an additional ticket for causing the wreck.

2) you'll probably go to jail.

3) your insurance rates will skyrocket on anything else you own

4) you'll lose your drivers license

5) you'll wind up paying for the damages to your bike and any other vehicle damaged out of your own pocket (since you dont have insurance, it'll come out of your own pocket, or if they have full coverage, their insurance will cover it and the insurance company will come after you for the damages, admin fees, collection fees, etc)

6) you'll probably get sued by the driver of the other vehicle for whatever kind of mental anguish, etc, their lawyer thinks they can get in court.

it's people who do this kind of stuff who give the rest of us a bad name.  Nost of us here DO represent the overall bike community, regardless of what you might think.  I'm sorry that your image of the "typical motorcycle rider" is that of a law-breaking, street racing, no license having, no insurance having dirtbag.  Maybe thats what most of the folks you ride with are, I dont know.  But I hope for your sake that's not the case. If it is, the liklihood that the state of your license and insurance is going to catch up to you sooner rather than later.