Hmmmmm full power after stutter, when pulling away, I’m thinking that it could be a sensor playing up, maybe the water temperature switch (screwed into the corner of the cylinder head), if the temperature sensor is telling the ecu that the engine is stone cold, it could be causing the bike to over fuel on start up and low revs, under load in low gear and clears once the revs pick up. The map sensor, that the vacuum pipe from the throttle bodies plug into, is also in control of fuel mixture or the oxygen sensor that screws into the air box, a workshop manual or google search will tell you how to check these sensors.
After cranking and no start, can you take the plugs out and see their condition?
Can you also check the compressions of the 4 cylinders, poor starting can be down to poor compressions or do a ‘leak down’ test, this would eliminate valves, rings, head gasket.
It’s also worth getting your valve clearances checked.
Hope you get some luck.