Busa1166 your friend needs to see his kids no matter what she did .
Sorry for the interjection.
Sorry for the interjection.
1st DNA test to confirm all is well.
2nd Since he has already started an allotment (keep track because I saw in court a couple of years ago a guy was paying in cash and when they went to court about the child support the girl said it was a gift for two years. The court hit him up for back child support). If he is in the military then on his allotment in DFAS make sure he checks its for guardianship support.
3rd. Tell his wife. If they are in to the end then there will be hardache and pain but in the end the children wont have to wait years and suddenly find out they are siblings.
4th PRAY
He is military. That's another factor if it blows up, he might lose his career if the command finds out and fry him for adultery. If he ask for DNA, she might flip out too, and tell the command just for him asking. I guess its just a matter of time before this whole ordeal escalates. Not to mention, his wife will flip out too and tell the command.
+1000if i were him, i'd ask for dna testing......who's to say she wasn't hoeing around like he was.
And he'd better keep a paper trail of his payments to her, in case she comes after him for back shild support.
I have a very close friend of mine that is caught in a dilema. I feel part guilty of it, but I have loyalty to my friends. My friend is married with a 6 year old daughter and his wife was pregnant when he met this woman. The affair lasted for 13 month until he had to leave town. On his last month here he found out that she was pregnant by him. He tried everything he could to make her consider an abortion, but it was against her beliefs and she kept the baby. He accepted the situation and relocated, but along with that he already started an allotment going to her on a monthly basis for support. She's well aware that he's married with kids, and she's also aware that they were just doing it for fun at that moment.
Having this situation happen to you: Would you tell your wife now after all this time? or would you just prolong the inevitable and keep the secret from your wife until the situation presents itself down the future?
1340 are we sure this friend isn't you ?
Just asking ?
Either way sounds like his world is going to unravel very fast soon.
If you are his friend make sure to be there for him cuz life could get pretty bad.
Guys like this wind up taking their own lives and leaving even more of a mess.