Boast about your kid/kid's here...seriously.

well lets see i have 4 kids. My youngest is 2. She just finished potty training and can say her abc really good as well as sing twinkle twinkle. She was a joy to watch open presents at christmas. But best of all she calls me pappa! I love it!!!

My next rugrat is almost 4. She is a little daredevil and is very smart as well. She doesnt put up with anyones crap and i thik will be the defender out of the gang:)

then my 7 year old boy is a video game freak. He is really good at them as well it seems. He does well in school and enjoys soccer very much. He is more my quiet one.

finally i have my soon to be 10 year old. He is an avid hunter,,,just shot his first buck this year!!! He is also my soccer star playing up 2 levels so he will be challenged.He does all a and b in school too!!

I love my kids and am very proud of them!! Thanks for the thread to share!! refreshing from some of the norm.
I'm pretty lucky to have two great girls--one 11 and one 12. Both are well adjusted kids in the neighborhood, both have been taking tae kwon do for a little over two years, and don't take crap off anyone to include boys! BTW, I got abot the best gift they could give a Dad...they both made the straight A honor roll this grae period. To be clear on this one, one always makes the honor roll, while not always straight A's. The older one last year was strictly average, and this year has gone ballistic in her studies, making the honor roll her first time in two years. I am a proud Daddy for sure!
Ok ill join in....I was at my ex wifes house for Christmas a few days ago, and there sits my 6 year old around the tree staring at all the presents Santa brought her....As she looks at them all, she starts digging through, and hands me a few things that she had made for me. (by the way, the home-made gifts from the kids are the greatest things ever!) As i sat there, fully expecting her to rip all her stuff apart, i realized that she was more excited about me opening the things that she had made me then she was about opening her own presents. She wanted nothing to do with opening ANY of her stuff til i opened everything she had made me...

I know everyone brags about their kids, and they should, but man, seeing a 6 year old be that thoughtless about herself and being more excited on Christmas morning for me to open my stuff before she opened anything of hers really made me thankful. This little girl thinks of others before herself on a regular basis and its awsome!! Im SOOOOO proud of her!! And to think, shes only 6....wonder what her future holds?
Kids? Is that what ya call them short people who live in my house?

Jake has do so much this year i would not know where to start. Some good, some bad, but all in all he is a great kid and I love him more then anything in the world!
Oldest 22..Double major in Business and Management with a 3.8 GPA. Excellent in sports as well. National Champ in Taekwondo for many years. Made Jr. team, competed in Brazil for the USA (Jr. Pan American Games) came in third. Blew his knee out ACL and MCL while getting ready for Worlds in Korea. Training again for a spot on the College World Team. Also rides and tracks his R6. Made him attend MSF, buy his own bikes (2) and pay for his own insurance. He also has two jobs.

Second son 17 and a total opposite. Avg student, not an athlete by any means. Just accepted into two State Colleges. Very happy about this and proud of him. Getting his drivers license next week. I'll be sure to let you Californians know so you can stay off the streets! :laugh: No job yet but he hasn't been looking either.

Both boys are drug free BUT I know they tip a few back. My 17 yr. old is sneaky!
i ain't got any youngin's but i have a step daughter that i've had since she was 2 . shes 7 now and is on an advanced cheering squad(thanks to her mother who was a gymnast that almost went to the Olympics when she was 12 or 13). oh yea did i mention i was 40 years old and my wife is 28? :laugh:

heres about half her ribbons and trophy's, we just painted her room pink and don't have everything up yet.

she also has a 49cc pocket rocket and wants to drag race motorcycles when she gets older. the paper in the top left of the 2nd picture is her honor roll certificate from earlier in the school year.


I hate kids..i barely tolerate my own! :laugh:

But my Youngest was Player of the Year 2 out of 3 years at our Local Golf Course. :thumbsup:
Yeah he out plays me regularly on the course! :banghead:
They're always so cute and loveable when they're young..Proud to show off their A's and B's homework...Gold Stars...hallmark home life...happy to recieve anything and Mom, Dad and Home Sweet Home are their everything.

Then they grow hair in their crotch and the character transformation begins..

instead of "cant wait to get home from school?"..they cant wait to get out of the and dad suddenly go from rock stars to losers seemingly much so that they begin to believe it themselves as the level of out-of-control dis-respect esculates on a daily basis and any sort of punishment is met with threats of phone calls to DCF for child threatened and dialed by the out-of-control adolecent child.

It's funny how we all think we know how things are going to turn out with our children or that they are all going to live up to our unrealistic disney family expectations...and "the crush" that happens when they dont.

With 3 daughters and an inept wife who became more their friend than their parent long ago?..I've been through it..especially with the 14 i had the local LEO's (one whom was a busa riding bud of mine) run her down after she climbed into a gang banging party van at 4:00 in the morning with her mother going hysterical..they caught'er within minutes just a few miles from home..5 males in the van with her..3 teen minors and 2 teen 15?..i pulled grown men out of her bedroom closet at gunpoint...then she started sneaking men in the house at night..i've taken time off from work to drive my daughter to the state attourney office only to have my own daughter flip the script by setting the scene that dads an extreme prejudice redneck when i'm anything but...and then?..the drugs thing started happening..15-16..cant get'er home till waaaay late...mothers crying..she stumbles through the door stoned off her azz...and then?..i broke.

A far cry from the moral standards i expected to hold and maintain..

She's now 19...with my 1st 2 month old grandson..and living with the baby daddy thug up the street..the good news?

I got 5+ months clean & sober for the 2nd time in my life...

I have 2 daughters left..17 & 12..and i dont think they'll be following in older sissys they already witnessed the he11 of days gone by.

it's all close to over..and i'll be starting a new life soon..leaving the horrors, resentment and wreckage of my past far far behind me.

My daughters once asked me whats kept you and mom together so long?..and at the moment?..i was screwed up enough to tell'em the truth..


L8R, Bill. :cool:
I don't know what to say other than I remember that I was quite a dirtbag delinquent myself and somehow turned out somewhat OK (thanks to the Marine Corps in part)and now I, like many other dads, savor my time with my daughters. I also realize that, like other creatures on the planet, they begin forays into other relationships and places and my wife and I just hope that we have equipped them to make healthy choices as they become increasingly independant and explore life outside the home. As a dad I learned one thing, I was wrong just as many times as they were and being able to admit that did great things to my relationship with each of my daughters. Humility is a strength. Doyle
I don't know what to say other than I remember that I was quite a dirtbag delinquent myself and somehow turned out somewhat OK (thanks to the Marine Corps in part)and now I, like many other dads, savor my time with my daughters. I also realize that, like other creatures on the planet, they begin forays into other relationships and places and my wife and I just hope that we have equipped them to make healthy choices as they become increasingly independant and explore life outside the home. As a dad I learned one thing, I was wrong just as many times as they were and being able to admit that did great things to my relationship with each of my daughters. Humility is a strength. Doyle

Thanks Doyle...think i needed to hear that! :bowdown: :thumbsup:

i too was quite the lil he11raiser myself..

how dare i think any of my daughters could possibly be better than me! :laugh:

Thanks again..L8R, Bill. :cool:
Ok ill join in....I was at my ex wifes house for Christmas a few days ago, and there sits my 6 year old around the tree staring at all the presents Santa brought her....As she looks at them all, she starts digging through, and hands me a few things that she had made for me. (by the way, the home-made gifts from the kids are the greatest things ever!) As i sat there, fully expecting her to rip all her stuff apart, i realized that she was more excited about me opening the things that she had made me then she was about opening her own presents. She wanted nothing to do with opening ANY of her stuff til i opened everything she had made me...

I know everyone brags about their kids, and they should, but man, seeing a 6 year old be that thoughtless about herself and being more excited on Christmas morning for me to open my stuff before she opened anything of hers really made me thankful. This little girl thinks of others before herself on a regular basis and its awsome!! Im SOOOOO proud of her!! And to think, shes only 6....wonder what her future holds?

That is such a sweet story! You should keep a journal and write down things like this to give to her when she is like 16, 17 or 18. Something you made for her!
OK, if I may....I have two teenage daughters, one 9th grader, one 12th grader. Both are in the International Baccalaureate program. The oldest is a National Merit semifinalist and has received letters from over 40 Universities, including 5 "full merit scholarships", which means all paid! Yes, it blows my mind, I'm so proud I can't stand it, she wants to be an MD researcher in Nuroscience. One of her school choices is Oregon State University in Corvalis and that blends pretty well with our retirement plans in Oregon! We'll see, thanks for asking and letting me brag. Doyle

Very impressive! It's obvious your children have very good parents. It says a lot about you and your wife. Good job :thumbsup:
I have 4 boys. Joseph who is 22 years old, Brandon is 20 years old, Jonathon is 18, and Levi is 16. The two oldest work Subaru/Toyota plant with their mother and the 18 year old still goes to school and our 16 year old is serving a 4 year sentence in a level 4 prison. This is one year we would like to forget.