Brock and Ricky G Press Day in Vegas for the new ZX14R

I say impressive for a bike with a 175 pound rider with a bike that has gained weight in 2012 (585 pounds ) running stock mufflers in 2900 foot DA .. Sure nobody runs stock mufflers , that is not the point.. The point is nobody on a Gen 1 ZX14 ever came close to that number with stock pipes even with a strap and lowered including Ricky.. I would have to look it up but if i remember right ricky best on the gen 1 zx14 strapped and lowered with stock pipes at Vegas was 9.70s ...So 9.25 on the new bike is a long way from the old zx14 at 9.70s ..

Oh ok, so compared to the gen1 zx14 yes that is a big improvement. Which means with real mods it should be pretty fast.
Sorry for your injuries which I also hope you may overcome. But I really don't give a hoot if a Kowi can run 3's in the 1/4, it is still skanky butt fugly and I wouldn't entertain comparing it to a Busa of any Gen.. Enjoy your writing of duck poop colored bikes!
Picture of my bike when it ran (9.62) .. just picked it up from the dealer .. 20 miles on the speedo..


Same bike piped and tunned , stock wheel base ( 9.11 )


same bike , same mods with wheel base added ..


See the blue bottle .. That was 30 shoot and ran 8.53 @ 163
Sorry for your injuries which I also hope you may overcome. But I really don't give a hoot if a Kowi can run 3's in the 1/4, it is still skanky butt fugly and I wouldn't entertain comparing it to a Busa of any Gen.. Enjoy your writing of duck poop colored bikes!

Lol, agreed. Hemi needs to go push his pro-Kaw propaganda to someone who is buying that garbage.
Lol, agreed. Hemi needs to go push his pro-Kaw propaganda to someone who is buying that garbage.
Good keep a closed mind to anything new .. There are a lot of zx14 owners on this web site .. They like both bikes and they like getting new info on the other brands .. If you don't like the post don't read them ..
the bike is certainly more appealing with the longer wheelbase. anything going 8's on pump gas if impressive. how does that tranny hold up to the power? 145 lb rider is a jockey but nevertheless thats still fast.
You guys are tough:peace:

Any way you cut it the ZX-14R is a hot bike and we busanistas may have to face the reality that there maybe a new sherif in town. To be honest I'm a bit miffed at Suzuki for sitting back and letting Kawasaki get away with taking the flag from the busa with such average technology that everyone has. I still like the Busa's more sporting orientation, but are you telling me Suzuki couldn't even put Gixer 1K break master cylinder on the 2012?

All I can say is if Suzuki shows up in 2013 with new colors I'm done. It pisses me off that even the stock cans on the Kawi look pretty good:hmmm: I have never owned anything other than a Suzuki, but it's time to look for a new team.
the bike is certainly more appealing with the longer wheelbase. anything going 8's on pump gas if impressive. how does that tranny hold up to the power? 145 lb rider is a jockey but nevertheless thats still fast.
Nobody i know has had a trans problems .. I had 3500 passes on my 2006 ZX14 and never had a problem .. My 2009 had 1500 passes before i sold it and no problems .. I got 250 passes on Avg before i needed to replace the clutches .. I can say about the new bike as that is yet to be seen ..
Good keep a closed mind to anything new .. There are a lot of zx14 owners on this web site .. They like both bikes and they like getting new info on the other brands .. If you don't like the post don't read them ..

This is a Hayabusa site Hemi;;; If I wanted to read about STAGED comparison's done by Ricky and the Kaw team, and other pro-ZX-14 propaganda, I would go to a Kawasaki site. But since you insist on pushing your Kaw agenda here, I will continue debating... It is very nice supporting Suzuki Hayabusa the #1 bike on the Planet.
This is a Hayabusa site Hemi;;; If I wanted to read about STAGED comparison's done by Ricky and the Kaw team, and other pro-ZX-14 propaganda, I would go to a Kawasaki site. But since you insist on pushing your Kaw agenda here, I will continue debating... It is very nice supporting Suzuki Hayabusa the #1 bike on the Planet.
Brock is a true Busa man , if you don't believe him you have your head stuck in the sand ..Anyway i'm done .. I posted the info , use it or not use it ..
Get some lotion on the hands of the guy holding the wind speed for fast bikes...make them faster and brag all you want
Fastest pass as i know of was not a pro was the guy that rode the white busa and he ran 9.41
I have never seen one of this magazine guys go very fast , they are not drag racers and don't really have the skills ..
So i'm guessing you don't trust what Brock had to say about the preproduction bike.. Why would brock lie ?

Maybe you are confusing me with someone else....

Fastest "STOCK" passes that Brock posted are 10.0, 10.06, and Brock @ 10.09.......CORRECTED they eeked into the 9's...

I trust everything Brock says, whats your point?

Is the bike fast, yes! But with all the hype, 1441cc, longer swingarm, lighter wheels, etc..etc.. I expect it to be a LOT faster than it's showing. If the editors can't run any faster than they went at the 08 BUSA press-release then Kawi really didn't make it any faster and easier to ride for a regular joe. Isn't that the point of the changes and technology? I can't help but laugh when it takes a pro like Rickey to jump on and run fast passes...

Props to Kawi for improving there bike ( :clap: ) and hopefully bringing something faster to the table.....BUT for me, they still haven't earned my need/want to run out and buy one... :dunno:
This is a Hayabusa site Hemi;;; If I wanted to read about STAGED comparison's done by Ricky and the Kaw team, and other pro-ZX-14 propaganda, I would go to a Kawasaki site. But since you insist on pushing your Kaw agenda here, I will continue debating... It is very nice supporting Suzuki Hayabusa the #1 bike on the Planet.

Hemi, you just need to go start a ZX-14 site, and move on.
gotta love when a guy comes on a BUSA site talking about a 14 and expects not to get ROASTED
I hope R.G. has a body gaurd! If Hemi ever gets close to him he will hump Rickey's leg off.:D

sent from my dunce stool via Tapatalk
Busa get's threatened a little and some of you guys cry like a b!tch.Talk about any bike in the world and it's ok.Mention 14 and you cry and get affended....YOU are threatened and showing it...Stop acting so weak there fella's :laugh: it's just a machine,and this is the place to post anything bike related

GROWUP!!!!! and save the BS.