bout new bike and have a ?


I just have bout a 2003 Hayabusa with 243 miles on it. When it cranks up a lil bit of smoke comes out. I was wondering if thats normal when its breaking in or what. Thanks for any help

You ain't there yet! You movin' like pond water, bro'! Get that thing back to the dealer and have it checked out.
My 04 smokes quite a biut then I brough it home, but after about 20 miles it was cleared up. A brand new bike should smoke some , but i think 243 mils is a bit much.
smoke is usually caused from a foreign substance being burned in the chamber, but would be easier to diagnose if we knew what color it is.......wether or not it's bad?...I have no idea. But it's certainly not considered "normal". I'm just using common sense and the basic knowledge of combustion engines, I am in no way a mechanic:)
Mine never smoked a bit from 0 miles up...I would get it checked out pronto