Well you left out a teeny tiny few detais in your hypothesis. Walker started shooting at the cops and in fact hitting them, when they busted in. At that point, taking him in for questioning, wasn't what was on their mind. And how your supposed hypothesis supports how they decided let's shoot someone else instead of him. If they had the skills to per your theory, shoot her on purpose, they had the same skills to shoot Walker. Cops unloaded rounds everywhere, including into the neighbors dwellings. Yet they couldn't manage a shot into Walker? Now I've known a few cops. And there are some cops on this thread. Firearms proficiency training is routine and frequent. Cops know how to find a target and make it generally feasible that they can accurately hit said target. How can you miss the right target, and hit multiple times, the wrong one. Let's shoot Breona, so um we can intimidate the guy we are not able to hit. And oh by the way, communicate this change of plan to all the firing officers in that moment Walker began firing.
And they were going to her apt as per the warrant and knew she had a history with who they were looking for. Would she have also been wanted to be taken for questioning as well? I mean why shoot one and leave the other. Is one less valuable for questioning? So they exterminate?
And you think my logic is twisted? I am totally not surprised you do.