Brake upgrade

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So first ride ad I doubt i have the pads fully bedded in and OMG what a difference, the guys I asked who all have raced at varying levels inc British superstock and irish road racing all said MC first with lines and pads then bigger diameter discs to increase clamping effect so will be ordering some 330mm discs from Braketech soon but might need some help from one of you usa guys re postage.
I now pretty much have one finger braking with out final bleed and not fully bedded in pads, amazing
Do three 60mph+ emergency stops and the brake pads will be embedded in the rotor(I think Ebc even has that on the back of the package the pads came in).

Bigger diameter rotors are more rotating mass for the same calipers to try and stop...
Yes but it works on the principal of centrifugal force! The braking force applied further out from the centre of the wheel is far greater than a smaller diameter disc , the actual disc surface ie the part in contact with pad is same width so virtually no different in weight
I guess if you’re a aggressive street rider or heading to a track, bigger discs may make sense. But for me, and I’m quite aggressive at times, the standard size rotors, quality ebc pads work just dandy.
but agree 100%, the change to a good m/c makes a huge difference
Look at all the "grudge" bikes with one disc total...Chris Moore and the gang.....and their bikes seem to stop..

I'd say the stock discs are more than adequate....

The gen 3 went with bigger discs yet kept the crappy M/Cs from the BKing....

Changing out the M/C, lines and pads makes a huge difference and all anyone would ever need for light track or street use....
Look at all the "grudge" bikes with one disc total...Chris Moore and the gang.....and their bikes seem to stop..

I'd say the stock discs are more than adequate....

The gen 3 went with bigger discs yet kept the crappy M/Cs from the BKing....

Changing out the M/C, lines and pads makes a huge difference and all anyone would ever need for light track or street use....
Those grudge bikes with one disc are stopping once.
Then not again for a while, long after the brakes have cooled.
I wouldn't want to agressive street ride, drag knees through the mountains, or street race on one rotor, eventually you'll get more brake fade than you would with 2 rotors.
Those grudge bikes with one disc are stopping once.
Then not again for a while, long after the brakes have cooled.
I wouldn't want to agressive street ride, drag knees through the mountains, or street race on one rotor, eventually you'll get more brake fade than you would with 2 rotors.
Lots of grudge bikes are being ridden on the streets and stopping more than once....

However, I digress as I would never personally ride with one brake disc...I find with the upgrades I have done, my brakes are more than adequate even using stock disc bike does have EBC 5.5mm discs on it though...